P. 14
14 AWEMainta Diaranson, 13 Juni 2018
Dos chauffeur bou
influencia gara
AUCTION DEN oranan laat di anochi y madruga Polis
a bin topa cu dos chauffeur, manehando bou
THURSDAY JUNE 28, 2018 influencia di alcohol.
E prome caso a keda constata riba e caminda
publico Vondellaan rond di 2.15 di madruga.
On June 28, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber of
Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public, ex. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of E patruya tabata pasando riba e caminda ey,
Aruba: bayendo pa un kiebro na e parkeerplaats banda
di ex edificio di Aduana, ora cu nan atencion a
1. A residential house locally known as:
wordo hala banda di Juliana School. E auto di
RUDOLF ARENDSSTRAAT 42 trafico contrario tabata haci señal di luz cu e
patruya. E Polisnan no por a compronde kico ta
pasando, pero tabata visto cu e chauffeur kier a
standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 727 m2 size, situated at Rudolf hala nan atencion.
Arendstraat in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section N number 307.
No reserve price will be used for the auction of this property. E patruya a dal un buelta y a sigui e auto y na e
Only serious offers will be considered. momento ey ta ricibi informacion for di Central
di Polis cu e auto cu tabata haci señal cu nan, ta
2. A residential house locally known as:
coriendo rtas di un auto Suzuki Liana shinishi y
BALANDERSTRAAT 16 cu esaki tabata coriendo den un forma peligroso.
A logra para e chauffeur di e Liana riba Vondellaan
na altura di oficina di Landsrecherche. Na
standing on a parcel of public land, 345 m2 in size, situated at Balanderstraat in momento cu un di e Polisnan a bay papia cu e
Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section F number 778. The term of the
lease rights expire on November 3, 2027. chauffeur, a constata cu e tabata bou influencia di
alcohol. Su rosea tabata hole alcohol, e ta papia
No reserve price will be used for the auction of this property. cu lenga pisa y no tabata por a para bon riba su
Only serious offers will be considered.
pianan. A pidie pa haci un test di supla, pero el
3. A residential house locally known as a nenga. Nan a dicidi di hibe Warda di Polis
Santa Cruz, unda cu el a wordo presenta dilanti
BRAZIL 160 Fiscal Auxiliar y a keda cera pa interogacion y
standing on a parcel of public land, 600 m2 in size, as further described in
cadastral measure document no. 250/1949. The term of the lease rights has Esey no tabata e unico chauffeur burachi cu a
expired on January 7, 2010. wordo para. Dialuna anochi 9or Strandpolitie
tabata bayendo direccion di Wendys Palm
No reserve price will be used for the auction of this property.
Only serious offers will be considered. Beach, ora cu a topa cu un incidente. Banda di
e luznan di trafico banda di Wendys a constata
4. A residential house locally known as un Kia Rio bayendo direccion nort (Palm Beach).
A constata cu e auto no tabatin su luznan cendi.
ST. ANTHONIEBERGWEG 6 A duna chauffeur señal pa mustre cu su luznan
di auto no tabata cendi, pero sin resultado.
standing on a parcel of public land, 529 m2 in size, as further described in A dicidi di bira y a sigui e Kia Rio blanco. Otro
cadastral measure document no. 233 / 1975. The term of the lease rights has Polisnan cu tabata na altura di ex Millenium
expired on October 11, 2015.
Resort, pa caminda cera door di azeta cu a basha,
Starting price: to be announced a mira e vehiculo biniendo y a dune señal pa
E chauffeur no kier a para, pero no tabatin
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and caminda pa e sigui core y a dicidi di para e auto.
special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
Johnson. Ora cu e Polisnan a yega cerca, a constata cu e
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. tabata hole alcohol. A pidi personal di trafico
• The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time. presente pa yuda den limpiesa di e caminda pa
• A private written bid can be submitted until June 13, 2018, 5 PM haci un test cu e chauffeur femenino. A trata
diferente biaha di lague test, pero el a nenga.
For more information: Pa e motibo aki a dicidi di detene e chauffeur
femenino aki 9’or di anochi, y el a wordo hiba
WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM Warda di Polis na Shaba unda cu a presente
dilanti Fiscal Auxiliar y pa haci otro test.-