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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 1 February 2021
            GOP lawmakers urge Biden to meet with them on virus relief

            By AAMER MADHANI                                                                                                    ately  commit  to  a  Biden
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Ten                                                                                            meeting  with  the  lawmak-
            Republican  senators  on                                                                                            ers.
            Sunday  proposed  spend-                                                                                            But Cedric Richmond, a se-
            ing  about  one-third  of                                                                                           nior Biden adviser, said the
            what  President  Joe  Biden                                                                                         president  "is  very  willing  to
            is  seeking  in  coronavirus                                                                                        meet  with  anyone  to  ad-
            aid  and  urged  him  to  ne-                                                                                       vance the agenda." When
            gotiate  rather  than  try  to                                                                                      asked  about  the  senators'
            ram through his $1.9 trillion                                                                                       plan,  Richmond  said,  "this
            package  solely  on  Demo-                                                                                          is about seriousness of pur-
            cratic  votes.In  challenging                                                                                       pose."
            Biden  to  fulfill  his  pledge                                                                                     Deese indicated the White
            of  unity,  the  group  said  in                                                                                    House could be open to ne-
            a  letter  that  their  counter-                                                                                    gotiating on further limiting
            proposal  will  include  $160                                                                                       who  would  receive  stimu-
            billion for vaccines, testing,                                                                                      lus  checks.  Portman  sug-
            treatment  and  personal                                                                                            gested  the  checks  should
            protective  equipment  and                                                                                          go to individuals who make
            will  call  for  more  targeted                                                                                     no  more  than  $50,000  per
            relief  than  Biden's  plan  to                                                                                     year  and  families  capped
            issue $1,400 stimulus checks                                                                                        at $100,000 per year.
            for most Americans.          In this Jan. 19, 2021 file photo, Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, speaks to members of the media outside   Under  the  Biden  plan,
            Winning  the  support  of  10   a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.                   families  with  incomes  up
            Republicans  would  be  sig-                                                                       Associated Press   to  $300,000  could  receive
            nificant for Biden in the 50-                                                                                       some stimulus money.
            50 Senate where Vice Presi-  the  Republican  senators  reconciliation.  That  would  The  other  GOP  senators  "That  is  certainly  a  place
            dent  Kamala  Harris  is  the  wrote.  "Our  proposal  re-  allow  the  bill  to  advance  are Susan Collins of Maine,  that  we're  willing  to  sit
            tie-breaker. If all Democrats  flects  many  of  your  stated  with only the backing of his  Lisa  Murkowski  of  Alaska,  down and think about, are
            were to back an eventual  priorities, and with your sup-  Democratic majority.         Mitt Romney of Utah, Shel-   there ways to make the en-
            compromise  bill,  the  legis-  port,  we  believe  that  this  The  Republicans  did  not  ley  Moore  Capito  of  West  tire  package  more  effec-
            lation would reach the 60-   plan  could  be  approved  provide  many  details  of  Virginia, Todd Young of In-     tive?" Deese said.
            vote threshold necessary to  quickly by Congress with bi-  their  proposal.  One  of  the  diana, Jerry Moran of Kan-  As a candidate, Biden pre-
            overcome potential block-    partisan support."           signatories,  Louisiana  Sen.  sas,  Mike  Rounds  of  South  dicted  his  decades  in  the
            ing  efforts  and  pass  under  The  plea  for  Biden  to  give  Bill  Cassidy,  said  that  it  Dakota,  and  Thom  Tillis  of  Senate and his eight years
            regular Senate procedures.   bipartisan     negotiations  would cost about $600 bil-   North Carolina.              as  Barack  Obama's  vice
            "In  the  spirit  of  bipartisan-  more  time  comes  as  the  lion.                   Brian Deese, the top White  president  gave  him  cred-
            ship  and  unity,  we  have  president  has shown signs  "If you can't find bipartisan  House  economic  adviser  ibility as a deal-maker and
            developed  a  COVID-19  of impatience  as the more  compromise on COVID-19,  who  is  leading  the  admin-          would  help  him  bring  Re-
            relief framework that builds  liberal  wing  of  his  party  I don't know where you can  istration's outreach to Con-  publicans  and  Democrats
            on  prior  COVID  assistance  considers  passing  the  re-  find it," said Ohio Sen. Rob  gress,  said  administration  to  consensus  on  the  most
            laws,  all  of  which  passed  lief  package  through  a  Portman,  who  also  signed  officials were reviewing the  important  matters  facing
            with  bipartisan  support,"  process  known  as  budget  the letter.                   letter.  He  did  not  immedi-  the country.q

            Creator of 'Bernie' mittens partners with teddy bear maker

            By KATHY McCORMACK           side  business  making  mit-  parka  and  the  recycled  "We're excited to be in the
            Associated Press             tens  out  of  recycled  wool,  wool  mittens.  Sanders  put  mittens category."
            The  teacher  who  created  gave  Sanders  a  pair  as  a  out  so-called  "Chairman  It's  not  clear  when  the  first
            the  recycled  wool  mittens  gift,  and  he  wore  them  to  Sanders"  merchandise,  in-  mittens would be available
            that  U.S.  Sen.  Bernie  Sand-  President Joe Biden's inau-  cluding  T-shirts,  sweatshirts  for  purchase.  Those  inter-
            ers wore to the presidential  guration.  His  fashion  look,  and  stickers,  on  his  cam-  ested in getting a pair can
            inauguration  —  engender-   also featuring a winter jack-  paign website.             leave an email at the com-
            ing  countless  memes  —  is  et  made  by  Burton  Snow-  Vermont Teddy Bear, which  pany's website.
            partnering  with  the  Ver-  boards,  sparked  countless  makes  handcrafted  bears  In  the  past,  Vermont  Ted-
            mont  Teddy  Bear  Com-      memes  prompted  by  the  for all occasions, including  dy Bear has made special
            pany  to  create  a  whole  photo  taken  by  Agence  a Bernie one, reached out  bears  to  raise  money  for
            mitten line to meet soaring  France-Presse:  The  former  to Ellis to see if she'd be in-  Make-A-Wish Vermont, and
            demand, with some of the  presidential       candidate  terested in partnering.        recently gave office space
            proceeds  going  to  Make-   could  be  found  on  social  "Jen is going to work hand-  to  the  organization  for  $1
            A-Wish Vermont.              media  timelines  taking  a  in-hand  —  mitten-in-hand  a year, said James Hatha-
            "I  can't  be  more  thrilled,  seat  on  the  subway,  the  —  with  each  one  of  our  way, president and CEO of
            because  I  personally  can't  moon and the couch with  designers"  to  ensure  that  Make-A-Wish Vermont. Ha-
            make  18,000  pairs  of  mit-  the cast of "Friends," among  the  'Bernie  mitten'  design  thaway said the charity lost
            tens,"  Jen  Ellis  said  Satur-  other creative locales.  in  multiple  patterns  is  pro-  $250,000 in revenue during    In this Jan. 20, 2021 file pho-
            day, estimating how many  Sanders raised at least $1.8  duced in a way that meets  the pandemic.                    to,  Sen.  Bernie  Sanders,  I-Vt.,
            people  have  contacted  million  in  merchandise  for  her  standards  of  quality,  "We are so grateful to Ver-   wears  mittens  as  he  attends
            her.  "Everybody  will  get  charities stemming from the  said Hayes McCarthy, vice  mont Teddy Bear, Jen, and      President Joe Biden's inaugu-
                                                                                                                                ration  ceremony  at  the  U.S.
            their mittens — everybody."  Jan. 20 image of him seat-   president  of  product  in-  of course to Bernie for be-  Capitol in Washington.
            Ellis, a Vermont elementary  ed  with  his  arms  and  legs  novation,  brand  creative  ing  so  Bernie,"  Hathaway            Associated Press
            school  teacher  who  has  a  crossed,  clad  in  his  brown  and consumer experience.  said in a statement.q
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