P. 10
10 AWEMainta Diaranson, 13 Juni 2018
Hombernan a bebe bira burachi y
bringa formalmente cu otro
DIALUNA ultimo den oranan di madruga Polis
AUCTION a intermedia den un problema di problema cu a
tuma luga na un restaurant pafo di un hotel. Den
THURSDAY JUNE 28, 2018 e caso aki un persona a wordo deteni y tabatin
dos herido.
On June 28, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber Diadomingo pa 11.45 di anochi Central di Polis
of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public: ta manda patrulla di Noord na un restaurant
pa un discusion cu por caba den un pelea.
EX. 3:268 JO. 3:254 CIVIL CODE OF ARUBA: Na e sitio e Polisnan a bin tende cu un di e
partidonan a bay for di e sitio caba. A papia cu
A condominium locally known as
siguridad di e restaurant, y a pidi nan pa keda
THE RESIDENCES AT un rato mas pasobra esun cu a busca problema
probablemente lo bolbe.
Na e momentonan tabatin masha hopi hende pa
DIVI GOLF & BEACH RESORT cual e Polisnan a dicidi di tene un patruya na pia
den e area pa mantene bista. Dado momento
nan ta wordo informa di un pelea cu tin na e bar.
UNIT # 23 Eynan a core wanta e homber di inicial H. Su
cara tabata tur na sanger. El a splica e Polisnan
locally recorded as First Department Section K number 4066-A cu un persona a dal’e den su cura cu un boter.
appartmentindex 23, consisting of: Dado momento el a core bay direccion di un
otro homber, di inicial P. Nan a cuminsa bringa
- the exclusive right to use a condominium on the 1st floor; cu otro pero e Polisnan na final a logra separa
- a 1.69 % undivided share in "The Residences at Divi Golf & Beach
Resort"-buildings and facilities situated at Irausquin Boulevard A constata cu H a haya un corta na su cabes.
Irausquin Boulevard 41, Eagle. Un amigo di dje, esta esun di inicial R., tambe a
haya un corta chikito na su pia.
Starting bid: US$ 254.800,-- E homber P. a wordo aresta pa 12.15 pa maltrato
cu arma. Den transportwagen a hib’e pa Warda di
A private written bid can be submitted until June 13, 2018, 5 PM.
Polis na Shaba y presenta dilanti Fiscal Auxiliar.
Ambulance cu a yega na e sitio a atende cu e
dosnan cu a resulta herida. H. A wordo bisa pa e
bay Poli y Polis a bis’e cu den oranan di mainta
A residential house with apartments, locally knows as e por pasa na Recherche pa entrega keho.
Despues na Warda a bin tende cu e homber P.,
berdad a dal H cu un boter. E homber P a bisa cu
SAN BARBOLA 63 el a haci esey pasobra H a fula su señora.
standing in a parcel of full ownership land, 3.122 m2 in size, situated
at San Barbola in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P
number 2723. Choller tabata di remate
Starting bid: To be announced PRESENCIA di Polis a wordo pidi dialuna
anochi na Booby Hillweg pa un choller cu tabata
di remate y e hendenan no por a controle.
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and Pa 10.39 di anochi Central di Polis ta manda
special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R. patruya di San Nicolas na Booby Hillweg, unda
• The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by cu e choller di inicial H., tabata haciendo masha
decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. fastioso. A topa cu e muhe cu algun flor den su
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. man. E patruya a trata di papia cun’e pero el a
• The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
• Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable saca un careda bay direccion west. Nan a mira
bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount cu el a brasa un kolom (di muraya). E tabata
equal to the auction costs. basta bou influencia di droga.
For more information: A base di esaki pa su mesun siguridad y di
otronan, a dicidi di detene y transporte pa Warda
WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM di Polis San Nicolas. Despues cu a presente
dilanti Fiscal Auxiliar, a dun’e un cuarto gratis.