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PEOPLE & ARTSFriday 30 October 2015
After a boffo summer, an autumn of tumult at the box office
JAKE COYLE This photo provided by Universal Pictures shows, Michael Stuhlbarg, from left, as Andy Hertzfeld, which opened last week-
AP Film Writer Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs, and Kate Winslet as Joanna Hoffman, in a scene from the film, end, and “Scout’s Guide to
NEW YORK (AP) — Hol- “Jobs.” the Zombie Apocalypse,”
lywood came into its fall which debuts Friday, will
season buoyed by a near- Associated Press both head to video-on-
record summer, the com- demand and online once
fort of having three aces window — developments iegoers. “Bridge of Spies” has pulled they dip below 300 screens.
up its sleeve (James Bond, that could signal coming While 3-D helped drive in $33.6 million domestically Of the major chains, only
“Star Wars” and the final change for the industry, the robust grosses for Rid- in two weeks: solid busi- AMC Theaters and Cin-
“Hunger Games” film), plus particularly if it continues ley Scott’s “The Martian” ness for a movie that cost eplex Entertainment went
a string of studio specta- to struggle to launch such ($167 million domestically, $40 million to make. But it’s along, meaning “The Ghost
cles geared more for adults movies. No. 1 for three of the last unlikely to match even the Dimension” opened to just
than teenagers. In an interview ahead of four weeks), it didn’t do the gross of Spielberg’s “War $8.2 million on 1,656 screens
The results, though, have the release for “The Walk,” same for “Everest” ($41.9 Horse,” which totaled $79.9 — about 1,000 less than it
been mixed for most films Sony chief Tom Rothman million) or “The Walk” ($9.9 million in late 2011 and ear- would have.
not named “The Martian.” called making broad-audi- million), both of which ly 2012. Megan Colligan, head of
Last weekend, in particu- ence movies that aren’t se- opened first on IMAX and Spielberg, of course, is distribution for Paramount,
lar, drove home the point, quels or based on a comic large-format screens in synonymous with the big said the film succeeded
when five new wide re- book “the dominant issue hopes of selling audiences screen, but even he has where it played, suggest-
leases — most strikingly the in our business.” The last ing the other chains missed
$30 million awards season several weeks have proven out, and that the shorter
heavyweight “Steve Jobs,” that Hollywood, despite a window had no effect: “By
with a paltry $7.1 million year sure to rank as among playing it, they did the most
launch in wide release — the highest grossing, isn’t business of any circuit with
all failed to click. closer to figuring out how any movie,” she said.
The streak appears likely to to do that. Netflix, too, made its first
continue through Hallow- Many of the fall’s antici- foray into an original film re-
een weekend, when War- pated releases tried to lease with Cary Fukunaga’s
ner Bros.’ “Our Brand Is Cri- hook moviegoers with 3-D. child soldier drama “Beasts
sis,” a political satire starring It’s been an effective strat- of No Nation,” starring Idris
Sandra Bullock, is unlikely to egy in recent years for films Elba. Though few ventured
add much firepower to the from “Avatar” to “Gravity,” out to see it in theaters (just
box office. Salvation won’t although the novelty wore $87,000 in limited release),
arrive until the following off long ago for many mov- Netflix content chief Ted
weekend with the open- Sarandos claimed that the
ing of Sony’s “Spectre,” the film was streamed by more
24th James Bond film and a than 3 million people in
certain blockbuster. North America. For com-
It’s been a humbling few parison, that many viewers
weeks for some of Hol- would translate at the box
lywood’s best efforts to office into approximately
enliven multiplexes with $24 million in ticket sales.
ambitious films, most nota- “It’s a sign of the times. It’s
bly with the 3-D spectacle a massive look at the fu-
of Robert Zemeckis’ “The ture.” said Elba ahead of
Walk” and the starry stature the film’s release. “People
of the Aaron Sorkin-scripted are different and definitely
“Steve Jobs.” consuming films in a differ-
The box-office downturn, ent way.”
too, comes at the same Overcrowding could be an
time new inroads are be- issue. Films like “The Mar-
ing made into the tradi- tian,” ‘’The Walk,” ‘’Bridge
tional theatrical release of Spies” and “Steve Jobs”
are anomalies: well-re-
This photo provided by Sony shows, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as viewed studio-distribut-
Philippe Petit and Charolette Le Bon as Annie, in TriStar Pictures’ ed entertainments with
“The Walk.” enough seriousness or
smarts to win over most
Associated Press critics. There might be four
such studio dramas in a
This photo provided by Universal Pictures shows Molly Ringwald on a higher-priced, premi- felt the industry changes. year, let alone in a month
as Aunt Bailey in a scene from the film, “Jem and the Holo- um experience. The director has said his that also featured Lions-
grams.” Others have depended on previous film, “Lincoln,” was gate’s “Sicario,” Warner
the full wrappings of a pres- nearly an HBO movie, and Bros.’ “Black Mass” and Uni-
Associated Press tige picture, including Ste- the director has lamented versal’s “Crimson Peak.”
ven Spielberg’s handsome the ubiquitous rise of the su- “This has to be considered
Cold War thriller “Bridge of perhero film. one of the most crowded
Spies,” with Tom Hanks, and Meanwhile, Paramount movie marketplaces of
the Danny Boyle-directed Pictures is in the midst of the year,” says Paul Der-
“Steve Jobs,” which may an experiment to shrink garabedian, senior media
have been harmed by a the usual 90-day window analyst for box-office data
chorus of criticisms over reserved for theatrical re- firm Rentrak.q
Sorkin’s dramatization of lease. “Paranormal Activ-
the Apple co-founder. ity: The Ghost Dimension,”