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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Monday 4 January 2021
            Sheriff: Pastor dead, 2 hurt in shooting at Texas church

            WINONA,  Texas  (AP)  —  A                                                                                          kilometers) east of Dallas.
            pastor  was  killed  and  two                                                                                       Representatives of Starrville
            other  people  were  injured                                                                                        Methodist  could  not  be
            in  a  shooting  at  an  East                                                                                       immediately  reached  for
            Texas church Sunday after                                                                                           comment.  Starrville  Meth-
            the  pastor  confronted  a                                                                                          odist was built in 1853, ac-
            man who had hidden from                                                                                             cording  to  the  Texas  State
            police  in  the  church  over-                                                                                      Historical Association.
            night, a local sheriff said.                                                                                        The  shooting  came  a  little
            Authorities had been using                                                                                          more  than  a  year  after  a
            dogs and drones to search                                                                                           gunman  opened  fire  at  a
            for  the  man  late  Saturday                                                                                       church near Fort Worth, kill-
            in  woods  near  Winona  fol-                                                                                       ing  two  people  before  he
            lowing  a  car  chase,  and                                                                                         was  fatally  shot  by  a  con-
            the  pastor  of  the  nearby                                                                                        gregant.
            Starrville  Methodist  Church                                                                                       Texas  officials  hailed  the
            discovered  him  hiding  in                                                                                         congregant’s quick action,
            a  church  bathroom  Sun-                                                                                           saying  it  prevented  further
            day morning, Smith County                                                                                           killing  and  showed  the  ef-
            Sheriff Larry Smith said at a                                                                                       fectiveness  of  the  state’s
            news conference.                                                                                                    permissive gun laws, includ-
            Smith said he did not know                                                                                          ing a 2019 measure that af-
            why  the  man  was  initially                                                                                       firmed the right of licensed
            being pursued but that the                                                                                          handgun holders to carry a
            license plates on his vehicle                                                                                       weapon  in  places  of  wor-
            were “fictitious.”           The Smith County Sheriff’s Office investigates a fatal shooting incident at the Starville Methodist   ship.
            The pastor drew a gun and    Church in Winona, Texas, on Sunday morning, Jan. 3, 2021.             Associated Press  That law was passed in re-
            ordered  the  man  to  stop,                                                                                        sponse to the 2017 massa-
            Smith  said,  but  the  man  noon with gunshot wounds  Sgt.  Larry  Christian,  of  the  lated,  religion-related  of-  cre at  First Baptist Church
            grabbed the weapon and  to his hand, but that it’s un-    sheriff’s  office.  Smith  said  fense,” said Smith.      of   Sutherland    Springs,
            began shooting with it. The  clear when he was shot.      the pastor, his wife and two  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  sent  his  where  a  man  fatally  shot
            pastor was killed, a second  Smith  declined  to  identify  other  people  were  in  the  condolences.              more than two dozen peo-
            person was injured by gun-   the  pastor,  the  other  peo-  church at the time.       “Our  hearts  are  with  the  ple at a Sunday service be-
            fire and another was hurt in  ple  injured  or  the  suspect.  The  man  appears  to  have  victims  and  the  families  of  fore taking his own life.
            a  fall.  The  man  then  stole  The  sheriff  said  the  shoot-  taken shelter in the church  those killed or injured in this  Since  then,  a  cottage  in-
            the  pastor’s  vehicle  and  ing suspect will likely face a  out  of  convenience  and  terrible tragedy,” he said in  dustry has sprung up in Tex-
            fled  east  before  being  ar-  capital murder charge.    there’s nothing to indicate  a statement.                 as and other states to train
            rested by deputies in near-  The  shooting  was  report-  the  shooting  was  motivat-  It’s  unclear  exactly  when  and arm civilians to protect
            by  Harrison  County,  Smith  ed  around  9:20  a.m.,  and  ed by religious animus, the  the   man   entered   the  their  churches  using  the
            said. He said the man was  there were no services go-     sheriff said.                church in Starrville, near Wi-  techniques and equipment
            hospitalized  Sunday  after-  ing  on  at  that  time,  said  “This  is  not  a  church-re-  nona, about 100 miles (160  of law enforcement.q

            McConnell, Pelosi homes vandalized after $2,000 relief fails

                                                                      jority Leader Mitch McCon-   everything,”    apparently  tantrum.”    Louisville  police
                                                                      nell’s  door  in  Kentucky  on  referencing   Democratic  are  investigating  the  inci-
                                                                      Saturday read, “WERES MY  lawmakers’ failed efforts to  dent at McConnell’s home,
                                                                      MONEY.”  “MITCH  KILLS  THE  increase  the  coronavirus  which  occurred  around  5
                                                                      POOR”  was  scrawled  over  relief  checks  from  $600  to  a.m.  Saturday.  There  cur-
                                                                      a  window.  A  profanity  di-  $2000.  McConnell released  rently are no suspects, po-
                                                                      rected  at  the  Republican  a  statement  on  Saturday  lice  spokesperson  Dwight
                                                                      senator was painted under  condemning  the  vandal-       Mitchell said in an email.
                                                                      the mailbox.                 ism at his home in Louisville.  On New Year’s Day, Senate
                                                                      At  House  Speaker  Nancy  “I’ve spent my career fight-   Republicans  refused  to  al-
                                                                      Pelosi’s  home  in  San  Fran-  ing for the First Amendment  low debate over a bill to in-
                                                                      cisco,   someone     spray-  and  defending  peaceful  crease the amount of CO-
                                                                      painted  graffiti  and  left  a  protest,”  he  stated.  “I  ap-  VID-19  relief.  The  increase,
                                                                      pig’s head and fake blood  preciate  every  Kentuck-      supported   by   President
                                                                      on New Year’s Day, police  ian  who  has  engaged  in  Donald  Trump,  passed  the
            A neighbor looks at the spray paint on the front of the home   said.  The  vandalism  was  the  democratic  process  Democratic-led  House  but
            of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, r, Ky., which was   reported  around  2  a.m.  whether  they  agree  with  was  blocked  by  McCon-
            vandalized overnight in Louisville, Ky., Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021.   Friday,  a  police  statement  me  or  not.  This  is  different.  nell.
                                                     Associated Press  said, and a special investi-  Vandalism and the politics  The  government  has  be-
            By TIMOTHY D. EASLEY and  homes  with  graffiti  and  in  gations unit is trying to de-  of  fear  have  no  place  in  gun sending out the small-
            TRAVIS LOLLER                one  case  a  pig’s  head  as  termine who did it.        our society.”                er  payments  to  millions
            Associated Press             Congress failed to approve  KGO-TV reported that  graf-   McConnell said he and his  of  Americans.  The  $600
            LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Van-  an increase in the amount  fiti  found  on  the  garage  wife  are  not  intimidated  payment  is  going  to  indi-
            dals lashed out at the lead-  of money being sent to in-  door  of  the  Democratic  by  the  vandalism.  “We  viduals  with  incomes  up
            ers  of  the  U.S.  House  and  dividuals to help cope with  leader’s  home  included  just  hope  our  neighbors  in  to  $75,000.  Congress  ap-
            Senate  over  the  holiday  the coronavirus pandemic.     the  phrases  “$2K,”  “Can-  Louisville  aren’t  too  incon-  proved the payment in late
            weekend,  blighting  their  Spray paint on Senate Ma-     cel  rent!”  and  “We  want  venienced  by  this  radical  December.q
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