P. 16

                 Wednesday 21 June 2017
              Alicia Bárcena Calls for Rethinking Economic Model and New Paradigm

            -ECLAC’s  Executive  Sec-                                                                                           equivalent  to  that  of  hu-
            retary  participated  in  a                                                                                         manity’s  poorer  half  and,
            high-level  event  in  the                                                                                          among  these  billionaires,
            framework  of  the  Interna-                                                                                        6 are linked to Information
            tional  Economic  Associa-                                                                                          and Communication Tech-
            tion’s World Congress, held                                                                                         nology (ICT) industries.
            in Mexico City.                                                                                                     She  said  that  macroeco-
                                                                                                                                nomic  management  and
            MEXICO  CITY  -  The  Ex-                                                                                           industrial,  innovation-  and
            ecutive  Secretary  of  the                                                                                         technology-related    poli-
            Economic       Commission                                                                                           cies  are  crucial  for  resolv-
            for  Latin  America  and  the                                                                                       ing  social  problems,  and
            Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia                                                                                           warned that the heteroge-
            Bárcena,  called  today  for                                                                                        neity  of  productive  struc-
            rethinking  the  economic                                                                                           tures  among  countries  is
            model  and  implementing                                                                                            accentuated  due  to  the
            a new paradigm that con-                                                                                            current  technological  rev-
            tributes  to  putting  an  end                                                                                      olution of the digital econ-
            to  economic,  social  and                                                                                          omy.
            environmental  inequalities                                                                                         Furthermore, she sustained
            and  moving  toward  sus-                                                                                           that globalization is increas-
            tainable development.                                                                                               ingly  being  questioned,
            The  senior  United  Nations                                             Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena.  mainly in developed coun-
            official  participated  in  the   panel on “Rethinking glob-  trial  policy  and  a  serious   wealth than the rest of the   tries,  which  has  provoked
            high-level  event  entitled   al  finance  –  The  perspec-  policy for productive diver-  world.                   an increase in nationalism,
            “Fractures  in  globalization   tives  of  emerging  econ-  sification aimed at greater   “Meanwhile, the wealth of   opposition  to  new  trade
            and  their  implications  for   omies,”   Alicia   Bárcena  growth and development.    the  lower  half  of  human-  agreements,  resistance  to
            emerging      economies,”    affirmed  that  “capitalism  In her analysis, ECLAC’s top   ity has fallen in the last six   immigration and the emer-
            held  in  Mexico  City  in  the   and   hyper-globalization  representative  called  for   years.                   gence of anti-globalization
            framework  of  the  eigh-    have  led  us  to  social,  po-  forging a new social com-  This  is  just  the  latest  evi-  movements.
            teenth  World  Congress  of   litical  and  environmental  pact that manages to halt   dence showing that today     In light of this scenario, in-
            the  International  Econom-  problems  that  are  not  sus-  the growing gap between   we  live  in  a  world  with  in-  ternational  cooperation  is
            ic  Association  (IEA),  orga-  tainable, which means we  rich and poor. She recalled   equality  levels  that  per-  the  key  for  making  prog-
            nized jointly with the Mexi-  must  reimagine  ourselves  that  this  gap  is  reaching   haps have not been seen   ress  on  the  regulation  of
            can  Center  for  Research   as a society in terms of con-  new extremes, citing Credit   in  more  than  a  century,”   markets, administering ten-
            and Teaching of Econom-      sumption and production.”  Suisse  figures  that  recently   Alicia  Bárcena  warned  lis-  sions,  reducing  inequali-
            ics (CIDE).                  She  specified  that  Latin  revealed  that  the  richest   teners.                    ties  and  consolidating  an
            While speaking on the first   America  needs  an  indus-  1% has accumulated more      She  added  that,  accord-   open  international  system
                                                                                                   ing  to  Forbes,  8  individu-  that protects public goods
                                                                                                   als  alone  concentrate  an   and  shared  and  inclusive
                                                                                                   amount  of  wealth  that  is   prosperity. q
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