Page 3 - Aruba Today
P. 3

                                                                                                                                                               Friday 30 October 2015

Plane catches fire at Florida airport; 1 injured 

JOSH REPLOGLE                   Dodson said they had set        Firefighters walk past a burned out engine of a Dynamic Airways Boeing 767, Thursday, Oct. 29,
Associated Press                up a crisis center, flown in    2015, at Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport in Dania Beach, Fla.
DANIA BEACH, Florida (AP)       additional airline represen-
— A jet plane’s engine          tatives to help passengers                                                                                                                         Associated Press.
caught fire Thursday as it      and arranged for a relief
prepared for takeoff, and       flight to take passengers to
more than 100 passengers        their final destinations.
had to quickly evacuate         Dynamic is a 5-year-old
using emergency slides.         airline that connects Fort
One person was seriously        Lauderdale, New York,
injured, officials said.        Venezuela and Guyana. It
Dozens of passengers could      operates seven 767s. Dy-
be seen in video footage        namic said on its website
gliding down the slides of      its Boeing 767s can accom-
the Dynamic Airways flight      modate up to 250 people.
bound for Caracas, Vene-        Officials said 110 passen-
zuela. Some ran away from       gers and crew were on-
the plane into the terminal     board this flight.
at Fort Lauderdale/Holly-       Passengers on another
wood International Airport      plane on the runway re-
as fire crews rushed to put     corded the fire and post-
the blaze out.                  ed video to Twitter show-
Andres Gallegos said he         ing plumes of thick black
was one of the first passen-    smoke coming from the
gers to use the chutes to       plane.
evacuate.                       An air traffic controller told
“I heard a loud bang. I         the pilot “a lot of fluid” was
turned around, saw the          leaking from his left engine
lights, saw the flames and      and then urgently said the
I ran to the front of the air-  engine had caught fire
craft,” said Gallegos, who      and that he was dispatch-
said it took about 30 sec-      ing firefighters, accord-
onds for the plane doors to     ing to an audio record-
open. “It was pretty nerve-     ing posted by WSVN. The
wracking, knowing that          airport closed briefly after
the door wasn’t opening         the fire. The south runway
and that something was on       reopened Thursday after-
fire.”                          noon, but the north runway
Other passengers re-            was still closed, causing de-
ported chaos as people          lays.
screamed, cried and ran         Dynamic began servic-
through the plane. Several      ing Caracas in July, after
people said the flight crew     several other major airlines
remained calm and acted         ended or slashed service
quickly.                        to Venezuela over the gov-
“In that moment, the only       ernment’s refusal to pay an
thing going through my          estimated $4 billion the car-
mind is trying to get off the   riers say they have trapped
plane,” said passenger          in the country.
Daniela Magro.                  For Venezuelans hoping to
One person was seriously        travel abroad, the options
injured and about a dozen       have been severely re-
other people were taken         duced to little-known carri-
to the hospital for minor       ers such as Dynamic or do-
injuries including bumps,       mestic carriers, which due
sprains and stress, said Bro-   to the country’s economic
ward Sheriff Fire Rescue        crisis, have struggled to im-
spokesman Mike Jachles.         port replacement parts.
Don Dodson, the director        Airline officials said they’ve
of operations for Dynamic       already started reviewing
Airways, said the most seri-    records for the crew and
ous injury came as a pas-       the plane, which was last
senger was running across       inspected in June and had
the ramp after exiting the      a new engine with less than
plane. He did not specify       200 hours of flight time.
the nature of the injury.       Nine crew members were
Once inside the airport,        onboard — more than re-
passengers expressed frus-      quired — and were a very
tration, saying they’d been     experienced team, which
held in a room for over an      helped evacuating pas-
hour and had not heard          sengers quickly and seam-
from the airline.               lessly, Dodson said.q
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