P. 31
PEOPLE/ARTS Wednesday 21 June 2017
Envoy Angelina Jolie urges better treatment of refugees
Associated Press
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) —
Actress and U.N. refugee
agency special envoy
Angelina Jolie on Tues-
day denounced the im-
punity with which rape
is committed in conflict
zones and the mistreat-
ment of vulnerable
women and children.
Jolie spoke in Kenya to
mark World Refugee
Day. She visited a train-
ing center on how to
prevent sexual violence
in conflict and met with
refugees from conflicts
in Burundi, South Sudan,
Somalia and Congo.
“The reality is that wom-
en and girls as well as
boys and men can still
be raped with near-total
impunity in conflict zones
around the world, and
there are still appalling Actress Angelina Jolie speaks to the media after meeting with the British Peace Support Team for East Africa, at the
cases of rape and mis- International Peace Support Training Center in Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday June 20, 2017.
treatment of vulnerable Associated Press
women, children and
men by peacekeepers The way people treat violence or persecution, support, trying to live lives closing what had been
sent to protect them,” refugees, the majority lost everything and wit- of dignity against impos- the world’s largest refu-
she said. of who are women and nessed the death of fam- sible odds,” Jolie said. gee camp, Dadaab,
Jolie added: “The hor- children, is a measure of ily members, but they Kenya is home to nearly and sending more than
ror of sexual violence is humanity, she said, ac- have also had to face 491,000 refugees from 200,000 people back to
compounded when it is cording to a statement so much abuse and in- conflicts in neighbor- Somalia. The court said
carried out by someone by the U.N. refugee tolerance and hardship. ing countries. A Kenyan the government had not
in uniform who has a tak- agency.“Not only have They are doing their best court recently stopped proved Somalia is safe
en an oath to protect.” they had to flee extreme to carry on with minimal the government from for refugees to return.q
Star Wars’ Han Solo
spinoff film loses directors
By LINDSEY BAHR Solo and Donald Glover as and profitable adapta-
AP Film Writer Lando Calrissian. tions of creaky or impos-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The supporting cast in- sible properties like “The
There’s been a disturbance cludes Woody Harrelson, Lego Movie” and “21 Jump
in the force and the young Emilia Clarke and Thandie Street” and its sequel. An-
Han Solo film is suddenly Newton. ticipation was high for what
without a director. Lucas- “Unfortunately, our vi- they would do with the Han
film president Kathleen sion and process weren’t Solo film, which was written
Kennedy said Tuesday that aligned with our partners by Star Wars vet Lawrence
the Star Wars spinoff is part- on this project. Kasdan and his son Jon
ing ways with directors Phil We normally aren’t fans of Kasdan. In this Jan. 5, 2015, file photo, Christopher Miller, left, and Phil
Lord and Christopher Miller the phrase ‘creative dif- Over the past six months Lord pose for a photo at the New York Film Critics Circle Awards
due to different creative vi- ferences’ but for once this the directors have been at TAO Downtown, in New York.
sions on the film. cliché is true,” the directors widely engaged on social Associated Press
Kennedy said a new direc- said in a joint statement media, drumming up in-
tor would be announced Tuesday. terest in the project — the ens” and the upcoming ing on another Star Wars
soon. “We are really proud of the second Star Wars antholo- “The Last Jedi.” anthology film. They have
Lord and Miller had been amazing and world-class gy film after “Rogue One.” Lucasfilm has had issues yet to slate a replacement
filming the untitled project work of our cast and crew.” The anthology films are with directors before. In director.
in London since January Lord and Miller have devel- considered separate from 2015 the company parted The untitled Han Solo film
2017 with stars Alden Eh- oped a stellar reputation in the “main trilogy,” which ways with director Josh is still slated for a May 2018
renreich as the young Han Hollywood for their smart includes “The Force Awak- Trank, who had been work- release.q