P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 21 June 2017
            New Chris Cornell music video,                            Daniel Day-Lewis says he’s

            filmed before death, released
                                                                      retiring from acting

                                                                      By JAKE COYLE
                                                                      AP Film Writer
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Daniel
                                                                      Day-Lewis, one of the most
                                                                      widely respected actors of
                                                                      his generation and a three-
                                                                      time  Oscar-winner,  says
                                                                      he’s retiring from acting.
                                                                      The  60-year-old  actor  an-
                                                                      nounced  Tuesday  that  he
                                                                      has  shot  his  last  film  and
                                                                      performed  in  his  last  play.
                                                                      That  makes  Paul  Thomas
                                                                      Anderson’s  already  filmed
                                                                      “Phantom  Thread,”  due
                                                                      out  in  December,  his  final
            In this July 29, 2015, file photo, Chris Cornell plays guitar during   film.           In this Jan. 27, 2013, file photo, Daniel Day-Lewis arrives at the
            a portrait session at The Paramount Ranch in Agoura Hills, Calif.   “Daniel  Day-Lewis  will  no   19th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at the Shrine Audito-
                                                     Associated Press                              rium in Los Angeles.
                                                                      longer  be  working  as  an
                                                                      actor,”  his  representative                                          Associated Press
             NEW YORK (AP) —             wanted the video to be re-   Leslee Dart said in a state-  been an exceptionally de-   long period of time. As I feel
             Chris  Cornell’s  final  music  leased  on  World  Refugee   ment.  “He  is  immensely   liberate performer who of-  I’m growing into a sense of
             video,  filmed  before  the  Day.Cornell  and  his  family   grateful  to  all  of  his  col-  ten spends years preparing  that life, if I’m lucky, I begin
             singer died in May, was re-  toured  refugee  camps  in   laborators  and  audiences   for a role, crafting his char-  to hear a voice.”
             leased Tuesday.             Greece in April, and there   over the many years. This is   acters with an uncommon,  He  has  stepped  away
             The video for “The Promise”  they decided that The Chris   a private decision and nei-  methodical completeness.   from film before. In the late
             was  released  to  coincide  and Vicky Cornell Founda-   ther he nor his representa-  “I don’t dismember a char-   1990s,  he  famously  ap-
             with World Refugee Day.     tion  would  focus  its  efforts   tives  will  make  any  further   acter  into  its  component  prenticed as a shoemaker
             The clip was filmed in Brook-  on child refugees.        comment on this subject.”    parts and then kind of bolt  in  Florence,  Italy  —  a  pe-
             lyn, New York.              Cornell was the lead singer   The  announcement  sent     it all together, and off you  riod he called “semi-retire-
             Eric  Esrailian,  who  pro-  of  Soundgarden  and  Au-   shockwaves  through  Hol-    go,” Day-Lewis told the AP  ment.” ‘’Phantom Thread,”
             duced the video, said Cor-  dioslave. Authorities say he   lywood,  where  Day-Lewis   in  2012,  discussing  Steven  which  Focus  Features  will
             nell filmed the video shortly  killed  himself  following  a   is  revered  as  possibly  the   Spielberg’s  “Lincoln.”  ‘’I  release  Dec.  25,  is  his  first
             before  he  died.  Esrailian  concert in Detroit.        finest actor of his time. But   tend to try and allow things  film  in  five  years,  following
             added that the rock singer  He was 52.q                  Day-Lewis  has  also  long   to  happen  slowly,  over  a  “Lincoln.”q
              Stars of ‘Jumanji’ sequel pay tribute to Robin Williams

            By HERNAN MUNOZ RAT-         years. The new film, “Ju-
            TO                           manji:  Welcome  to  the
            Associated Press             Jungle,”  shows  where
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)  Parrish was all that time.
            —  Jack  Black  and  Nick  Jonas  was  a  late  addi-
            Jonas — two of the stars  tion  to  the  cast  and  his
            of  the  upcoming  “Ju-      character  is  yet  to  be
            manji”  sequel  —  have  revealed. He said it was
            paid  tribute  to  the  ac-  important to the cast to
            tor  who  led  the  original  “pay justice” to Williams.
            film — the late Robin Wil-   “I  think  it’s  about  trying
            liams.                       to tell the story in a new
            Describing  Williams  as  and  exciting  way.  And
            a  “sweet,  sweet  man,”  hopefully he would have
            Black said the late actor  liked it,” he said.
            would “love” the movie.  In the sequel, the board
            “He  had  a  great  sense  game  from  the  original
            of adventure. ... It would  movie has been reimag-
            have  been  amazing  to  ined as a vintage video
            work  with  him,”  he  said  game,  into  which  four
            Sunday at a press event  teenagers  are  drawn.
            for the film in Barcelona,  The  teens  become  their
            Spain.                       video    game     avatars    Actors Jack Black, left, and Nick Jonas pose to the media during a photocall to promote the film
            Williams,  who  died  in  —  played  by  Dwayne           “Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle” in Barcelona, Spain, Sunday, June 18, 2017.
            2014, starred in the origi-  Johnson, Kevin Hart, Kar-                                                                         Associated Press
            nal  1995  movie  as  Alan  en Gillan and Black.          we  have  better  special  were able to go into the  “Jumanji:  Welcome  to
            Parrish, who was trapped  “Twenty        years    have    effects  and  a  bigger  jungles of Jumanji,” said  the  Jungle”  will  be  re-
            in a board game for 26  passed  and  obviously            budget.  That’s  why  we  Black.                          leased in December.q
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