P. 10

                 Wednesday 21 June 2017
             Syria troops positioned at heart of war on IS                                         Jordan court told of heavy

                                                                                                   fire in killing of 3 US troops
            By SARAH EL DEEB             shows    that    pro-Assad   Syria.
            Associated Press             troops have placed them-     Having largely succeeded     By REEM SAAD                 between  the  outer  and
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Syrian  gov-  selves  in  key  locations  in   in  neutralizing  most  of  his   Associated Press  inner  gate  when  Jorda-
            ernment  troops  and  their   the  anti-IS  battle,  while   rebel  opponents,  Assad’s   AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — A  nian gate guards said they
            allies  have  steadily  posi-  staying  close  to  the  U.S.-  forces,  with  the  help  of   crime  scene  investigator  heard a low sound, possibly
            tioned  themselves  in  key   backed Kurdish forces who   Iranian-sponsored    Leba-   told  a  military  court  Tues-  a pistol shot, from the direc-
            areas  on  the  flanks  of  the   lead the ground offensive.   nese  and  Iraqi  militias  be-  day that three U.S. military  tion of the convoy.
            U.S.-led coalition battle for   The  Syrian  government   gan  an  elaborate  military   trainers killed at the gate of  At the time, the defendant
                                                                                                   a  Jordanian  air  base  had  was  in  the  guard  house,
                                                                                                   come under heavy fire, in-   close to the inner barrier, to
                                                                                                   cluding from inside a near-  recharge the battery of his
                                                                                                   by guard house.              wireless  device,  witnesses
                                                                                                   The  investigator  testified  in  have said.
                                                                                                   the murder trial of a Jorda-  The  crime  scene  investi-
                                                                                                   nian soldier who has been  gator  said  Tuesday  that
                                                                                                   accused of killing three U.S.  multiple  rounds  were  fired
                                                                                                   Army  Green  Berets  at  the  from two M-16 assault rifles,
                                                                                                   entrance to the base in No-  including  from  inside  the
                                                                                                   vember.                      guard  house  where  car-
                                                                                                   The  defendant,  1st  Sgt.  tridges were later found.
                                                                                                   Marik  al-Tuwayha,  stood  The  vehicle  closest  to  the
                                                                                                   silently  in  a  cage  in  the  inner  barrier,  with  McEn-
                                                                                                   courtroom  Tuesday,  as  he  roe behind the wheel and
                                                                                                   had done during two pre-     Lewellen  in  the  passenger
                                                                                                   vious days of testimony this  seat,  was  just  a  few  feet
                                                                                                   week.  The  fathers  of  two  from the guard house.
                                                                                                   of  the  slain  Americans  sat  Moriarty’s  father,  James,
                                                                                                   just meters away from him,  who  repeatedly  watched
                                                                                                   following  the  proceedings  a  security  camera  video
                                                                                                   through a translator.        of  the  shooting  at  an  FBI
                                                                                                   Al-Tuwayha  has  pleaded  office  in  the  U.S.,  said  the
            In this photo taken on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016, a volunteer fighter with the Syrian Government   “not guilty” and the judge  defendant fired from inside
            forces sits atop a tank in the province of Raqqa, Syria. Syrian government and allied troops have   has said the defendant has  the guard house at that ve-
            inserted themselves into the battle against Islamic State militants by capturing key areas on the   no apparent ties to terrorist  hicle,  killing  McEnroe  and
            flanks of the coalition-led battle to seize Raqqa. They have positioned themselves as indispens-  groups.           Lewellen.
            able possibly spoilers in the fight to uproot the militants from Syria.
                                                      (Alexander Kots/Komsomolskaya Pravda via AP)  Jordan  is  a  U.S.  ally  in  the  Moriarty has said the video
                                                                                                   region,  including  in  the  also showed his son and a
            the  Islamic  State’s  self-de-  forces and their allies have   campaign.  It  was  a  multi-  campaign  against  Islamic  surviving  U.S.  soldier  jump-
            clared capital of Raqqa.     placed  themselves  south    pronged  thrust,  choking  IS   State  extremists  who  con-  ing out of the two vehicles
            They  are  attempting  to    of Raqqa and on the out-     supply  and  escape  routes   trol  areas  of  neighboring  behind  the  lead  car,  tak-
            become  an  indispensable    skirts  of  Deir  el-Zour,  the  IS   and  encircling  coalition   Syria and Iraq.     ing cover behind large ce-
            player in uprooting the ex-  militants’ last refuge.      forces.                      The deadly Nov. 4 shooting  ment blocks and returning
            tremists from Syria entirely.  While  government  troops   With Russia’s backing, they   at  the  al-Jafr  air  base  ap-  fire  while  shouting  at  the
            That presents a major chal-  may  be  far  from  in  con-  sprang  out  in  the  desert   peared  to  strain  those  ties  shooter to halt fire. Witness-
            lenge  for  the  coalition,   trol  of  that  area  and  are   of  Palmyra,  eyeing  the   at one point. Jordanian of-  es  have  said  the  firefight
            which  so  far  has  shunned   unlikely  to  go  after  the   town of Sukhna, the last IS   ficials  initially  claimed  the  lasted several minutes.
            any cooperation with Presi-  city of Raqqa, Syria expert   stronghold in central Syria.   U.S.  soldiers  triggered  the  A  total  of  78  bullets  were
            dent Bashar Assad and has    Sam  Heller  of  the  Century   Taking  Sukhna  would  cut   shooting by disobeying or-  fired  from  the  M-16  rifles,
            partnered  instead  with  lo-  Foundation  said  the  forc-  the militants’ supply line to   ders  of  Jordanian  troops  said  Moriarty  and  a  de-
            cal Kurdish-led forces.      es  “have  done  enough      the border with Iraq.        guarding  the  gate  of  the  fense lawyer, citing the in-
            As  the  U.S.  has  intensified   to  insert  themselves  that   Almost   simultaneously,   air base. Jordan later with-  vestigator’s testimony. They
            its  fight  against  IS  in  Syria,   they’re now a fact on the   they advanced south and   drew  this  claim  and  King  said  19  bullets  were  fired
            Assad and his trusted allies   ground.”                   east of Aleppo all the way   Abdullah II cleared the sol-  from pistols used by the U.S.
            of  Russia  and  Iran  are  in-  The  aim  is  “to  ensure  that   to Raqqa province, where   diers of any wrongdoing in  troops.
            creasingly  asserting  them-  they  can’t  easily  be  ex-  the  coalition  is  backing   a letter to the parents.  The  investigator  said  each
            selves. A Syrian military of-  cluded,  and  that  they  re-  the  mostly  Kurdish  force   The  victims  were  27-year-  of  the  three  vehicles  car-
            fensive  has  unfolded  on   main on track to ultimately   against  IS.  The  battle  for   old  Staff  Sgt.  Matthew  C.  rying Americans was hit by
            several   fronts,   coupled   retake  the  entirety  of  the   Rasafa, a key town south-  Lewellen  of  Kirksville,  Mis-  gunfire.Moriarty, a 70-year-
            with  Russian  airstrikes  and   country,” Heller said.   west of the city of Raqqa,   souri;  30-year-old  Staff  Sgt.  old  trial  lawyer  from  Hous-
            a  show  of  force  by  Iran,   The United States, he add-  triggered  clashes  with  the   Kevin J. McEnroe of Tucson,  ton, said the large number
            which  fired  ballistic  mis-  ed,  “is  dealing  with  it  de-  Kurdish  forces  and  led  to   Arizona;  and  27-year-old  of shots fired from the M-16s
            siles on an IS stronghold this   fensively  and  reactively.  I   the  downing  of  a  Syrian   Staff Sgt. James F. Moriarty  suggests  that  the  assailant
            week  and  pushed  militias   don’t think there’s any real   fighter  jet  by  a  U.S.  war-  of Kerrville, Texas.  “had to reload again and
            that it sponsors deeper into   sense  of  what  to  do,  be-  plane.                   Witnesses  have  said  that  again and again.”
            the battlefield.             yond defending U.S. troops   For the first time in two years,   a  four-car  convoy  ap-  Three   Jordanian   gate
            Damascus  and  its  allies   and partner forces.”         Syrian  troops  reached  the   proached the entrance of  guards  testified  Monday
            have  long  argued  that     The    government     push   border with Iraq, establish-  the base sometime before  that they held their fire af-
            they are the essential part-  against  IS  began  after  a   ing  a  link  with  Iraqi  forces   noon on Nov. 4.    ter  hearing  the  apparent
            ner to any international ef-  cease-fire  deal  brokered   that  were  advancing  on   The  first  vehicle  passed  pistol  shot  that  ostensibly
            fort  in  Syria,  portraying  all   in  May  by  Russia  and  Iran   their  side,  and  outflanking   through an outer and an in-  triggered the violent events
            opposition forces as terror-  that  designated  four  “de-  U.S.  troops  and  allied  reb-  ner gate, entering the base  because   they   couldn’t
            ist groups.                  escalation zones” in north-  els in Tanf, near the border   safely. Three more vehicles  identify the exact source of
            A  close  look  at  the  map   ern,  central  and  southern   with Jordan. q           carrying  U.S.  troops  stood  the sound. q
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