Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15

                                                                                                                                                      Friday 30 October 2015

Aruba Aloe celebrates 125th anniversary

                                                                                                                 sunblock, growing the line
                                                                                                                 of five products to over 100
                                                                                                                 products. Aruba Aloe prod-
                                                                                                                 ucts attract the attention of
                                                                                                                 an international audience.
                                                                                                                 Among those present was
                                                                                                                 also Edita Eman, who was
                                                                                                                 recognized for her great
                                                                                                                 contributions to Aruba Aloe
                                                                                                                 over many years; she was
                                                                                                                 presented with a beautiful
                                                                                                                 commemorative gift by the
                                                                                                                 The community of Aruba
                                                                                                                 can be proud of the impor-
                                                                                                                 tant role of the island’s cul-

ORANJESTAD, Aruba – Oc-         sentation that reflects the     tory of Aruba Aloe products
tober 25, 2015: Against a       essence of the product.         and production came with
beautiful backdrop, with        He explained the changes        the engagement of Profes-
lights reflecting off and       as well as the investments;     sor H.E. Junginger, Ph.D, a
accentuating the iconic         at present Aruba Aloe has       professor in pharmaceuti-
Aruba Aloe fields in Hato,
guests and loyal employ-
ees, those who contributed
to making the company
the great success it is at
present, were welcomed
to the festive celebration
of Aruba Aloe’s 125th an-

The company is renowned         17 stores on-island, one in                                    ture and history in the exis-  munity can truly be proud
and does business with or-      Amsterdam, and the focus                                       tence and development of       of Aruba Aloe for its contri-
ganizations from at least 30    is mainly on growing the                                       the Aruba Aloe brand. The      butions to the international
large countries that have       online sales through web-                                      aloe vera plant is depicted    recognition of the island
approached them for the         sites in the U.S.A. and Eu-                                    in the island’s coat of arms   and for having upheld Aru-
“made in Aruba” products,       rope, which are generating                                     and many locals still use      ba as an important island
which are prepared with         impressive sales.                                              aloe for different purposes    for aloe vera production.
aloe vera, the island’s old-    Posner’s presentation on                                       and treatments. The com-       Congratulations Aruba
est commodity.                  the pharmaceutical prod-                                                                      Aloe.q
Aruba Aloe Director, Louis      uct Alhydran had full at-
Posner addressed those          tention, garnering much         cal technology and of dr.
present, including Gov-         admiration. The medical         Koos Veel.
ernor Fredis Refunjol and       community has expressed         A new line of products was
his spouse; Minister Arthur     overall praise for the prod-    developed, starting with
Dowers and his spouse, dig-     uct that is sold in over 30     shampoo and deodor-
nitaries, entrepreneurs and     countries for its healing ef-   ants, followed by a full line
company executives.             fects on burns and wounds       of skincare products and
                                and its scar reduction quali-
The company’s proud 80-         ties.
plus employees were also        Managing Director Wal-
among VIP invitees at the       ter Mosher applauded the
celebration. Louis Posner       employees and all partners
pushed for the globaliza-       that support their projects,
tion of the Aruba Aloe          and added that the impor-
brand and built a modern        tant turning point in the his-
factory next to the original
Hato aloe vera fields. He
described the process of
change and innovation,
which entailed more inten-
sive cultivation of the fields
and the development of
more products with an en-
tirely new and modern pre-
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