P. 14
Wednesday 21 June 2017
Wednesday, June 21:
PRANA Aruba Celebrates 4th Annual International Day of Yoga
ORANJESTAD - Can you for Autistic children and
breathe? Do you have those who are deaf or
a body? Do you have hearing impaired.
awareness? Then you Movement, attention,
can practice yoga! relaxation and breathing
Yoga is an ancient prac- exercises are incorpo-
tice that is proven to cre- rated into a class using
ate health and well be- games, music and ma-
ing in the heart , body terials so the kids go on
and mind. a yoga adventure while
Wednesday, June 21st is balancing their mind,
the 4th Annual Interna- heart and body.
tional Day of Yoga, and After a class the children
this year PRANA dedi- feel happy and relaxed.
cates attention to the The health benefits of
Special Needs Groups of yoga are equally viable
Aruba. for those with or without
A team of enthusiast special needs.
teachers, primary teach- Prana wants to share
ers for children, will visit the message that Yoga
special needs centers really is for EVERYONE.
this week, such as ‘Son- And gives special
risa’ and ‘Duna un Man.’ thanks to all the local
While other classes are teachers who chose to
being held at PRANA participate.q