Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210128
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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 28 Januari 2021

                              Kate, Prince Charles pay tribute to Holocaust survivors

            (AP) — Kate, the Duchess  after  the  end  of  World  War  in  educating  the  next  gen-
            of Cambridge, has praised  II. She first met the men in  eration, the younger genera-
            Holocaust  survivors  for  2017 when she and her hus-     tions, about your experiences
            their  inspirational  work  band, Prince William, visited  and the horrors of the Holo-
            educating  the  next  gen-   a former Nazi concentration  caust shows extreme strength
            eration  about  the  Nazi  camp  built  in  occupied  Po-  and such bravery in doing so,
            regime, as Prince Charles  land.                          it’s so important and so inspi-
            and  other  British  public                               rational,”  the  royal  told  the
            figures  paid  tributes  to  Shipper told the duchess that  men at the end of the video
            mark  Holocaust  Memo-       after  he  was  transported  to  call.
            rial Day Wednesday.          Auschwitz  he  witnessed  ba-
                                         bies  being  shot  when  their  Prince Charles urged people
            Kate  held  a  video  call  last  mothers  refused  to  be  sepa-  to  remember  the  Holocaust
            week  with  Zigi  Shipper,  91,  rated from them.         and “be the light that ensures
            and  Manfred  Goldberg,  90,                              the  darkness  can  never  re-
            who  met  as  boys  while  in  “The  stories  that  you  have  turn.”                  Britain,  including  Wembley  Wednesday  evening  to  mark
            a  Nazi  concentration  camp  both  shared  with  me  again                            Stadium  and  Cardiff  Castle,  the memorial day.
            and  later  settled  in  Britain  today  and  your  dedication  National  monuments  across  will be bathed in purple light

                         Protesters in Lebanon clash with police over virus lockdown

                                                                      infections have been record-  On  Wednesday,  dozens  of  faced  rising  popular  anger
                                                                      ed  since  last  February  and  protesters took to the streets  since  protesters  took  to  the
                                                                      2,553 deaths.                for  the  third  straight  day  in  streets  in  October  2019,  in
                                                                                                   Tripoli,  Lebanon’s  second  the  largest-ever  nationwide
                                                                      To respond to the crisis, the  largest city and the most im-  protests in the country. Dem-
                                                                      government  has  imposed  a  poverished,  demanding  an  onstrators  accused  them  of
                                                                      nearly  month-long  nation-  end  to  the  lockdown.  Some  mismanaging  and  robbing
                                                                      wide  lockdown  and  round-  tried  to  torch  vehicles  and  the  country  of  its  resourc-
                                                                      the-clock curfew, the strictest  were beaten back by security  es  and  driving  it  into  pov-
                                                                      since the virus hit Lebanon.  forces firing tear gas and wa-  erty.  The  protests  later  died
                                                                                                   ter cannons. At least 20 were  down, in part because of the
                                                                      The  measures  have  exacer-  injured by tear gas and were  pandemic  but  also  because
                                                                      bated  a  crippling  economic  treated on the spot.       the political class held on to
                                                                      and  financial  crisis  that  pre-                        power and divisions emerged
                                                                      ceded  the  pandemic  in  this  The protests are also a reflec-  among the demonstrators.
                                                                      small  Mediterranean  coun-  tion  of  frustration  at  politi-
            (AP) — Lebanese security  coronavirus.                    try of nearly 5 million people  cians  who  have  been  dead-  On Wednesday, Lebanese of-
            forces  fired  tear  gas  and                             and over 1 million refugees.  locked over the formation of  ficials  unveiled  the  national
            water  cannons  in  clashes  Meanwhile,  Lebanon  hit  a  The  Lebanese  currency  has  a new government for nearly  vaccination  plan,  saying  the
            Wednesday  with  dozens  new  daily  record  for  CO-     tumbled,  losing  over  80%  six months. The government  government  aims  to  inocu-
            of protesters who took to  VID-19  fatalities,  registering  of its value. Banks have im-  resigned  in  August  follow-  late around 80% of the popu-
            the street in the country's  76  deaths.  Daily  infections  posed controls on withdraw-  ing a massive blast at Beirut's  lation by the end of the year.
            north for a third consecu-   have  soared  in  recent  weeks  als  and  transfers  to  protect  port,  which  killed  over  200  The first batch of Pfizer-Bi-
            tive day to denounce dete-   and  hospitals  have  struggled  dwindling  foreign  reserves.  people  and  injured  thou-  oNTech  vaccines  is  sched-
            riorating living conditions  with COVID-19 patients, re-  Unemployment  and  infla-    sands.                       uled to arrive in Lebanon by
            amid a strict lockdown to  porting  near  full  occupancy  tion have skyrocketed.                                   mid-February.
            prevent the spread of the  in ICU beds. Nearly 290,000                                 Lebanon’s  ruling  class  has

                            New protests as Polish court seals divisive abortion ruling

            (AP)  —  New  protests  day,  responding  to  calls  for  highly  critical  of  the  ruling  genital  defects,  and  critics  Termination  of  pregnancy
            broke  out  in  Polish  cities  new  protests  by  women’s  right-wing  Law  and  Justice  argue that it narrows the al-  will  now  be  allowed  only  if
            Wednesday,  shortly  after  groups that led weeks of mas-  party.                      ready tight law to a near total  the woman's health is threat-
            the  country's  top  court  sive demonstrations last year                              ban of abortions. It was made  ened  or  if  the  pregnancy  is
            confirmed its highly divi-   against the initial Oct. 22 rul-  The  main  opposition  Civic  in response to a motion from  the  result  of  a  criminal  act,
            sive  ruling  that  will  fur-  ing.  Protests  were  also  held  Platform  party  condemned  over  100  ruling  party  law-  such as rape or incest.
            ther tighten the predomi-    in many other cities, under a  the court's move as “a provo-  makers,  whose  names  have  Until now, congenital defects
            nantly  Catholic  nation’s  heavy police presence.        cation” by Law and Justice.  not been made public.        were the reason behind most
            strict anti-abortion law.                                                                                           legal abortions in Poland.
                                         In  Warsaw,  protesters  later  “The government is trying to
            The  Constitutional  Tribunal  marched  through  the  city  cover up its incompetence (in
            published the justification of  center  to  the  ruling  party's  dealing  with  the  pandemic)
            its  decision,  which  means  it  headquarters  with  signs  of  and is doing that in a cynical
            can now be officially printed  the leading “Women’s Strike”  way,”  Civic  Platform  leader
            and  take  immediate  effect.  group  and  pro-LGBT  rights  Borys Budka tweeted.
            The  printing  was  expected  rainbow  flags.  Like  in  last
            later Wednesday.             year's  demonstrations,  they  Another  opposition  leader,
                                         defied  Poland’s  pandemic  Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz,
            Opposition  parties  strongly  ban on gatherings.         tweeted  urging  the  govern-
            criticized the move.                                      ment  to  “save  the  economy,
                                         No violence was reported on  don't set Poland ablaze.”
            Thousands  of  people  gath-  either side. Last year's march-
            ered outside the court build-  es  —  some  of  which  led  to  The  court  ruling  bans  the
            ing  in  Warsaw  late  Wednes-  clashes  with  police  —  were  abortion of fetuses with con-
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