Page 2 - Balashi 17 March 2015
P. 2
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Cuba, U.S. hold new round
of talks on diplomatic ties
MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN in Washington last month terests Section chief from Magnets for sale decorate a tourist shop, one showing an image
ETER ORSI and both sides said they 2011 until last summer. He of U.S. President Barack Obama smelling a cigar, at a market in
ASSOCIATED PRESS were optimistic that they said other topics likely in- Havana, Cuba, Monday, March 16, 2015.
HAVANA (AP) — U.S. and would be able to resolve cluded housing for diplo-
Cuban diplomats talked a series of sticking points mats and U.S. shipments to Associated Press
behind closed doors Mon- before Obama and Castro the new embassy.
day in a last-minute round attend the Summit of the Mark Erwin, a former U.S.
of negotiations aimed at Americas in Panama on ambassador to Mauritius
restoring full diplomatic April 10-11. who met with Vidal and U.S.
relations before a key re- The first rounds each lasted officials in Cuba this month,
gional summit in less than a a day and saw negotiators said both sides were opti-
month. routinely issuing updates mistic that establishment
A small team of negotiators on progress. This week’s of actual embassies would
led by Assistant Secretary was held without a finish- happen before the April 10
of State for Western Hemi- ing date or any scheduled summit in Panama City.q
sphere Affairs Roberta S. statements to the press.
Jacobson met with Josefi- “I think their focus is on
na Vidal, Cuba’s top diplo- rolling up their sleeves
mat for U.S. affairs, in open- and having tough discus-
ended talks announced sions and getting the work
less than 48 hours before done,” State Department
Jacobson flew to Havana spokeswoman Jen Psaki
on Sunday. told reporters in Washing-
The U.S. and Cuba held ton.
their first round of talks in The State Department said
Havana in January, a little Friday that topics being dis-
more than a month after cussed in Havana would in-
presidents Barack Obama clude lifting caps on Cuban
and Raul Castro an- and U.S. diplomatic staff
nounced that they would and limits on their move-
reopen embassies in each ments outside Havana and
other’s countries and try to Washington.
move toward a broader “They’re down to sort of
normalization. nuts and bolts,” said John
The second round was held Caulfield, who was U.S. In-
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Cuba, U.S. hold new round
of talks on diplomatic ties
MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN in Washington last month terests Section chief from Magnets for sale decorate a tourist shop, one showing an image
ETER ORSI and both sides said they 2011 until last summer. He of U.S. President Barack Obama smelling a cigar, at a market in
ASSOCIATED PRESS were optimistic that they said other topics likely in- Havana, Cuba, Monday, March 16, 2015.
HAVANA (AP) — U.S. and would be able to resolve cluded housing for diplo-
Cuban diplomats talked a series of sticking points mats and U.S. shipments to Associated Press
behind closed doors Mon- before Obama and Castro the new embassy.
day in a last-minute round attend the Summit of the Mark Erwin, a former U.S.
of negotiations aimed at Americas in Panama on ambassador to Mauritius
restoring full diplomatic April 10-11. who met with Vidal and U.S.
relations before a key re- The first rounds each lasted officials in Cuba this month,
gional summit in less than a a day and saw negotiators said both sides were opti-
month. routinely issuing updates mistic that establishment
A small team of negotiators on progress. This week’s of actual embassies would
led by Assistant Secretary was held without a finish- happen before the April 10
of State for Western Hemi- ing date or any scheduled summit in Panama City.q
sphere Affairs Roberta S. statements to the press.
Jacobson met with Josefi- “I think their focus is on
na Vidal, Cuba’s top diplo- rolling up their sleeves
mat for U.S. affairs, in open- and having tough discus-
ended talks announced sions and getting the work
less than 48 hours before done,” State Department
Jacobson flew to Havana spokeswoman Jen Psaki
on Sunday. told reporters in Washing-
The U.S. and Cuba held ton.
their first round of talks in The State Department said
Havana in January, a little Friday that topics being dis-
more than a month after cussed in Havana would in-
presidents Barack Obama clude lifting caps on Cuban
and Raul Castro an- and U.S. diplomatic staff
nounced that they would and limits on their move-
reopen embassies in each ments outside Havana and
other’s countries and try to Washington.
move toward a broader “They’re down to sort of
normalization. nuts and bolts,” said John
The second round was held Caulfield, who was U.S. In-