Page 12 - aruba-today-20210104
P. 12

A12   Technology
                    Monday 4 January 2021

            Nashville bombing spotlights vulnerable voice, data networks

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       was "actually rather seam-
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                less,"  Mumford  said,  al-
            The  Christmas  Day  bomb-                                                                                          though the public couldn't
            ing  in  downtown  Nashville                                                                                        make  calls  to  police  pre-
            led to phone and data ser-                                                                                          cincts.  She  said  the  AT&T
            vice  outages  and  disrup-                                                                                         service   started   coming
            tions over hundreds of miles                                                                                        back  Sunday  and  as  of
            in the southern U.S., raising                                                                                       Wednesday morning, over-
            new  concerns  about  the                                                                                           all service with cellphones,
            vulnerability  of  U.S.  com-                                                                                       internet  and  landlines  was
            munications.                                                                                                        "about 90% up."
            The  blast  seriously  dam-                                                                                         The  Parthenon,  a  museum
            aged  a  key  AT&T  network                                                                                         replica  of  the  Parthenon
            facility,  an  important  hub                                                                                       in  Athens  located  about
            that provides local wireless,                                                                                       three  miles  from  the  ex-
            internet  and  video  service                                                                                       plosion,  still  didn't  have  a
            and  connects  to  regional                                                                                         working  phone  four  days
            networks.  Backup  genera-                                                                                          after the blast. But its cred-
            tors went down, which took                                                                                          it-card  system  came  back
            service  out  hours  after  the                                                                                     online  Tuesday,  said  John
            blast. A fire broke out and                                                                                         Holmes,  an  assistant  direc-
            forced an evacuation. The                                                                                           tor of Metro Parks, the mu-
            building flooded, with more                                                                                         seum's  owner.  During  the
            than three feet of water lat-  In this Dec. 29, 2020 file photo, debris remains on the sidewalk in front of buildings damaged in a   weekend, the museum was
            er pumped out of the base-   Christmas Day explosion in Nashville, Tenn.                                            cash-only,  although  it  let
            ment; AT&T said there was                                                                          Associated Press  in people without cash for
            still  water  on  the  second  pany uses AT&T equipment  was part of an active crime  able  to  get  some  services  free.
            floor as of Monday.          for  moving  customer  data  scene, which complicated  up and running within 24 to  It's not as if the physical vul-
            The  immediate  repercus-    from towers to the T-Mobile  AT&T workers' access.        48  hours  of  a  catastrophic  nerability  of  communica-
            sions were surprisingly wide-  network.                   "We are all too dependent  blast  in  this  case  is  pretty  tions  networks  comes  as  a
            spread. AT&T customers lost  "People  didn't  even  real-  on  phone,  cell  phone,  TV  amazing," Fontes said.     surprise.  Natural  disasters
            service — phones, internet  ize   their   dependencies  and  internet  to  have  out-  Local  authorities  turned  to  like  hurricanes  frequently
            or  video  —  across  large  until  it  failed,"  said  Doug  ages for any reason," Rep.  social  media  on  Christmas  wipe  out  service  as  the
            parts  of  Tennessee,  Ken-  Schmidt,  a  Vanderbilt  Uni-  Jim  Cooper,  the  Demo-   Day, posting on Facebook  power goes out and wind,
            tucky and Alabama. There  versity  computer  science  crat  who  represents  Nash-     and  Twitter  that  911  was  water  or  fire  damage  in-
            were  911  centers  in  the  professor. "I don't think any-  ville  in  Congress,  said  in  down  and  trying  to  reas-  frastructure.  Recovery  can
            region  that  couldn't  take  one recognized the crucial  an    emailed    statement  sure  residents  by  offering  take  days,  weeks  or  even
            calls;  others  didn't  receive  role that particular building  Wednesday.  He  said  the  other  numbers  to  call.  A  longer. Hurricane Maria left
            crucial  data  associated  played" in the region's tele-  U.S.  "needs  to  harden  our  Facebook  page  for  Mor-  Puerto Rico in a near com-
            with  callers,  such  as  their  com infrastructure, he said.  telecom  facilities  so  we  gan County 911 in northern  munications  blackout  with
            locations. The Nashville po-  The  explosion,  which  took  have  greater  redundancy  Alabama  said  Saturday  destroyed telephone poles,
            lice  department's  phones  place  in  the  heart  of  the  and  reliability"  and  called  that  Alabama  911  centers  cell towers and power lines.
            and  internet  failed.  Stores  Nashville's  historic  down-  for  congressional  hearings  were  up  and  running  but  Six months later there were
            went cash-only.              town,  killed  the  bomber,  on  reducing  telecom  vul-  advised  AT&T  customers  still areas without service.
            At some hospitals, electron-  injured several people and  nerabilities.                with issues to try calling via  Software  bugs  and  equip-
            ic medical records, internet  damaged dozens of build-    The impact on emergency  internet,  and  to  go  to  the  ment  failures  have  also
            service or phones stopped  ings. Federal officials are in-  services  may  have  raised  local  police  or  fire  station  caused  widespread  prob-
            working.  The  Nashville  air-  vestigating the motive and  the  most  serious  flags.  At  for help if they couldn't get  lems.  A  December  2018
            port halted flights for about  haven't  said  whether  the  one  point,  roughly  a  hun-  through.                 CenturyLink outage  lasted
            three  hours  on  Christmas.  AT&T  building  was  specifi-  dred  911  centers  had  ser-  The  Nashville  police  de-  for  more  than  a  day  and
            Rival  carrier  T-Mobile  also  cally targeted.           vice  problems  in  Tennes-  partment  uses  the  FirstNet  disrupted  911  calls  in  over
            had  service  issues  as  far  AT&T  said  96%  of  its  wire-  see  alone,  said  Brian  Fon-  system built by AT&T, which  two  dozen  states  and  af-
            away as Atlanta, 250 miles  less  network  was  restored  tes,  head  of  the  National  the carrier boasts can pro-  fected  as  many  as  22  mil-
            away,  because  the  com-    Sunday.  As  of  Monday  Emergency  Number  Asso-         vide  "fast,  highly  reliable  lion  people.  That  included
                                         evening,  AT&T  said  "near-  ciation.  A  911  call  center  interoperable   communi-  blocked  calls  for  Verizon
                                         ly  all  services"  were  back  should  still  be  operational  cations"  in  emergencies  customers and busy signals
                                         up. On Wednesday, it was  even  if  there  is  damage  and  that  is  meant  to  pri-  for  Comcast  customers,
                                         "activating  the  last  of  the  to  a  phone  company's  oritize first responders when  which  both  used  Centu-
                                         remaining  wireline  equip-  hub,  said  David  Turetsky,  networks  are  stressed.  But  ryLink's network.
                                         ment."                       a  lecturer  at  the  University  problems emerged around  "Avoiding  single  points  of
                                         AT&T said it sent temporary  at  Albany  and  a  former  midday Friday, said spokes-   failure is vital for any num-
                                         cell  towers  to  help  in  af-  public safety official at the  person Kristin Mumford. The  ber  of  reasons,  whether
                 Sand Logic              fected areas and rerouted  Federal  Communications  department had to turn to  it  has  to  do  with  physical
                                         traffic to other facilities as it  Commission. If multiple call  a backup provider, Centu-  damage,   human   error,
               The famous Divi Divi tree is
                                         worked to restore power to  centers were out of service  ryLink,  for  its  landlines  and  hostile action or any of the
              actually called Watapana. They
                                         the  Nashville  building  .  But  for several days, "that is of  internet  at  headquarters  above,"  Turetsky  said.  "We
              all point SouthWest due to the
                     trade winds.        not all traffic can be rerout-  concern," he said.        and  precincts  and  ob-     need  our  networks  to  be
                                         ed, spokesperson Jim Greer  Cooper  and  experts  like  tained  loaner  cellphones  resilient regardless of earth-
                The tree works just like a
                The tree works just like a
                                         said,  and  there  was  physi-  Fontes  also  gave  AT&T  and  mobile  hotspots  from  quake,  tornado,  terrorist,
              compass. So, when you’re lost
                                         cal equipment that had to  credit  for  their  work  on  re-  Verizon.
             look for one they are pointing to                                                                                  cyber  attacker  or  other
                the highrise hotels area.  be  fixed  in  a  building  that  instating  services.  "To  be  The  transition  to  backups  threat."q
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