P. 8

                 Wednesday 21 June 2017
             As Brexit talks begin, Europe sees economic upswing over UK

            By PAN PYLAS                                                                                                        general election she called
            Associated Press                                                                                                    for  earlier  this  month,  un-
            LONDON (AP) — When Brit-                                                                                            dermining  confidence  in
            ain voted to leave the Eu-                                                                                          her ability to remain in the
            ropean Union a year ago,                                                                                            top job.
            proponents  argued  that                                                                                            And  the  economy  started
            the  British  economy  was                                                                                          showing signs of worsening.
            being  held  back  by  the                                                                                          The  15  percent  post-Brexit
            slow-growing,  dysfunction-                                                                                         drop  in  the  pound  has
            al bloc.                                                                                                            pushed  up  inflation  as  it
            A  year  on,  and  with  the                                                                                        makes  imports,  such  as
            Brexit  divorce  talks  finally                                                                                     food  and  energy,  more
            starting, the situation is rad-                                                                                     expensive,  causing  living
            ically different.                                                                                                   standards  to  fall  as  wage
            Britain’s  economy  is  grow-                                                                                       increases  fail  to  keep  up
            ing   more    slowly   than                                                                                         pace. The consequence is
            Greece’s,  its  households                                                                                          households  are  spending
            are getting poorer as infla-                                                                                        less  —  retail  sales  haven’t
            tion  rises  and  the  govern-                                                                                      grown  at  a  slower  rate  in
            ment  is  struggling  to  stay                                                                                      four  years.Uncertainty  sur-
            in power. The remaining 27                                                                                          rounding  the  outcome  of
            members of the EU, mean-                                                                                            the Brexit talks, such as the
            while,  appear  to  have     European Union flags fly at half staff in front of EU headquarters in Brussels on Monday, June 19,   possibility that Britain crash-
            pushed into a higher gear    2017. The flags were lowered on Monday to show solidarity for the victims of deadly forest fires in   es  out  of  the  EU  with  no
            and  found  renewed  vigor   Portugal.                                                                              trade deal, is also likely to
            from the election of pro-EU                                                       (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)  make consumers cautious.
            governments  like  that  of   bolden the EU negotiators   Instead  of  falling  into  re-  was another body blow to   As will the prospect of high-
            France.                      in the Brexit talks, though it   cession in the wake of the   go with the debt crisis that   er  interest  rates  from  the
            “The  tables  have  turned   is still far from certain how   Brexit vote, as many econ-  raised  questions  over  the   Bank  of  England,  though
            somewhat,”  said  James      the talks, which are due to   omists  had  predicted,  Brit-  future  of  its  euro  currency   Governor  Mark  Carney
            Nixon,   chief   European    last two years, will play out.  ain was last year one of the   and the struggle in dealing   sought  on  Tuesday  to  rein
            economist  at  Oxford  Eco-  Still,  it’s  a  role  reversal  for   fastest-growing  economy   with  the  flow  of  refugees   back  expectations  of  any
            nomics.  “The  European      Britain,  which  had  been   among the Group of Seven     from Syria.                  imminent  hikes.  Expecta-
            economy  is  now  enjoying   buoyed  by  strong  growth   industrial nations. That was   Since  that  post-Brexit  re-  tions  of  higher  borrowing
            a  solid  upswing  and  senti-  in recent times — even af-  largely due to the sharp fall   bound, things have clearly   costs had been stoked by
            ment,  especially  towards   ter the momentous vote on    in the value of the pound    gotten worse for Britain this   the outcome of last week’s
            the EU, is improving.”       June 23, 2016 to leave the   in  the  wake  of  the  Brexit   year.                    policy   meeting,   which
            The  situation  could  em-   EU.                          vote,  which  made  British   Prime Minister Theresa May   showed that three of eight
                                                                      exports cheaper in interna-  failed   spectacularly   to   rate-setters   surprisingly
                                                                      tional markets.              achieve a majority for her   backed the first increase in
                                                                      For  the  EU,  the  Brexit  vote   Conservative  Party  in  the   nearly a decade.q
                                                                       Merkel vows to get US free trade deal

                                                                      By GEIR MOULSON              agreement  as  possible  on  ther steps,” she said.
                                                                      Associated Press             this  in  Hamburg,”  Merkel  Trump  has  criticized  Ger-
                                                                      BERLIN  (AP)  —  Chancel-    said.  “In  view  of  the  new  many for its sizeable trade
                                                                      lor  Angela  Merkel  vowed  American      administration  surplus  with  the  United
                                                                      Tuesday  to  seek  a  broad  that isn’t easy, but we must  States,  and  Berlin  also  has
                                                                      agreement  on  trade  at  make  the  effort  nonethe-     faced  criticism  from  other
                                                                      next  month’s  Group  of  20  less.”                      European countries.
                                                                      summit  and  told  German  President  Donald  Trump  Merkel  renewed  her  de-
                                                                      business  leaders  that  she  has pulled the U.S. out of a  fense  of  her  country’s  re-
                                                                      won’t  give  up  on  a  free-  trade  agreement  with  Pa-  cord,  arguing  that  imports
                                                                      trade  deal  between  Eu-    cific  nations.  Prospects  for  and  exports  shouldn’t  be
                                                                      rope and the U.S.            a  planned  U.S.-European  viewed  “in  isolation”  as
                                                                      Merkel  will  host  leaders  of  Union deal, the Trans-Atlan-  German products often in-
                                                                      the  G-20  powers  in  Ham-  tic  Trade  and  Investment  clude parts from elsewhere
                                                                      burg  on  July  7-8  amid  Partnership, also look poor.   in  the  EU,  helping  boost
                                                                      widespread  concern  over  Merkel,  however,  insisted  productivity elsewhere.
                                                                      the  Trump  administration’s  that it offers a chance to set  German direct investments
                                                                      “America  first”  approach  “common  standards  that  in  the  U.S.  are  almost  10
                                                                      to trade. In a speech to an  others in the world wouldn’t  times higher than U.S. com-
                                                                      annual  German  industry  be  able  to  get  around  so  panies’ investments in Ger-
                                                                      congress,  she  stressed  the  easily,” given that a U.S.-EU  many, she added — “a lot
                                                                      need  to  persuade  others  accord would cover about  of jobs in the United States
                                                                      of the advantages of open  30 percent of world trade.     depend  on  this,  but  this  is
                                                                      markets  and  free  and  fair  “I  will  continue  to  push  for  also a contribution to world
                                                                      world trade.                 us  to  move  forward  here,  trade  because,  of  course,
                                                                      “We  will  do  everything  for us not to put the project  there are also exports from
                                                                      to  achieve  as  broad  an  on ice but to try to take fur-  the United States.” q
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