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U.S. NEWSFriday 30 October 2015
Federal prosecutors have copies
of alleged Fogle recordings
�In this Aug. 19, 2015 file photo Former Subway restaurant aware of what they had been in contact with Her- we’re not going to com-
spokesman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in to say and we took the re- man-Walrond but he de- ment on it,” she said.
Indianapolis following a hearing on child-pornography charges. cordings into account, but clined to comment on Fogle agreed on Aug.
that’s as much as I can say when and through what 19 to plead guilty to one
Associated Press about it,” Horty said. manner that communica- count each of travelling
Herman-Walrond gave tion occurred. to engage in illicit sexual
RICK CALLAHAN Herman-Walrond said she copies of the recordings Indiana authorities who conduct with a minor and
Associated Press made of her telephone to the Dr. Phil Show, which handled the investigation distribution and receipt of
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Fed- conversations with Fogle. began airing them Thurs- into Fogle have said their child pornography.
eral prosecutors have cop- Horty said he cannot com- day. The syndicated pro- probe began in September Court documents detailing
ies of audio recordings a ment on when or how fed- gram said in a promotion 2014 based on a tip to In- the charges against the
Florida woman says she eral authorities obtained that in the recordings the diana State Police regard- 38-year-old father of two
made of former Subway the recordings, or whether disgraced former pitch- ing Russell Taylor, the then- say that Fogle had sex at
spokesman Jared Fogle they capture Fogle speak- man discusses his interest in executive director of the New York City hotels with
talking about sexual en- ing to Herman-Walrond. But sex with children and sex- Jared Foundation. two girls under age 18 —
counters he had with chil- he said federal prosecutors ual encounters he’s had Fogle, who became a Sub- one of whom was 16 at the
dren and say they took did consider the recordings with minors. The promotion way spokesman after shed- time — and paid them for
those recordings “into ac- before charging Fogle, said that Herman-Walrond ding more than 200 pounds that sex.
count” before charging who has agreed to plead spent five years secretly re- as a college student, in Prosecutors allege Taylor,
Fogle. guilty to child pornography cording conversations with part by eating the chain’s who’s agreed to plead
U.S. attorney’s office and sex-crime charges. Fogle. sandwiches, started that guilty to child exploitation
spokesman Tim Horty said “They were not part of our Herman-Walrond has not foundation to raise aware- and child pornography
Wednesday that federal initial investigation — and responded to repeated ness and money to fight charges, secretly filmed
authorities obtained copies it wasn’t part of the in- calls from The Associated childhood obesity. Subway those minors as they were
of the recordings Rochelle fancy of any of it. We are Press for comment on the ended its relationship with nude, changing clothes, or
case. Fogle after authorities raid- engaged in other activities.
Fogle attorney Ron Elberg- ed his suburban Indianapo- Prosecutors said Fogle re-
er declined to comment lis home in July. ceived photos and videos
Thursday when asked Subway said last month from Taylor of several of
about the recordings and the company received a those 12 youths, although
Herman-Walrond’s allega- “serious” complaint about not all of them.
tions. Fogle in 2011 from Herman- Fogle is scheduled to be
Horty would say only that Walrond, a former journalist sentenced Nov. 19. Pros-
“federal authorities” have who revealed publicly to ecutors have agreed not
WWSB-TV in Sarasota in Au- to seek a sentence of more
gust that she also took her than 12½ years in prison
concerns to the FBI and se- and Fogle agreed not to
cretly recorded her phone ask for less than five years.
conversations with Fogle Ten victims have already
for more than four years to received at least $1 million
assist the agency’s investi- in restitution Fogle agreed
gation. to pay in his plea deal. His
FBI Special Agent Wendy four other victims are ex-
Osborne said the agency pected to have either re-
“does not confirm or deny ceived that money or have
who we work with or who is arrangements in place for
involved in our cases.” receiving it by the time he
“People can watch Dr. Phil is sentenced, prosecutors
and see what she says but have said.q