Page 7 - MIN.SOC JUNE 10
P. 7
LOCALWednesday 10 June 2015
Sharonne Lacle Celebrates 25 Years of Outstanding Service!
NOORD - When Sharonne she was transferred into with my daughters and the Management wishes Sha- lage, on the occasion of
looks back at the years she the Ownership Depart- extended family members. ronne many more years her anniversary, celebrat-
has spent working at her ment, where she still con- of health and productivity ed with the presentation of
favorite island resort, Ca- tributes tirelessly, keeping at the Caribbean Palm Vil- a customary envelope.q
ribbean Palm Village, she the channels of commu-
feels a great sense of pride nication with owners open
and accomplishment. Her and effective.
history at the resort begins While work may be de-
more than two decades manding, she explains, she
ago as a contract assis- loves every moment, and
tant. When she proved on her off day, she contin-
herself as a valuable asset ues to work, only this time
to management she was as baby-sitter to her most
promoted to receptionist, adorable two grandsons,
working with resort guests helping her beloved two
at the front desk. daughters, whenever she
Another timely promo- can.
tion brought her into the I know how important fam-
Accounting Department ily vacations are, she says,
where she enjoyed the and we try to support our
responsibilities of Income guests and their family
Audit, also serving her de- members on the island, as
partment as a General much as possible. I under-
Cashier. Because of her stand how guests feel be-
excellent organizational cause my dream vacation
and communication skills would be time off to spend