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A30    world news
                Diabierna 30 OctOber 2020

                           Portland, Oregon delays vote to cut $18M more from police

            (AP)  —  City  councilors  The  council  adjourned  after  al  headlines  since  the  police  he didn't want to rush it.  cuts was advanced by Hard-
            in  Oregon's  largest  city  three  council  members,  in-  killing  of  George  Floyd  in  “I  know  every  member  of  esty.
            have  delayed  a  vote  on  cluding  Wheeler,  asked  for  May.                        the  Council  is  committed  She said that nearly one-third
            an  additional  $18  million  more  time  to  consider  the  Wheeler's  challenger,  Sarah  to  this  work.  We  will  make  of the additional police bud-
            in  cuts  to  the  Portland  proposal.                    Iannarone,  supports  cutting  changes.  We  will  adopt  re-  get cuts could be achieved by
            police  budget  until  after                              $50  million  from  the  police  forms,”  Wheeler  said  in  his  not filling police officer posi-
            next  week's  presidential  That  angered  Councilwom-    budget,  an  amount  Wheeler  statement.  “And,  to  do  that  tions that are vacant follow-
            election  amid  a  heated  an Jo Ann Hardesty, the first  has  resisted  amid  concerns  well, we need to listen to ev-  ing August retirements.
            mayoral race and mount-      Black  woman  elected  to  the  about  how  police  services  eryone  and  ensure  that  we
            ing tension over the police  council, and she abruptly left  would be replaced.        have a shared understanding  She  is  also  proposing  more
            handling  of  near-nightly  the virtual meeting, The Or-  Iannarone  was  one  of  more  of what will happen as a re-  than $3 million in cuts to po-
            protests.                    egonian/OregonLive  report-  than 150 people who testified  sult of our decisions.”    lice materials such as impact
                                         ed Thursday.                 in favor of the additional po-                            munitions and riot gear that
            Mayor  Ted  Wheeler  said  in  Wheeler, a Democrat, is run-  lice cuts.                City  lawmakers  over  the  have  been  used  by  officers
            a  statement  after  the  deci-  ning for re-election Tuesday                          summer  already  cut  nearly  patrolling Portland's protests.
            sion late Wednesday that the  in a tight race against a chal-  Wheeler  said  he  supports  $16  million  from  the  nearly  Wheeler  said  he  was  not
            council  needs  more  time  to  lenger  to  his  political  left  police  reform  and  reallocat-  $230 million police budget.  convinced the cuts could be
            evaluate  the  impact  of  the  where  racial  injustice  pro-  ing money from police to the                        achieved  without  police  lay-
            cuts on police services.     tests have dominated nation-  city's  social  services  but  said  The  proposal  for  additional  offs.
                           IOM: 140 dead in weekend migrant ship sinking off Senegal

            (AP)  —  A  weekend  mi-                                                                                            a  major  departure  point  for
            grant  shipwreck  off  Sen-                                                                                         those  hoping  to  migrate  to
            egal  has  left  at  least  140                                                                                     Europe.  However,  in  recent
            people dead, making it the                                                                                          years  it  had  become  more
            deadliest  so  far  this  year,                                                                                     common  for  Senegalese  to
            the International Organi-                                                                                           travel over land to Tunisia or
            zation for Migration con-                                                                                           Libya  before  attempting  to
            firmed Thursday.                                                                                                    cross the Mediterranean.
                                                                                                                                Those  traveling  by  sea  have
            About 200 passengers set off                                                                                        been refused visas for Euro-
            in  the  vessel  from  the  Sen-                                                                                    pean  countries  but  take  the
            egalese  town  of  Mbour  on                                                                                        risk of a perilous voyage for
            Saturday, heading for Spain's                                                                                       the  chance  to  earn  enough
            Canary Islands, but the boat                                                                                        money to support their fami-
            soon caught fire and sank off                                                                                       lies back home.
            Senegal's northwestern coast                                                                                        “We  call  for  unity  between
            near  Saint  Louis.  Fifty-nine                                                                                     governments,  partners  and
            passengers were saved, IOM                                                                                          the  international  commu-
            said.                                                                                                               nity  to  dismantle  traffick-
            The    deadliest   shipwreck                                                                                        ing and smuggling networks
            comes as the number of boats                                                                                        that  take  advantage  of  des-
            trying to reach the Canary Is-  in  recent  weeks,"  the  U.N.  tempted  the  voyage,  and  an  incident  or  shipwreck,”  perate  youth,”  said  Bakary
            lands  from  Senegal's  shores  migration agency said.    about  one-quarter  “were re-  IOM said.                  Doumbia,    IOM    Senegal
            has  “significantly  increased  Last  month,  14  boats  at-  ported  to  have  experienced  Senegal's  shores  were  once  Chief of Mission.

                              3 politicians from India's ruling party killed in Kashmir

                                                                      wing  and  one  was  general  as an independent country.  Earlier   Thursday,   police
                                                                      secretary  of  the  party’s  Kul-  The  attack  comes  two  days  detained  several  pro-India
                                                                      gam  district.  In  a  tweet,  the  after  India  enacted  laws  al-  Kashmiri  politicians  who
                                                                      BJP condemned the killings,  lowing  its  citizens  to  buy  oppose the new land laws as
                                                                      calling them a “barbaric ter-  land  in  Kashmir,  exacerbat-  they tried to protest the pol-
                                                                      ror attack.”                 ing  concerns  from  residents  icy in the region’s main city
                                                                                                   and  rights  groups  who  see  of Srinagar.
                                                                      “Those  who  are  responsible  such  measures  as  a  way  to
                                                                      for  this  will  not  be  spared,”  change  the  demographics  of  Altaf  Thakur,  a  local  BJP
                                                                      it said.                     the Muslim-majority region.  spokesman, said the party has
                                                                      Government forces launched  Until last year, Indians were  lost  nine  members  in  mili-
                                                                      a  search  for  the  shooters,  not allowed to buy property  tant attacks so far this year. In
                                                                      police said. Officials did not  in  Kashmir.  But  in  August  July, militants shot and killed
                                                                      immediately reveal other de-  2019,  Modi’s  government  a top politician along with his
                                                                      tails, and no rebel group has  scrapped the region’s special  father and brother, who were
                                                                      claimed responsibility for the  status,  annulled  its  separate  also party members.
            (AP)  —  Assailants  shot  members  of  Prime  Minister  attack.                       constitution, split it into two  India describes the Kashmiri
            and  killed  three  politi-  Narendra  Modi’s  Bharatiya  Kashmir  is  divided  between  federal  territories  —  Ladakh  militancy  as  Pakistan-spon-
            cians  from  India’s  rul-   Janata Party, or BJP, in south-  India and Pakistan, and both  and Jammu-Kashmir — and  sored  terrorism.  Pakistan
            ing party in Kashmir late  ern  Kulgam  district,  police  claim the region in its entire-  removed  inherited  protec-  denies  the  charge,  and  most
            Thursday,    police   said,  said in a statement. The three  ty.  Rebels  have  been  fight-  tions  on  land  and  jobs.  The  Kashmiris call it a legitimate
            blaming militants fighting  were  taken  to  a  hospital,  ing against Indian rule since  move  triggered  widespread  freedom struggle.
            against Indian rule in the  where they died, it said.     1989.  Most  Muslim  Kash-   anger  and  economic  ruin  Tens  of  thousands  of  civil-
            disputed region.                                          miris  support  the  rebel  goal  amid  a  security  clampdown  ians,  rebels  and  government
                                         The  party  says  they  were  that  the  territory  be  united  and  communications  black-  forces have been killed in the
            Militants  fired  at  the  three  members of the BJP's youth  either under Pakistani rule or  out.                  conflict.
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