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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 1 February 2021
            Wrangle over valuable art uncovered in Cypriot ghost town

            By MENELAOS HADJICOSTIS                                                                                             Speaking  on  behalf  of  his
            Associated Press                                                                                                    family, Panayiotis Constan-
            NICOSIA,  Cyprus  (AP)  —                                                                                           tinou told the AP that their
            The  abstract  figures  of  na-                                                                                     lawyer  has  advised  them
            ked  women  gyrating  to                                                                                            that the hotel, the club and
            the rhythms of a five-piece                                                                                         everything inside it belongs
            band  had  shocked  many                                                                                            to the family, regardless of
            people  almost  60  years                                                                                           the Savva artwork's cultural
            ago  as  they  eyed  the  art-                                                                                      value.
            work for the first time on the                                                                                      "We  respect  and  value
            walls  of  a  popular  restau-                                                                                      culture,  but  this  is  private
            rant-nightclub in Cyprus.                                                                                           property  about  which  we
            The valuable and very rare                                                                                          haven't  been  asked  any-
            concrete  relief  by  Christo-                                                                                      thing  about  removing  it,
            foros  Savva,  Cyprus'  most                                                                                        and on top of that, some-
            avant-garde  artist  of  the                                                                                        one  else  lays  claim  to  it,"
            1960s,  had  lain  hidden                                                                                           Constantinou said.
            for  decades  in  the  under-                                                                                       Art  historians  credit  Savva
            ground recesses of the Per-                                                                                         as one of the most influen-
            roquet  nightclub  in  aban-                                                                                        tial  artists  of  the  time  who
            doned  Varosha  —  an  in-                                                                                          brought  the  country's  in-
            accessible ghost town that   In this Tuesday Oct. 20, 2020 shows a priceless and very rare concrete relief by Cyprus' most   ward-looking,  traditionalist
            had  been  under  Turkish    avant-garde artist of the 1960s, Christoforos Savva, appears on the wall of the defunct Perroquet   art world into modernity in
                                         nightclub in the abandoned ghost-town of Varosha in the breakaway, Turkish Cypriot north of
            military control since a 1974   ethnically divided Cyprus.                                                          the years immediately after
            war ethnically cleaved the                                                                         Associated Press  Cyprus  gained  indepen-
            island nation.                                                                                                      dence  from  British  colonial
            But  with  Varosha's  contro-  gallery for all to see.    "In return, I pledge to cede  could  be  derailed  as  the  rule in 1960.
            versial  partial  opening  last  Former Perroquet owner Av-  these  pieces  to  the  Na-  Greek  Cypriot  family  that  A  painter  and  sculptor,
            November, the artwork has  gerinos Nikitas, 93, a Greek  tional Collection as a small  owns  the  Esperia  Tower  Savva  shifted  away  from
            again come to light follow-  Cypriot,  has  appealed  to  contribution  to  Christofo-  hotel  that  hosted  the  Per-  the  established,  represen-
            ing a report by local news-  a  committee  composed  ros  Savva's  huge  body  of  roquet  club  insist  that  the  tational  art  styles  by  en-
            paper Politis. Now, the man  of  both  Greek  and  Turkish  work,"  Nikitas  said  in  a  let-  artwork  legally  belongs  to  compassing  influences  like
            who says he commissioned  Cypriots  that's  tasked  with  ter  obtained  by  The  Asso-  them.  They  say  they  won't  cubism,  which  he  picked
            the art from Savva is asking  protecting  Cyprus'  cultural  ciated  Press,  addressed  to  allow  their  "private  prop-  up  during  his  stays  in  Lon-
            authorities for help to have  treasures  on  both  sides  of  the  committee  as  well  as  erty"  to  be  removed  and  don  and  Paris  through  the
            it  removed  and  transport-  the  divide  to  help  remove  Cyprus' education ministry.  transferred  and  are  warn-  1950s,  into  his  voluminous
            ed to the country's national  the 13 sections.            But  the  whole  venture  ing of legal action.            artwork. He died in 1968.q

            Mexico confirms at least 2 Guatemalan migrants among 19 dead

            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  Pros-  immigration agents.         charred corpses were their
            ecutors in northern Mexico  The Tamaulipas  state pros-   loved  ones  that  some  of
            confirmed Saturday that at  ecutors'  office  did  not  re-  the  families  already  erect-
            least two of the 19 people  lease the names of the four  ed  traditional  altars  to  the
            found  shot  to  death  and  victims identified so far.   dead,  with  flowers  and
            burned  near  the  U.S.  bor-  Of the 19 bodies examined  photographs.
            der  were  Guatemalan  mi-   by  experts,  16  were  found  Some  of  the  relatives  in
            grants.  Two  other  victims  to  be  males,  one  was  Guatemala  told  of  receiv-
            among  the  four  identified  confirmed  as  female  and  ing  calls  from  the  migrant
            so far were Mexicans, they  two  others  were  so  badly  smuggler  who  took  the
            said.                        burned  their  gender  had  group  of  10  males  and
            The  forensic  results  con-  not yet been determined.    three  female  north,  telling
            firmed the fears of families in  The  killings  revived  memo-  them their family members
            a  rural  Indigenous  farming  ries of the 2010 massacre of  were  dead.  Relatives  said
            community  in  Guatemala  72 migrants near the town  they  lost  contact  with  the    Natalia Tomas keeps vigil next to an altar adorned with photos
            who  have  said  they  lost  of  San  Fernando  in  the  ground around Jan. 21.        of her son Ivan Gudiel, in her home in Comitancillo, Guatemala,
            contact  with  13  migrants  same  gang-ridden  state.  It  is  unclear  why  the  19   Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021.
            last week as they travelled  A repeat of the 2010 mas-    people  were  slain.  There                                           Associated Press
            toward  the  United  States.  sacre has long been one of  have  been  instances  in
            The  bodies  were  found  the  Mexican  government's  which drug cartels charge  nized  crime  groups  covet  over.
            Jan.  22  piled  in  a  burned-  worst nightmares.        migrant smugglers for cross-  control  of  stretches  of  the  In  August  2010,  Zetas  car-
            out  truck  on  a  dirt  road  in  In  2019,  President  Andrés  ing  their  territory,  and  kid-  border because they make  tel  members  stopped  two
            the northern border state of  Manuel  López  Obrador  nap  or  kill  migrants  whose  money  off  everything  that  tractor-trailers   carrying
            Tamaulipas.  The  truck  had  said,  "We  do  not  want  a  smugglers have not paid.   crosses the border.          dozens  of  mostly  Central
            113 bullet impacts.          repeat  of  horrendous,  re-  Camargo, the area where  The town is near the edge  American  migrants  and
            A  burned-out  SUV  found  grettable acts like San Fer-   the  bodies  were  found,  of  territory  historically  con-  took  them  to  a  ranch  in
            nearby    had    previously  nando."                      has  long  been  the  scene  trolled  by  factions  of  the  San Fernando. After the mi-
            been seen in the neighbor-   Relatives  of  migrants  from  of  turf  battles  between  ri-  Gulf  cartel  and  in  recent  grants  refused  to  work  for
            ing state of Nuevo Leon, at  Guatemala's  province  of  val drug gangs as a major  years  a  remnant  of  the  the cartel, they were blind-
            a  spot  where  66  migrants  San  Marcos  are  so  con-  smuggling  transit  point  for  Zetas  known  as  the  North-  folded, tied up on the floor
            were caught by police and  vinced  that  13  of  the  19  drugs  and  migrants.  Orga-  east cartel has tried to take  and shot dead.q
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