Page 18 - KPA 24Jan'15
P. 18

30 AWEMainta Diasabra, 24 Januari 2015

Siempre Viva                                                                                               likely it was “degenerated”.     ginella Lepidophylia’.
                                                                                                           Maybe they never got the name    The Spanish name is: “Anami”.
                                                      By: Roland W. Peterson                               right or could not pronounce     Some names the Aloe is also
                                                                                                           it right.                        known by: Vera, Burn plant,
IF I should ask the popula-       “yes”. They have at least heard     It was introduced in the Carib-                                       Lilly of the desert, Elephant’s
                                  the name before or have some        bean and South America, where        So “Siempre Viva”  became        gall,
tion of Aruba, if they have ever  kind of affiliation with the aloe.  it is now a house hold medicine.     “simple viry” and today some     Aloe barbadensis.
heard  of the  plant “Siempre     “Siempre Viva” is just another      Some people hang the plant up-       people still will refer to aloe  6000 years ago it was used in
Viva “. I assume that at least    name for aloe.                      side down above the front door       with  the “degenerated”word.     Egypt.
90% would say “no”. Never                                             of businesses or homes for good      The word aloe came from
heard the name or have any af-    The Aloe is a perennial succu-      luck and protection.                 Southern Africa.                 Dinosaur Plant, Gully root,
filiation with the plant.         lent (meaning having a life span    Most likely the name “Siempre        The scientific name is: “Sela    Guinea Henweed.
                                  of more than two years and has      Viva” came from Cuba.
On the other hand if I asked      tick, fleshy leaves or stems) na-
them if they ever heard           tive of the Mediterranean coast     In the English speaking Carib-
about the aloe plant, I assume    of Africa.                          bean it got its own name. Most
that more than 90% would say

E tram ta manera un bida                                                                                        Busca Señor mientras cu e por wordu haya,
                                                                                                                         yame mientras cu e ta serca.
                               Pa: Roland W. Peterson
                                                                                                           Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon nos ta participa
                                                                                                                                 fayecimento di:

NA Playa mi ta subi e tram. Riba e tram mi ta         y ayo. E misterio ta cu mi no sa na cual lugar               Pedro Virgilio Raphaëla
                                                      (stacion) mi ta baha.                                                         Mihor conoci como: “Vi”
topa mi amigonan.                                     Pesey mi mester biba e manera mas mihor cu tin.                             *01-08-1924 †21-01-2015
Na un momento mi amigonan ta baha, y laga             Stima, pordona y ofrece e mihor cu mi tin.                       Viudo di Birginia Virgen Raphaëla- Francisca
mi so sigui.                                          Ta importanta pa haci esaki, pasobra mi no sa        Na nomber di su:
Den tempo otro hende ta subi e tram, manera           unda mi ta baha y laga e banki bashi, mi mester      Yiunan:
nos amor di bida, yiunan, nos rumannan, nos           laga tras memorianan bunita p’esnan cu ta sigui..    Miriam y Clemence Courtar y famia
amigonan.                                             Mi ta desea abo un careda den tram di biba.          Victorianus Raphaëla y famia
Hopi di nan lo baha y laga un vacio bashi. Otro-      Mi ta recomenda hopi amor.                           Raquel Guanipa y famia
nan ta sigui y na tal momento mi no sa mes cu         Pero mas importante mi ta bisa Dios danki p’e        Jenny y Carolina Raphaëla y famia
nan a baha.                                           biahe                                                Irena y Elio Gutierrez y famia
E tram ta yen di amor, apesar, fantasia, halo                                                              Henne Wijntuin y famia na Hulanda
                                                                                                           Nieto y nietanan, bisanieto, tataranietonan, primo y primanan
Supuesto bendedor                                                                                          Tur su amigo y amiganan di Dakota, amigonan di Dragon
  di droga deteni                                                                                          Restaurant, tur conocirnan, bisiñanan, tur su coleganan di
                                                                                                           Camarada di Schutterij, Cas di Mariluz, Cas di Machi y Kibraha-
POLIS diahuebs merdia 13.35, durante patruya          homber J.E. tabatin marihuana.                       cha.
                                                      E homber J.E. den e auto, tambe tabatin un saco      Demas famia: Raphaëla, Hayer, Clemencia, Courtar, Hertz,
a haya informacion cu tin un auto, den e park-        cu hierba. Polis a listra den e auto y riba e stul   Zimmerman, Acevedo, Felipe, Groen, Gutierrez y demas famia
inglot di Occidental Resort, cu supuestamente         patras, Polis ta haya un tas preto cu marihuana,     na Corsow, Aruba y Hulanda
tin marihuana den dje.                                grinder, algun sakito di plastic, 4 capsula cu sub-  Disculpanos si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida cualkier famia
N’e sitio, e trahador di e resort ta bisa cu n’e en-  stancia blanco, vloei y un lighter. Tur e articulo-  of conocir.
trada di e resort, tin un auto Mitsubishi Galant      nan a keda confisca pa entrega na Departamento       Ta invita pa asisiti na e acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar dialuna
para cu ta hole marihuana.                            di Narcotica.                                        26 di januari 2015 na Aurora Funeral Home di 2’or pa 4’or di
Ora cu Polis a bay banda di e auto, nan a haya e                                                           atardi, despues lo Sali pa Santana central na Sabana Basora.
holor di marihuana. Polis a baha e ocupantenan        E sospechosonan tur dos a keda deteni y hiba         Adres pa condolencia: Aurora Funeral Home, diadomingo 25 di
for di e auto pa listranan.                           Warda di Polis na Shaba. E auto Lancer A-59554       januari 2015 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.
Riba e chofer J.T. polis a haya un ziplock di plas-   tambe a keda confisca.
tic cu hierba parecido na marihuana, tambe e
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