P. 12

                 Wednesday 21 June 2017

              Venezuela chief prosecutor to face charges as crisis deepens

                                                                                                   al  Assembly  and  attempt  ment.  A  long-time  loyal-
                                                                                                   to  rewrite  the  constitution.  ist,  she  has  denounced
                                                                                                   In  the  past  few  weeks,  as  Maduro’s plans  to elect in
                                                                                                   Ortega  Diaz  has  pursued  July delegates for a consti-
                                                                                                   a  number  of  legal  actions  tutional assembly as an af-
                                                                                                   seeking to block Maduro’s  front to the legacy of Hugo
                                                                                                   power  grab,  government  Chavez,  who  crafted  the
                                                                                                   supporters  have  mounted  nation’s  current  constitu-
                                                                                                   a  campaign  to  discredit  tion.
                                                                                                   her actions, alternately ac-  A former leftist student ac-
                                                                                                   cusing her of being crazy or  tivist, she was named chief
                                                                                                   a spokeswoman for “right-    prosecutor in 2007 and re-
                                                                                                   wing terrorists.”            appointed  to  another  six-
                                                                                                   The  opposition,  for  whom  year  term  in  2014.  Under
                                                                                                   Ortega  Diaz  was  until  re-  the  current  constitution
                                                                                                   cently a favorite punching  which  Maduro  now  wants
                                                                                                   bag,  was  quick  to  con-   to  scrap,  she  can  only  be
                                                                                                   demn the ruling. At a press  removed  by  the  National
                                                                                                   conference,  the  Demo-      Assembly.
                                                                                                   cratic Unity alliance vowed  A  defiant  Ortega  Diaz  on
                                                                                                   to  redouble  its  campaign  Monday  vowed  to  contin-
                                                                                                   of  street  protests  seeking  ue  her  fight  and  touched
                                                                                                   Maduro’s    removal   that  on  what  many  believe  is
            Venezuela’s Chief Prosecutor Luisa Ortega Diaz speaks to the press from her office in Caracas,   have left at least 70 people  her  strongest  chip  against
            Venezuela. The country’s Supreme Court said Tuesday, June 20, that it will allow judicial proceed-  dead and hundreds injured  the government: investiga-
            ings against the dissident chief prosecutor.                                           or arrested.                 tions into corruption by top
                                                                         (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)  “All  Venezuelans  need  to  officials.
                                                                                                   stand up to rescue our na-   “We  have  to  begin  de-
            By JOSHUA GOODMAN            government  of  President  legedly committing “grave      tion’s democracy,” Nation-   manding  that  they  start
            Associated Press             Nicolas Maduro over his ef-  errors” in her role as the na-  al Assembly President Julio  providing the bills of where
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  forts to concentrate power.      tion’s top law enforcement   Borges said in a press con-  all  this  money  is  coming
            —  Venezuela’s  Supreme  The       government-stacked  official.                       ference surrounded by top  from  that  that  they  spend
            Court  cleared  the  way  court  in  a  statement  Tues-  Opponents of Maduro say      opposition leaders.          on  stages  and  for  the
            for  the  prosecution  of  the  day it had approved a re-  Ortega  Diaz  is  being  tar-  Ortega Diaz, whose agen-  marches,”   Ortega    Diaz
            country’s  chief  prosecu-   quest from a socialist party  geted  for  her  decision  to   cy  is  semi-autonomous,  said.  “Maybe  what  they
            tor, who became a surprise  lawmaker to lift prosecutor  break with the government     has  emerged  as  one  of  spend on stages would be
            hero  to  the  opposition  af-  Luisa Ortega Diaz’s protec-  over its plans to gut the op-  the  most  critical  voices  of  better  used  buying  medi-
            ter breaking ranks with the  tion from prosecution for al-  position-controlled  Nation-  Maduro within the govern-  cine and food.”q
                  2 Dutch journalist remain captive in Colombia

            BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  ing in El Tarra Monday when  bring them to safety,” Car-      “One  of  the  journalists  blog post.
            — Two Dutch journalists be-  they captured by members  los  Lauria,  Americas  direc-  needs  medicine  that  we  He described filming in Co-
            lieved kidnapped by leftist  of  the  National  Liberation  tor  of  the  Committee  to  are getting,” he said, while  lombia’s  vast  tropical  flat-
            rebels  in  a  volatile  region  Army, according to the Co-  Protect   Journalists   said.  not disclosing how he had  lands  known  as  Los  Llanos
            of  northeastern  Colombia  lombian military.             “All  sides  in  the  Colom-  obtained the information.   and breaking out with what
            remained captive Tuesday  Leaders  of  the  ELN  who  bian  conflict  must  respect  Dutch      Foreign   Ministry  appeared to be a rash af-
            as authorities vowed to se-  have  been  negotiating  a  the  internationally  recog-  spokeswoman       Daphne  ter going for a swim.
            cure their safe return.      peace  accord  with  the  nized  status  of  journalists  Kerremans  said  “the  case  He said he went to a doc-
            The   Colombian     military  government    since   ear-  as  civilians.”A  humanitar-  has our highest priority.”  tor  and  was  diagnosed
            identified  the  journalists  lier this year said on Twitter  ian  commission  was  trav-  The Spoorloos show said in  with  having  an  allergic  re-
            as   cameraman      Eugen-   they  were  looking  into  the  eling  Tuesday  to  the  town  a  message  on  Facebook  action to a tick bite.
            io  Ernest  Marie,  68,  and  report and hoped to “help  of  nearly  11,000  near  the  Tuesday that its staff would  By  the  end  of  filming,  he
            Derk  Johannes,  52,  host  clarify” the situation.       border   with   Venezuela  not  be  making  any  com-     said  the  bumps  had  dried
            of a Dutch television show  Meanwhile,  officials  and  where  the  journalists  were  ments  in  order  to  ensure  up.“My  skin  is  as  soft  as  a
            called Spoorloos (Without a  advocates  called  for  their  last  seen.  Richar  Claro,  a  the journalists’ safety.  peach again, but as I write
            Trace).  The  show  attempts  immediate release.          local official who is part of  Four  days  before  going  it over, I get itching again,”
            to  help  people  find  their  “Colombian     authorities  the commission, told W Ra-  missing,  Johannes  shared  he wrote.
            long lost blood relatives.   should  do  their  utmost  to  dio that the journalists were  his  impressions  about  re-  “Maybe I’m allergic to my
            The journalists were report-  locate  the  journalists  and  “fine for the moment.”    porting  in  Colombia  in  a  own memories.” q
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