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WORLD NEWSFriday 30 October 2015

In Haiti, tire barricades burn as candidate alleges fraud 

DAVID McFADDEN                                                                                                        gathered at a school.          party of outgoing President
                                                                                                                      The tabulation warehouse       Michel Martelly, dismissed
Associated Press                                                                                                      is under guard by police       Jean-Charles’ allegations
                                                                                                                      and U.N. peacekeepers          as “pure fiction.”
PORT-AU-PRINCE,   Haiti                                                                                               and Haitian electoral work-    “I don’t think Moise Jean-
                                                                                                                      ers are monitored by a ro-     Charles has ever told the
(AP) — One of Haiti’s top                                                                                             tating cast of international   truth in his life. This looks
                                                                                                                      observers.                     like something he planned
presidential candidates                                                                                               Although it is prohibited      himself,” Mayard-Paul said
                                                                                                                      for results to be released     of the partially burned bal-
charged Thursday that bal-                                                                                            by anyone other than the       lots.
                                                                                                                      Provisional Electoral Coun-    Jean-Charles was one of
lots checked with his name                                                                                            cil, Jean-Charles’ camp re-    several opposition lawmak-
                                                                                                                      leased its own calculations    ers whose disagreements
have been destroyed or                                                                                                from Sunday’s vote after       with Martelly’s administra-
                                                                                                                      reviewing 85 percent of the    tion resulted in lengthy po-
discarded,  prompting                                                                                                 returns. He insisted Thurs-    litical gridlock. He is a ca-
                                                                                                                      day that he dominated          reer politician who brands
small groups of supporters                                                                                            voting in half of Haiti’s 10   himself as a voice for Haiti’s
                                                                                                                      departments and accused        poor and disenfranchised.
to burn tire barricades in a                                                                                          the government-backed          Jean-Charles vowed to
                                                                                                                      candidate’s team of trying     fight for a spot in the run-
few sections of the capital.                                                                                          to steal the election.         offs, which he said would
                                                                                                                      It was not immediately         be automatic if the elec-
Former Sen. Moise Jean-                                                                                               clear if the council planned   tions are honest.
                                                                                                                      to sanction Jean-Charles       “Either elections or revolu-
Charles, candidate of the                                                                                             or any other candidates for    tion,” he told supporters of
                                                                                                                      releasing such information.    his Petit Dessalines faction,
Petit Dessalines faction, is                                                                                          Gregory Mayard-Paul, a         named after a hero of the
                                                                                                                      spokesman for the Tet Kale     Haitian Revolution.q
considered one of a few         A protester supporter of presidential candidate Moise Jean-
                                Charles, of the Platform Pitit Dessalines political party sets fire
major contenders out of         to a tire during a protest in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Oct.
                                29, 2015.
the 54 hopefuls who ap-
                                                                                                    Associated Press
peared on the presiden-

tial ballot in Sunday’s first-

round elections. The two        concrete wall of a home                               at a news conference that
                                in the Port-au-Prince neigh-                          there was also a plot at a
top finishers are expected      borhood of Delmas 41. The                             tabulation center in Port-
                                candidate insisted that nu-                           au-Prince to prevent votes
to compete in a Dec. 27         merous ballots supporting                             in his favor from being en-
                                his bid had gone missing                              tered into computers.
runoff.                         elsewhere.                                            “This is going to lead to po-
                                Without discussing specif-                            litical turmoil,” he warned,
With official preliminary       ics or presenting evidence,                           prompting cheers from
                                Jean-Charles told reporters                           about three dozen backers
results still days away, tire-

burning supporters of Jean-

Charles said they discov-

ered partially burned bal-

lots Thursday behind the

                                                                                      Mexican parents refuse to accept

                                                                                      sons’ deaths on Day of Dead 

 In this March 26, 2015 file photo, drawings of some of 43 missing                    26, 2014, and, according        with their names and pho-      dent panel of experts
rural college students are surrounded by flower petals, forming                       to government prosecu-          tos are arranged in rows,      concluded the students’
the shape of a heart, during a protest marking the six-month an-                      tors, turned over to a drug     a stark reminder of those      remains could not have
niversary of their disappearance, in Mexico City.                                     gang who killed them and        who used to sit there. Their   been incinerated at a gar-
                                                                                      incinerated their remains.      possessions have been left     bage dump as prosecutors
                                                                    Associated Press  Charred bone fragments          largely untouched, as if       argue. Parents insist their
                                                                                      have provided a match to        awaiting their return.         sons are alive and, with
MARK STEVENSON                  year refuse to accept the                             only two of the students.       After more than 13 months      little proof, assert that the
Associated Press                government’s finding the                              Mauricio’s father, Meliton      since their disappearance,     young men are being held
MEXICO  CITY (AP) — As          young men are dead.                                   Ortega, shakes his head         that seems unlikely. And       at military bases.
millions of Mexicans set        There will be no altar on the                         when asked if the family will   some, like former Mexican      As a way to remember
up altars to the dead and       Nov. 1-2 Day of the Dead                              set up an altar to his son.     President Vicente Fox, have    his son, Rodriguez has be-
buy orange cempasuchil          observance for Mauricio                               “No, for us, our sons are       said the parents “can’t live   gun collecting turtles, the
flowers to adorn their offer-   Ortega, who was 18 when                               alive,” Ortega said. “It’s not  eternally with this problem    mascot of the Ayotzinapa
ings of food and drink, the     he and the other students                             the way the government          in their heads ... they have   school.
parents of 43 college stu-      were taken away by police                             says, that we should just ac-   to accept the reality.”        He has tattooed a turtle on
dents missing more than a       in the city of Iguala on Sept.                        cept our grief.”                Clemente Rodriguez, the        his left arm. He points to it
                                                                                      Parents of the missing stu-     father of a missing student,   and says: “The day my son
                                                                                      dents have come up with         Christian Alfonso Rodriguez,   comes home and says,
                                                                                      other ways to mark their        said those who tell the fam-   ‘Dad, why didn’t you look
                                                                                      sons’ disappearances.           ilies that their children are  for me,’ I’ll say, ‘No, son,
                                                                                      At the radical rural teach-     dead “are people who           look, I have a permanent
                                                                                      ers’ college attended by        don’t have a heart” or who     mark ... that ever since you
                                                                                      the young men, known as         work for the government.       disappeared in 2014, I have
                                                                                      Ayotzinapa, plastic chairs      A report by an indepen-        looked for you.”q
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