Page 6 - MIN.SOC JUNE 10
P. 6

                                                                                                                     Wednesday 10 June 2015

With Funds Generated at the Wente Golf Tournament;

Telefon pa Hubentud Receives a Very Generous Donation!

PALM BEACH - The island’s     sors and players, and ex-     The Ritz Carlton, the Flying    foundation in appreciation     and future charity golf
most popular golf tourna-     pressing Wente Vineyard’s     Fishbone, Que Pasa, and         of its great work in the com-  tournament successes,
ment, organized by Arion      pride and pleasure at en-     Papiamento Restaurant.          munity sustaining young-       pledging their continued
Wine Company in conjunc-      dorsing and supporting        Over the past 10 years the      sters with a help line #131,   collaboration in social re-
tion with Wente Vineyards     such a worthy cause.          Wente Vineyards - Papia-        providing information and      sponsibility projects.
and Papiamento Restau-        Govert van der Hout ex-       mento Restaurant Golf           emotional support.             The Aruban Youth Tele-
rant, at Tierra Del Sol Golf  plained that Arion Wine       Tournament raised signifi-      Recently, a small cere-        phone Line, Telefon Pa
Course, raises funds for a    Company has been orga-        cant amounts of money for       mony was held at Papia-        Hubentud, was launched
community project each        nizing the golf tournament    charity, thanks to the gen-     mento Restaurant, in the       on November 20, 1999,
year, with the much-de-       for the past 11 years, since  erosity of its three partners-  presence of James Sneek,       as an independent char-
serving Telefon pa Huben-     the company was found-        sponsors.                       Director of Telefon pa         ity, with its distinctive tele-
tud on the receiving end      ed. The company has                                           Hubentud, Eduard Ellis, Le-    phone number ’131′ and
this time.                    been representing Wente         This year’s charity was       nie Ellis and Govert van der   logo, it is aimed at children
                              Vineyards since its onset,    picked together with the        Hout, where the generous       and youngsters ages 8 to
  Winegrower Eric Wente       providing fine varieties of   Ellis family, matriarch Lenie   check changed hands.           24 providing service from
was on the island on the      wines, to Aruba’s most fa-    Ellis and her son, chef pro-    The partners toasted with      2pm to 6pm, 365 days a
occasion of the golf tour-    mous restaurants, including   prietor Edward Ellis. They      great satisfaction to past     year. q
nament welcoming spon-                                      selected the not-for-profit
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