P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 21 June 2017

              Drinks at Sopranos for Loura, Jay, Sara and Katie from Boston

            PALM  BEACH  -  For  Loura
            and Jay (50), Sara (18) and
            Katie  (23)  this  is  their  first
            trip  to  Aruba.  When  they
            were  wandering  around,
            they  discovered  the  So-
            pranos  Piano  Bar,  one  of
            the  star  establishments  of
            the  Arawak  Garden.  As
            the  four  enjoyed  a  drink,
            they  listened  to  the  piano
            player, who belts out songs
            on  request,  but  who  can
            also display a mean bit of
            instrumental.  Loura,  Jay,
            Sara  and  Katie,  who  are
            from  Boston,  MA,  were
            very  taken  with  Sopranos
            and  its  service:  ``they  are
            so  welcoming  here;  we
            found  it  most  enjoyable,’’
            they said.
            Sopranos forms part of the
            Aruba Wine and Dine fam-
            ily,  of  which  the  Arawak
            Garden  is  one  leg.  Great
            restaurants, kiosks and live
            music make the Garden a
            top destination when look-
            ing for a place to have din-
            ner and fun. Sopranos is for
            most  guests  the  best  pos-
            sible after-dinner stop.q
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