P. 19
Diaranson, 13 Juni 2018 AWEMainta 19
Anochi di informacion
Hardin di Rosa pa
Mama Maria bon atendi AUCTION
On June 28, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber of Commerce,
Aruba, will be auctioned in public, ex. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
1. A residential house locally known as
standing on 2 parcels of public land, 368 and 384 m2 in size, situated in Rooi Afo in
Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number 657. The term of the lease
rights will expire on October 21, 2037.
Starting price: Afl. 270.000,--
2. A residential house locally known as
DIA 31 di mei ultimo a tuma lugar e anochi TANKI LEENDERT 139-Z
di informacion tocante e Hardin di Rosa pa
Mama Maria. E personanan presente a wordo standing on a parcel of full ownership Land, ca. 376 m2 in size, being a part of the
informa e.o. tocante: E obhetivo di e Hardin parcel locally recorded as First Division Section L number 3367, with index D 5880.
di Rosa; E importancia di resa un misterio di e Starting price: to be announced
Santo Rosario y Con pa forma parti di e Har- 3. a residential house locally known as
din di Rosa pa Mama Maria.
Por forma parti di e Hardin di Rosa como un
petalo of como coordinado di un rosa. E per- standing on a parcel of property land ca. 726 m2 is size, being a part of the parcel locally
sona cu ta desea di forma parti como un petalo recorded as First Division Section K number 1591, with index D13205.
ta compromete pa resa un misterio di e San- Starting price: Afl. 350.000,--
to Rosario tur dia. Esaki ta tuma solamente 5 4. a residential house locally known as
minuut. E persona cu ta desea di forma parti
como coordinado di un rosa ta compromete pa PAPILON 23
tuma contacto cu e petalonan di e rosa, 20 per-
sona cu ta forma e rosa, un bez pa luna y in- standing on a parcel of property land, ca. 875, being a part of the parcel as further
formanan cua t’e misterio cu nan mester resa. described in cadastral measure document no. 16/1959, with index D 92871 as well as
a parcel of property land, ca. 221 m2, being a part of the parcel as further described in
Esaki por wordo haci via telefon, medionan cadastral measure document no. 221/1971, with index D 96005
social p.e. whatsapp, messenger, via e-mail of Starting price: Afl. 250.000,--
Rev. Pastoor Daniel Szpila a duna un bunita re- • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special
fleccion tocante e importancia pa resa e Santo • auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
Rosario. A finalisa e anochi cu un cantica na • The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
honor di Mama Maria. • Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable bank in
Si pa un motibo of otro bo no por a atende e Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal to the
auction costs.
anochi di informacion y ta desea di haya mas • A private written bid can be submitted until June 13, 2018, 5 PM
informacion of forma parti di e Hardin di Rosa
pa Mama Maria, tuma contacto libremente cu
cel. # 592-1858 of via e-mail For more information:
No lubida cu ora nos resa, nos ta cambia histo- WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
ria, según Rev. Pastoor Daniel W. Szpila CSMA.