P. 24

Wednesday 21 June 2017 BUSINESS

              Ford to move Focus production to China, sees no US job loss

            By DEE-ANN DURBIN                                                                                                   Spicer  said  the  president
            AP Auto Writer                                                                                                      wants to lower business tax-
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Ford  Mo-                                                                                         es and reform the tax code
            tor Co. will export vehicles                                                                                        so  businesses  will  want  to
            from  China  to  the  U.S.  for                                                                                     “come back to the United
            the  first  time  starting  in                                                                                      States,  grow  in  the  United
            2019.                                                                                                               States,  manufacture  more
            Ford  said  Tuesday  it  plans                                                                                      in the United States.”
            to  move  production  of  its                                                                                       Hinrichs  said  Ford’s  re-
            Ford  Focus  small  car  from                                                                                       search  shows  that  cus-
            the U.S. to China, where it                                                                                         tomers — who are used to
            already  makes  the  Focus                                                                                          phones and other gadgets
            for  Chinese  buyers.  Ford                                                                                         from  China  —  care  more
            will  continue  to  make  the                                                                                       about product quality than
            Focus  in  Europe,  and  will                                                                                       where  their  vehicles  are
            also  export  some  variants                                                                                        made.
            of  the  Focus  from  Europe                                                                                        Plans for production of the
            to the U.S.                                                                                                         2019 Focus — which will be
            Sales  of  small  cars  have                                                                                        larger and have some sig-
            dropped  sharply  in  the                                                                                           nificant  updates  —  have
            U.S.  and  companies  are                                                                                           bounced around over the
            seeking  to  cut  costs  mak-  Ford vehicles sit on the lot at a car dealership, in Brandon, Fla. Ford Motor Co. will export vehicles   last  few  months  as  Ford
            ing  them.  Ford’s  president   from China to the U.S. for the first time starting in 2019, announced Tuesday, June 20, 2017. Ford   tries to squeeze some prof-
            of  global  operations  Joe   will move production of its Ford Focus small car from the U.S. to China, where it already makes the   its from the ailing small car
            Hinrichs  said  the  move  to   Focus for Chinese buyers.                                  (AP Photo/Chris O’Meara)  segment.  U.S.  Focus  sales
            China  will  save  the  com-                                                                                        were  down  20  percent
            pany  $1  billion,  including   move won’t cost U.S. jobs.  in its Kentucky Truck Plant in  ment will secure 1,000 jobs   through  May,  hurt  by  low
            $500  million  for  canceling   The suburban Detroit plant  Louisville to make the new,  at the Kentucky plant.     gas  prices  and  consumer
            plans to build the Focus in   that  currently  makes  the  aluminum-sided Ford Expe-   But  the  White  House  re-  preference for SUVs.
            Mexico.                      Focus  will  be  converted  dition and Lincoln Naviga-    sponse  was  muted.  Asked   In  January,  the  company
            Wary of the response from    late  next  year  to  produce  tor SUVs. Those vehicles will  Tuesday  whether  Trump   announced  it  would  can-
            President  Donald  Trump,    the  Ford  Ranger  pickup  go on sale this fall and will  plans  to  get  tougher  on   cel a new plant in Mexico
            who  has  criticized  Ford   and Ford Bronco SUV.         be exported to more than  China  or  on  automakers       and  instead  use  capacity
            for  making  vehicles  out-  Ford also said Tuesday that  55  markets  globally,  the  who  leave  the  U.S.,  White   at another plant in Mexico
            side the U.S., Ford said the   it plans to invest $900 million  company  said.  The  invest-  House Press Secretary Sean   to build the Focus. q

             FedEx tops Wall Street 4Q forecasts

            MEMPHIS,  Tenn.  (AP)  —     and  executives  predicted  around  Black  Friday  and
            Shares of FedEx Corp. rose   another  season  of  record  Christmas.
            in  late  trading  Tuesday   pickups and deliveries later  FedEx  said  it  earned  $1.02
            after  the  company’s  lat-  this year.                   billion  in  its  fiscal  fourth
            est  quarterly  profit  beat   Executives  said  they  are  quarter,  which  ran  from
            Wall  Street  expectations   considering additional holi-  March through May, com-
            on higher rates and an in-   day-season surcharges but  pared with a loss of $70 mil-
            crease in deliveries.        have  not  made  any  deci-  lion a year earlier.
            FedEx is being lifted by the   sions.                     Excluding  pension  valua-
            growth in online shopping,   The  day  before,  rival  Unit-  tions,  restructuring  costs
                                         ed  Parcel  Service  Inc.  an-  and other items, the Mem-
                                         nounced  new  surcharges  phis-based  company  said
                                         for  peak  shipping  weeks  it  earned  $4.25  per  share.   In this April 10, 2017, photo, a FedEx envelope is placed into a
                                                                                                   dropbox  in  North  Andover,  Mass.  FedEx  Corp.  reported  earn-
                                                                                                   ings, Tuesday, June 20, 2017.
                                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)
                                                                                                   That handily beat the $3.89  unit boosted revenue by 9
                                                                                                   per share average forecast  percent  and  income  by  7
                                                                                                   from  10  analysts  surveyed  percent.
                                                                                                   by  Zacks  Investment  Re-   The  results  marked  a  re-
                                                                                                   search.                      bound from the company’s
                                                                                                   Revenue  rose  21  percent  disappointing  third-quarter
                                                                                                   to $15.73 billion, with about  numbers.
                                                                                                   two-thirds  of  the  increase  For  the  fiscal  year,  FedEx
                                                                                                   due  to  the  acquisition  of  reported profit of $3 billion,
                                                                                                   Dutch  delivery  company  or $11.07 per share, on rev-
                                                                                                   TNT Express.                 enue of $60.32 billion.
                                                                                                   The analysts had expected  The     company     forecast
                                                                                                   $15.56 billion.              earnings  in  its  new  fiscal
                                                                                                   In FedEx’s express air-deliv-  year  of  between  $12.45
                                                                                                   ery business, revenue rose 7  and $13.25 per share.
                                                                                                   percent  and  operating  in-  The  shares  rose  less  than
                                                                                                   come climbed 14 percent.  1  percent  in  aftermarket
                                                                                                   The  big  ground-delivery  trading.q
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