P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 21 June 2017

              Hall of Famer                                                                                                     new rules, equipment and

             Continued from page 17                                                                                             medical care available.
                                                                                                                                Through Football Research
             After  years  of  denials,  the                                                                                    Inc., a nonprofit dedicated
             NFL  eventually  acknowl-                                                                                          to the research and devel-
             edged  the  link  between                                                                                          opment of novel methods
             repeated  blows  to  the                                                                                           to  prevent,  mitigate  and
             head  during  football  and                                                                                        treat  traumatic  head  inju-
             chronic   traumatic   en-                                                                                          ry, some of those initiatives
             cephalopathy,  known  as                                                                                           include:
             CTE.  The  issue  also  gar-                                                                                       — Creating a program for
             nered  wide  attention  fol-                                                                                       head  protection  based
             lowing  the  2015  Will  Smith                                                                                     in  injury-prevention  tech-
             film “Concussion.”                                                                                                 niques proven successful in
             Just last week, the first two                                                                                      automobile safety technol-
             claims  in  the  NFL’s  billion-                                                                                   ogy.
             dollar  concussion  settle-                                                                                        —  Developing  accurate
             ment  were  announced,                                                                                             impact sensors.
             with  a  total  of  $9  million                                                                                    — Advancing helmet tech-
             in  benefits.  In  the  lawsuit                                                                                    nology to mitigate impact
             filed  in  Philadelphia,  the                                                                                      force.
             league  was  accused  of                                                                                           —  Creating  incentives  for
             hiding what it knew about                                                                                          industry to use the research
             the  link  between  concus-  In this Thursday, June 15, 2017 photo, former NFL players, from left, Jerome Bettis, Jim Brown and   and  develop  new  protec-
                                         Cris Carter attend a football game in Ramat Hasharon, near Tel Aviv, Israel.
             sions and CTE, the degen-                                                                         Associated Press  tive equipment, potentially
             erative  brain  disease  that                                                                                      even  including  position-
             has been found in dozens    10 companies at the expo.    cognitive  issues  before  kill-  definitely excited about to-  specific helmets.
             of former players after their   ElMindA,  which  is  at  the   ing  themselves,  then  were  day’s player being able to   Kraft  also  emphasized  the
             deaths.                     forefront of the concussion   diagnosed  with  CTE  after-  get  action  real-time  as  to   on-field moves the league
             In  recent  years,  the  NFL   research  and  has  devel-  ward.                      what’s  going  on  with  their   has made.
             has undertaken a series of   oped a system based on a    “The  technology,  the  ad-  brains.”                     “I mean we have indepen-
             initiatives both on the field   database  of  electrophysi-  justments  that  have  been  Kraft  said  the  expo  ex-  dent  doctors  at  the  stadi-
             and  off,  including  spend-  ological  brain  recordings   made,  players  being  di-  posed  the  players  to  vari-  ums that can take a player
             ing millions of dollars on re-  that  provide  personalized   agnosed immediately and  ous health issues that tran-  out,  and  when  I  started
             search into head trauma.    functional  cognitive  map-  having  to  stay  out  even  scended        concussions   in  the  league  the  head
             “The  NFL  invests  and  col-  ping, was clearly most rel-  against  their  own  wishes.  alone.                   coach  was  really  making
             laborates   with   leading   evant to the audience.      In the past, when I played,  “I really think that may be   certain  decisions,”  Kraft
             experts  and  innovators  to   “We  have  had  a  number   guys  got  back  in  the  field  overdone a little bit. I mean,   said.  “So  I  think  we  have
             advance  progress  in  the   of  conversations  with  the   or they just disguised it. We  I don’t think the game has   made  great  strides  mov-
             prevention,  diagnosis  and   company  and  continue     used to call it ‘having your  ever  been  safer  than  it  is   ing  ahead  in  terms  of  the
             treatment  of  head  inju-  to  monitor  developments,   bell  rung,’”  he  said.  “I  am  now,”  Kraft  said,  noting   health of the game.”q
             ries,”  league  spokesman   but  the  technology  is  not
             Brian  McCarthy  told  The   currently being used,” Mc-  AP News Break:
             Associated Press.           Carthy said.
             Bettis is one of 18 members   Kraft’s company, The Kraft   MLB international spending soars above $200M
             of  the  Pro  Football  Hall  of   Group, has been an inves-
             Fame who is in Israel for a   tor in ElMindA since at least   By RONALD BLUM          the way at $26 million, fol-  nus pool to $153.5 million.
             weeklong  visit  organized   2015.                       AP Baseball Writer           lowed by San Diego pitcher  “The party’s over for all big
             by  New  England  Patri-    Three-time    All-Pro   Ae-  NEW YORK (AP) — A record  Adrian Morejon at $11 mil-      signing  bonuses  for  inter-
             ots  owner  Robert  Kraft.  In   neas  Williams  said  he  was   $203  million  was  spent  on  lion,  and  Cincinnati  short-  national  amateurs.  It’s  no
             addition  to  boosting  the   pleased  with  how  the  NFL   international  amateur  free  stop Alfredo Rodriguez and  doubt,”  agent  Andy  Mota
             fledgling  local  game,  the   was handling the issue and   agents  in  the  just-ended  Padres  outfielder  Jorge  said Monday.
             delegation  is  also  touring   using technology to make   signing  period,  nearly  $50  Ona at $7 million each.  “It’s  a  reality  that’s  setting
             religious and historical sites,   the  game  safer.  Williams,   million more than the previ-  Baseball’s  new  labor  con-  in,  especially  with  Cuban
             meeting  prominent  offi-   who retired in 2004 after 14   ous high and a figure that  tract  imposes  a  cap  on  players.”
             cials  and  learning  about   years  in  the  league,  said   will  plummet  when  a  hard  bonuses  for  international  And  under  the  new  rules,
             the country’s vibrant tech-  there are far more precau-  cap on spending starts July  amateurs,  with  16  teams  international     amateurs
             nology sector.              tions  in  place  than  when   2.                         limited  in  2017-18  to  $4.75  were redefined as under 25
             The  delegation,  which  in-  he played. He was a team-  Four  Cubans  were  given  million,  six  to  $5.25  million  years old and with less than
             cludes  Joe  Montana,  Jim   mate of Andre Waters and    contracts  that  included  and eight to $5.75 million —  six years of professional ex-
             Brown,  Roger  Staubach     Dave Duerson, two former     signing  bonuses  above  $5  all not counting bonuses of  perience, up from 23 years
             and  Mike  Singletary,  re-  players  featured  in  “Con-  million. Chicago White Sox  up to $10,000.              old and less than five years
             ceived presentations from   cussion”   who     suffered   outfielder  Luis  Robert  led  That  limits  the  2017-18  bo-  of experience. q
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