Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20201030
P. 29
world news Diabierna 30 OctOber 2020
Israel lights candles for Rabin 25 years after assassination
square where he was assas-
sinated on Nov. 4, 1995, af-
ter addressing a peace rally,
and which is now named for
him. Israel holds memorial
ceremonies to mark the an-
niversary according to the
Jewish calendar.
Rabin was born in Jerusalem
in 1922 and commanded
troops in the 1948 war that
surrounded Israel's creation.
He rose through the ranks
of the military, serving as
chief of staff during Israel's
victory over neighboring
(AP) — Israelis lit thou- Jewish extremist as he Arab states in the 1967 war.
sands of candles on pursued peace with the
Thursday to mark the Palestinians. As prime minister he signed
25th anniversary of the the 1993 Oslo accords with seen as an historic break- He was gunned down by Yi-
assassination of Prime The Yitzhak Rabin Center the Palestinians, sharing a through in resolving the gal Amir, an ultra-nationalist
Minister Yitzhak Rabin, planned to light 25,000 can- Nobel Prize the following decades-old conflict. who is now serving a life
who was shot dead by a dles in the central Tel Aviv year for what was widely sentence.
Tanzania's opposition says vote 'spit in face of democracy'
(AP) — Whatever hap- are sending is, ‘Use force if of the continent, includ-
pened on Wednesday you can ... We won't let you ing leading the formation of
wasn't an election and was win through democracy." But the African Union ... many
like “spitting in the face he called for protests by dem- people look at Tanzania for a
of democracy," Tanzania’s ocratic means. sense of prestige and pride,”
leading opposition candi- Lissu, who survived an assas- Deprose Muchena with Hu-
date said Thursday, while sination attempt in 2017 and man Rights Watch told a
the United States noted returned from exile this year, briefing Thursday. “Today,
“credible allegations of asserted that thousands of all those ideals are being con-
significant election-re- observers were turned away tested.”
lated fraud and intimida- from polling stations. He said Tanzania instead was
tion.” The other main op- joining the ranks of countries
position party said several The other top opposition like Zimbabwe.
leaders were arrested after party, ACT Wazalendo, said Tanzania Elections Watch, a
calling for protests, and its presidential candidate in regional group of eminent
one was badly beaten. the semi-autonomous re- persons, expressed concerns
gion of Zanzibar, Seif Sharif munity NOT to recognize for which counting had been about the credibility and con-
Many across Africa have Hamad, was arrested for the this Tanzanian election.” completed. The CHADEMA duct of the election, noting
watched in dismay at what second time this week, along But at the United Nations, opposition party chair, Free- deadly violence on the eve of
they’ve described as Tan- with other party leaders, and spokesman Stephane Dujar- man Mbowe, lost his seat, the vote in Zanzibar, a mas-
zania’s abandonment of its that party official Ismail Jussa ric said: “Look, we don’t have as did Kabwe of ACT Waza- sive disruption in internet
reputation of democratic ide- was “severely beaten" by sol- a mandate to assess these lendo. and text messaging services
als under populist President diers. elections, right? We’re not and the reported arrests of
John Magufuli. He leads in The U.S. ambassador, Don- electoral observers. Assessing Some Magufuli critics have other candidates on election
early results as he seeks a sec- ald J. Wright, said Hamad the quality of these elections expressed concerns that if the day.
ond five-year term. should be released immedi- is the job of election observ- ruling party wins two-thirds “Unfortunately, in Tanzania
ately, tweeting that “Detain- ers.” He called it “very im- of parliament seats, the presi- the announcement made by
As the ruling party was win- ing opposition leaders is not portant that the people wait dent might try to change the the National Electoral Com-
ning an overwhelming ma- the act of a government con- calmly, that all sides avoid any constitution to extend the mission is final,” the group's
jority of parliamentary seats, fident in its electoral victory.” violence.” presidency's two-term limit. co-chair Frederick Ssem-
and the leaders of both top Few international observers pebwa told a briefing, as re-
opposition parties lost theirs, Zanzibar's electoral commis- were present for Tanzania's The election turnout ap- sults cannot be challenged in
the U.S. said “irregularities sion said Hamad finished election, however, with some peared to be below 50%, ac- court. “There is no avenue
and the overwhelming mar- second with just 19% of the like the European Union not cording to the early figures. for the aggrieved parties to air
gins of victory raise serious vote, while the ruling party invited, unlike in previous Some 29 million people reg- their views.”
doubts about the credibil- candidate won with 76%. years. istered to vote.
ity of the results announced The commission didn't com- The declaration of results
today." It noted widespread ment on the arrests. Police The East African nation’s Magufuli has been wide- could trigger a wave of insta-
blocking of social media, re- also didn't comment but con- electoral commission has de- ly criticized for repressive bility, Ssempebwa said.
peat voting and pre-filling of firmed at least 70 arrests in nied allegations of voting ir- measures against dissenting Tanzanian lawyer and Ma-
ballots. the past two days in election- regularities in one of Africa's voices, including a ban on gufuli critic Fatma Karume,
related incidents. Streets into most populous countries and opposition political gather- whose recent suspension
“Those in power are tell- Zanzibar's main city, Stone fastest-growing economies. ings in 2016 and the targeting from practicing law caused
ing Tanzanians, ‘If you want Town, were blocked. Final election results could of media outlets. Opposi- an outcry among legal ex-
change, look for it another be announced Friday. tion figures ahead of the vote perts, tweeted that Thursday
way, not through the bal- “Tanzania in full blown one were arrested, blocked from was the president's birthday.
lot box,’” leading opposition party dictatorship. We shall The ruling Chama Cha Map- traveling to rallies or even “He is going to get the pres-
candidate Tundu Lissu of the resist this,” ACT Wazalendo induzi party, in power since disqualified. ent he has always wanted: No
CHADEMA party told re- chair Zitto Kabwe tweeted. independence in 1961, won “Tanzania championed free- opposition in #Tanzania,”
porters. “The message they “I ask the international com- 51 of the 52 parliament seats doms and the independence she said.