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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 4 January 2021
            Britons flying home to Spain caught in post-Brexit red tape

            By ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                      by the Italian and German
            Associated Press                                                                                                    governments, respectively.
            MADRID (AP) — Blame CO-                                                                                             Matt Bristow, a spokesman
            VID-19  travel  restrictions                                                                                        for  the  British  in  Germany
            or  Brexit  but  whatever  the                                                                                      association  of  residents  in
            cause,  some  British  citi-                                                                                        that country, said: “This ap-
            zens trying to return to their                                                                                      pears to be a case of U.K.
            homes in several European                                                                                           airport  staff  not  knowing
            countries   this   weekend                                                                                          what  documents  to  ac-
            have  been  barred  from                                                                                            cept  or  applying  the  rules
            boarding flights.                                                                                                   more  stringently  than  the
            Airlines refused documents                                                                                          German     border   police
            that  before  Brexit  had                                                                                           would.”
            been valid proof of the Brit-                                                                                       Spain has been rolling out a
            ons’  status  as  residents  in                                                                                     new system to register per-
            Spain,  Italy  and  Germany,                                                                                        manent  foreign  residents
            although  Spanish  authori-                                                                                         called  TIE  but  it’s  suffering
            ties  claimed  that  the  issue                                                                                     a backlog due to the high
            had been resolved by mid-                                                                                           number  of  requests.  Au-
            Sunday.                                                                                                             thorities  told  AP  that  proof
            Their  ordeal  came  amid                                                                                           of  application  for  the  TIE
            heightened  travel  restric-                                                                                        and the “green certificate”
            tions  due  to  a  coronavi-                                                                                        for EU citizens were still valid
            rus  variant  that  has  been   British travelers returning to their homes in Spain wait to speak to airline staff after they were refused   to travel for British residents
                                         entry onto planes, at London’s Heathrow airport on Saturday Jan. 2, 2021.
            blamed  for  faster  conta-                                                                        Associated Press  under  the  new  health  re-
            gion  in  the  U.K.  and  high-                                                                                     strictions in place until Jan.
            lights   the   bureaucratic  Iberia  said  in  a  statement  four  years,  was  among  a  us,”  she  said.  Referring  to  19.
            complexities  resulting  from  late Sunday that a commu-  group of at least nine peo-  the  airlines  and  authorities  “This should not be happen-
            Britain’s departure from the  nication  from  Spain’s  bor-  ple unable to board a Ma-  in both countries, she add-  ing,” said the U.K. embassy
            27-nation European Union.    der  police  on  Jan.  1  had  drid-bound  BA/Iberia  flight  ed:  “It’s  horrendous  and  in Spain said in a Facebook
            Both Spanish and British au-  created  “some  confusion”  from  London’s  Heathrow  we  are  suffering  because  post.
            thorities  said  Sunday  that  and  that  it  was  later  clari-  Airport on Saturday.  of their incompetence.”     “The  Spanish  authorities
            the  green-colored  certifi-  fied.  British  Airways  didn’t  Moody  said  she  and  her  Following  the  discovery  of  have  today  re-confirmed
            cate of EU citizenship with a  immediately respond to re-  husband,  who  she  says  the  coronavirus  variant  in  that  the  green  residency
            foreign  national  identifica-  quests for comment.       needs  to  see  his  doctor  the  U.K.,  many  European  document  will  be  accept-
            tion number issued by Spain  Around  300,000  British  citi-  back  in  Spain,  have  spent  nations  have  banned  all  ed  for  travel  to  return  to
            is still valid for British citizens  zens are registered as per-  1,900  pounds  ($2,600)  on  travel  from  the  British  isles  Spain, as stated in our trav-
            residing in Spain under the  manent  residents  in  Spain,  getting tested for the virus,  except  for  their  own  na-  el advice.”
            bilateral provisions that fol-  although   before   Brexit,  traveling to the airport and  tionals and U.K. citizens with  But  Sam  Dakin,  a  32-year-
            lowed the U.K.’s withdrawal  many  more  had  been  liv-  booking  new  tickets  after  residency rights.           old      English-language
            from the bloc on Dec. 31.    ing  full  or  part-time  in  the  they  were  refused  board-  Travelers to Pisa, Italy, and  teacher  based  in  Barce-
            But  the  travelers  say  British  country  without  officially  ing.  Their  second  attempt  Berlin  have  also  reported  lona for the last four years,
            Airways  and  Iberia,  which  registering.                was also futile.             similar  hurdles  in  board-  and  his  partner,  who  has
            are part of the IAG group,  Patricia Moody, a 69-year-    “Throughout all the months  ing  planes  operated  by  been in the Spanish city for
            have  been  refusing  to  let  old  retiree  who  has  called  of  negotiating  Brexit,  we  Ryanair and Lufthansa de-  8  years,  said  they  needed
            them  board  for  the  past  the  southern  Spanish  town  were  always  assured  that  spite  carrying  documents  more  assurances  before
            two days.                    of Zurgena home for nearly  nothing  would  change  for  that  had  been  accepted  they could rebook flights.q

              Israeli prosecutors spell out allegations against Netanyahu

              JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israeli  company in exchange for  Netanyahu and his family,
              prosecutors  on  Sunday  positive  coverage  on  its  changing  headlines  and
              released  an  amended  popular  Walla  news  site.  lowering or even removing
              indictment  spelling  out  In  response  to  a  request  unfavorable stories. It also
              detailed  charges  against  from Netanyahu’s lawyers  included alleged requests
              Prime  Minister  Benjamin  for  more  details,  Israeli  for  negative  coverage  of
              Netanyahu  in  a  corrup-   prosecutors released a let-  Netanyahu’s rivals.
              tion  case  in  which  he  is  ter  Sunday  alleging  there  The  document  listed  all
              accused of trading favors  had been 315 incidents of  315  suspected  incidents,
              with  a  powerful  media  Walla  being  requested  to  which  allegedly  included
              mogul.  Netanyahu  has  make  its  coverage  more  numerous requests to pub-
              been charged with fraud,  favorable  for  Netanyahu  lish  flattering  articles  and
              breach  of  trust  and  ac-  and  his  family.  They  said  photos  of  Netanyahu’s  In this Dec. 22, 2020 file photo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
              cepting  bribes  in  three  there   were    indications  wife  Sara,  to  conceal  re-  Netanyahu  delivers  a  statement  at  the  Israeli  Knesset,  or
              corruption  cases.  One  of  that  Netanyahu  was  per-  ports  of  embarrassing  ex-  Parliament, in Jerusalem.
              them  alleges  that  Netan-  sonally  involved  in  150  of  penditures  and  personal                                      Associated Press
              yahu  promoted  regula-     those incidents. It said the  information   about   the  controlling  shareholder  at  prove  lucrative  business
              tions worth hundreds of mil-  requests  included  giving  Netanyahu family and at-  the time, Shaul Elovitch, as  deals  for  the  company
              lions of dollars to the own-  more time or prominence  tempts  to  embarrass  his  expressing  concerns  that  if  negative  articles  were
              er  of  the  Bezeq  telecom  to  positive  articles  about  rivals.  It  quoted  Bezeq’s  Netanyahu would not ap-  published.q
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