Page 8 - ATA- JULI 6,2015
P. 8


LOCALMonday 6 July 2015

Loyal Guests Honored at the Manchebo Beach Resort!

EAGLE BEACH - Recently        they love Aruba very much
the Aruba Tourism Authority   because of the friend-
had the great pleasure of     ly people, the climate,
honoring a very nice family   beaches, and restaurants.
who are loyal and friendly    They say Aruba feels like a
visitor of Aruba at the Man-  second home, the people
chebo Beach Resort as         are like family to them and
Distinguished Visitors. The   the Manchebo Beach Re-
symbolic honorary title is    sort is truly their home away
presented in the name of      from home!
the Minister of Tourism as    The certificates were pre-
a token of appreciation to    sented by Ms. Darline de
guests who visit Aruba for    Cuba representing the
10-to-19 consecutive years.   Aruba Tourism Authority
The honorees were Mr.         together with the General
Dennis and Mrs. Ludmila       Manager Mr. Edgar Ro-
Pahl of New Gardens, New      elofs, Sales and Market-
York.                         ing Manager Ms. Carla
Dennis and Ludmila are        van Loenen, and Reserva-
loyal members of the Man-     tion Manager Mrs. Vivian
chebo Beach Resort and        Frank.q
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