Page 7 - ATA- JULI 6,2015
P. 7
LOCALMonday 6 July 2015
Buelow Family Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority!
EAGLE BEACH - Recently friendly visitor of Aruba at name of the Minister of Dylan and Shelby are loyal the Renaissance Aruba
the Aruba Tourism Author- the Renaissance Aruba Tourism as a token of ap- members of the Renais- Resort is truly their home
ity had the great pleasure Resort as Distinguished Visi- preciation to guests who sance Aruba Resort and away from home! The cer-
of honoring a very nice tors. The symbolic honor- visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con- they love Aruba very much tificates were presented by
family who are loyal and ary title is presented in the secutive years. because of the friend- Ms. Darline de Cuba rep-
The honorees were Mr. ly people, the climate, resenting the Aruba Tour-
Sven and Mrs. Cristina beaches, and restaurants. ism Authority together with
Buelow and their children They say Aruba feels like a Mrs. Linda Garcia, Con-
Dylan and Shelby, of Liber- second home, the people cierge Manager at the Re-
tyville, Illinois. Sven, Cristina, are like family to them and naissance Aruba Resort.q