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                                                                                                                         Friday 30 October 2015

Barbara Walters revisits ‘American Scandals’ on new series

FRAZIER MOORE                   have they learned? And         In this image released by ABC, John and Jan Ramsey pose with                          on niche-cable network
AP Television Writer            what can we learn from         Barbara Walters, right, for her “American Scandal” series for                         Investigation Discovery,
NEW YORK (AP) — Though          them?”                         Discovery. Walters is revisiting some of her biggest news stories                     which affords her room for
the fog of time may have        Fresh interviews supple-       for “American Scandals,” a new 9-episode series that premieres                        weekly hour-long explora-
clouded certain details, a      ment archival footage —        on Investigation Discovery on Monday at 10 p.m. EST.                                  tions.
parade of past scandals         some never before aired                                                                                              “We don’t have a news-
that each seized the pub-       — which, viewed from a                                                                             Associated Press  magazine anymore,” she
lic’s attention ring familiar   distance of as much as 30                                                                                            said, meaning ABC. “We
to this day.                    years, often takes on new      Walters also takes a new,      visits.”                                               have ‘20/20,’ but — they’re
There’s Lyle and Erik           significance.                  perhaps gratuitous, look       Another enduring couple:                               gonna mind my saying
Menendez, privileged sons       “Footage from the past         at one of the era’s most       Mary Kay Letourneau, the                               this — it’s changed,” hav-
who offed their parents in      can look very different        despised figures, Mark Da-     former schoolteacher and                               ing narrowed the gener-
their Beverly Hills, Califor-   when viewed in the pres-       vid Chapman, who at age        married mother of four who                             al-interest format Walters
nia, home in 1989. There’s      ent,” Walters noted.           60 is remembered all too       was twice jailed for her af-                           presided over. And major
Jean Harris, the girls’ school  The series begins with         well for gunning down the      fair with a sixth-grade stu-                           interviews — whether Wal-
headmistress whose lover,       the still-unsolved murder      man who called for giving      dent. Now 53, Letourneau                               ters’ or other correspon-
celebrity diet doctor Her-      of 6-year-old JonBenet         peace a chance in front of     and Vili Fualaau, 32, have                             dents’ — are typically splin-
man Tarnower, was found         Ramsey, whose lifeless         his New York apartment in      been married for a de-                                 tered across the network’s
shot dead after she visited     body was found in the          1980. Walters interviewed      cade with two teenage                                  portfolio of news programs,
him in 1980, landing her in     basement of her Colo-          John Lennon’s assassin in      daughters of their own.                                she added.
prison with a murder con-       rado home in 1996, plac-       1992, and now for “Scan-       “My God, they’re still to-                             “What Investigation Dis-
viction. There’s televange-     ing her parents, John and      dals” has landed what she      gether!” said Walters, who                             covery gives me is the
list Jim Bakker, who, with his  Patsy, under instant sus-      says is the first-ever inter-  interviewed the pair a few                             opportunity to present a
wife Tammy Faye, built a        picion. Walters now talks      view with Chapman’s long-      months ago. “They’re an                                whole interview, and bring
faith-based empire before       with John, whose daughter      time wife, Gloria.             old married couple!”                                   it up-to-date,” she said.
sexual and financial mis-       would today be 25, about       “I didn’t know he was still    Though reigning for de-                                Other episodes include a
deeds wrecked their “PTL        the lingering mystery and      married,” Walters mar-         cades as one of ABC News’                              look at actor Robert Blake,
Club” money-machine             scrutiny that have plagued     veled. “He sees his wife       biggest stars, Walters said                            who was tried and acquit-
and put him in the slam-        him ever since and that        twice a year for conjugal      she’s glad to find a berth                             ted of the 2001 murder of
mer.                            haunted his wife to her                                                                                              his wife, Bonnie Lee Bakley.
Barbara Walters was there       grave in 2006.                                                                                                       And on yet another edition
to cover these and other        In its second episode,                                                                                               she sits down with Kimberly
shocking events.                “Scandals” revisits perhaps                                                                                          Mays, who was switched
Now the veteran news-           the most galvanizing mur-                                                                                            at birth in 1978 at a Flori-
woman is bringing them          der case of modern times                                                                                             da hospital with another
up-to-date on “American         — those vicious 1994 stab-                                                                                           newborn, resulting in a no-
Scandals,” a nine-segment       bings of Ron Goldman and                                                                                             torious custody battle be-
series that premieres on In-    Nicole Simpson, the ex-wife                                                                                          tween her biological par-
vestigation Discovery on        of O.J. Simpson, who would                                                                                           ents and Robert Mays, who
Monday (10 p.m. EST).           stand trial as the world                                                                                             raised her. “We searched
“We had thousands of past       watched, spellbound, dur-                                                                                            all over and found her liv-
ABC News ‘20/20’ stories        ing months of TV coverage.                                                                                           ing in poverty in Clearwa-
to choose from, and we          Walters interviews Simpson                                                                                           ter, Florida,” said Walters.
brought some of them up-        houseguest Kato Kaelin, 56,                                                                                          That points to the effort re-
to-date by talking with sub-    who now pronounces his                                                                                               quired to produce “Ameri-
jects we could get to, as       host (acquitted in that trial                                                                                        can Scandals,” she added
well as the people around       but currently serving time                                                                                           proudly. “They’re difficult
them,” Walters said recent-     on an unrelated robbery                                                                                              to do. You can’t just pull
ly. “We’re exploring what       conviction) guilty of the                                                                                            out an old interview and
is their life like now? What    murders.                                                                                                             throw it on the air.”q

Laura Bush and daughter Jenna
co-writing children’s book 

HILLEL ITALIE                   national parks leads to her    a statement issued through      In this Sept. 27, 2008 file photo, first lady Laura Bush, right, and
AP National Writer              “paying attention to the       HarperCollins. “Jenna ac-      her daughter Jenna Bush Hager read their book “Read All About
NEW YORK (AP) — Former          majestic sights and spend-     companied me on a float        It!” during the National Book Festival in Washington. 
first lady Laura Bush and       ing less time looking at her   trip through the Grand
daughter Jenna Bush Hag-        screen.” The book is com-      Canyon and rode a horse                                                                            Associated Press
er are working on another       ing out in May to coincide     for the first time when she
children’s book.                with the centennial of the     was 3 near the Big Bend        Hager said in a statement.                             eyes of a young girl, and I
HarperCollins Publishers        National Park Service. Lau-    National Park. I want all      “Writing this book has al-                             have loved every minute.
told The Associated Press       ra Bush and first lady Mi-     children to go outside,        lowed me to see our beau-                              It was even sweeter since
on Thursday that the Bushes     chelle Obama are honor-        play in nature, and explore    tiful country through the                              I wrote it with my mom.”q
are collaborating with illus-   ary co-chairwomen of the       America’s magnificent sites
trator Jacqueline Rogers on     park service’s anniversary     with their families.”
“Our Great Big Backyard,”       celebration.                   “Now that I have two little
a picture story about a girl    “I’ve hiked with childhood     girls of my own, I know how
named Jane whose family         friends in the parks for       important it is for kids to
road trip to the country’s      years,” Laura Bush said in     get outdoors,” Jenna Bush
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