P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Wednesday 21 June 2017
              Clamping down, Trump team puts the ‘brief’ in press briefing

            By JULIE BYKOWICZ                                                                                                   set at the top.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “For many decades, it has
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            been  accepted  that  the
            dent Donald Trump’s White                                                                                           White  House  is  the  peo-
            House is putting the “brief”                                                                                        ple’s  house,  and  that  the
            in press briefings.                                                                                                 administration has an obli-
            Sean  Spicer,  the  embat-                                                                                          gation to come before the
            tled press secretary, spoke                                                                                         people  as  represented  by
            for 30 minutes Tuesday and                                                                                          the press,” Boardman said.
            didn’t  answer  a  number                                                                                           “This  is  far  more  than  just
            of  basic  questions,  includ-                                                                                      a  spat  between  reporters
            ing  whether  the  president                                                                                        and  the  White  House.  It’s
            believes  Russia  interfered                                                                                        something  people  really
            in  the  2016  election  and                                                                                        ought to care about.”
            whether  Trump  had  seen                                                                                           Trump has swapped open
            the  hotly  debated  Senate                                                                                         discussion  about  politics
            health care bill.                                                                                                   and  policy  for  his  favored
            Once  more  freewheeling                                                                                            forms of one-way commu-
            exchanges,  White  House                                                                                            nication.
            press  briefings  have  been                                                                                        His  frequent  social  media
            shrinking  both  in  length                                                                                         posts — more than a doz-
            and content as Trump’s se-                                                                                          en  Monday  and  Tuesday
            nior aides clamp down on                                                                                            alone  —  are  read  by  mil-
            information  and  contend    White House press secretary Sean Spicer points to a question during a briefing at the White House,   lions  of  Twitter  followers.
            with  the  president’s  own   Tuesday, June 20, 2017 in Washington.                        (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)  “The  Fake  News  Media
            lack of message discipline                                                                                          hates when I use what has
            and preference for speak-                                                              to  avoid  question-and-     turned  out  to  be  my  very
            ing directly to his fan base.  best  approach  to  public  dential tradition of holding   answer sessions sure to be   powerful  Social  Media  -
            The    administration   has   information  has  become  a  news  conference  over-     dominated  by  the  unwel-   over  100  million  people!
            erected  other  barriers  to   more  pronounced  since  seas  and  provided  only      come topic.                  I  can  go  around  them!”
            transparency as well, such   Trump  returned  from  his  limited  public  press  brief-  Those  developments  may   Trump  boasted  last  week
            as refusing to make its visi-  nine-day, five-nation tour in  ings. About the same time,   have reinforced what was   on Twitter.
            tor logs public. And Trump   late May.                    probes  into  Russian  elec-  already  on  Trump’s  mind:   “The  president  has  a  long
            hasn’t held a full press con-  White  House  officials  be-  tion  interference  and  the   On May 12, he had tweet-  history  of  communicat-
            ference  since  February  or   lieved  the  trip  garnered  Trump campaign’s possible   ed, “Maybe the best thing   ing  directly  with  people
            participated  in  interviews   good   coverage     even  role  in  it  provided  fresh  in-  to do would be to cancel   through  social  media  that
            since the end of April.      though  the  president  es-  centive  for  the  president   all  future  ‘press  briefings’   has  worked  out  very  well
            The  White  House’s  less-is-  chewed  a  longtime  presi-  and  White  House  officials                            for  him  in  the  past,”  said
                                                                                                   and  hand  out  written  re-
                                                                                                   sponses for the sake of ac-  Katrina  Pierson,  a  former
                                                                                                   curacy???”                   Trump  campaign  spokes-
                                                                                                   White  House  communica-     woman.  “Many  people
                                                                                                   tions  officials  “obviously   are no longer getting their
                                                                                                   feel  it  has  ceased  to  pay   information  from  tradition-
                                                                                                   dividends”  to  follow  their   al media sources anyway.”
                                                                                                   predecessors’  press  strat-  On    Wednesday      he’s
                                                                                                   egy,  said  Eric  Dezenhall,   headed  to  Cedar  Rapids,
                                                                                                   who  worked  on  President   Iowa,  for  his  fifth  political
                                                                                                   Ronald Reagan’s commu-       rally  since  taking  office.
                                                                                                   nications  team  and  leads   Such events are attended
                                                                                                   a  public  relations  firm  in   by  thousands  of  Trump’s
                                                                                                   Washington.  “They’ve  de-   fans,  an  audience  that  is
                                                                                                   cided to bypass the media    screened and selected by
                                                                                                   completely  and  stop  pre-  his  re-election  campaign.
                                                                                                   tending there’s anything to   The remarks are often car-
                                                                                                   gain.”                       ried live by cable stations.
                                                                                                   Dezenhall  said  that  while   But those forms of commu-
                                                                                                   he  understands  the  strat-  nication  are  eroding  dis-
                                                                                                   egy,  “it’s  terrifying  from  a   course,  said  Kathleen  Hall
                                                                                                   democracy standpoint.”       Jamieson,  director  of  the
                                                                                                   David  Boardman,  chair-     Annenberg  Public  Policy
                                                                                                   man of the Reporters Com-    Center at the University of
                                                                                                   mittee  for  Freedom  of  the   Pennsylvania.
                                                                                                   Press,  said  Trump’s  meth-  “You  get  assertion  but  no
                                                                                                   od  of  communicating  via   argument.  You  get  at-
                                                                                                   Twitter  creates  a  compel-  tack  but  no  justification,”
                                                                                                   ling need “to follow up on   she  said.  “These  are  ideal
                                                                                                   those  140-character  proc-  formats  for  someone  who
                                                                                                   lamations with questions.”   does not want to be held
                                                                                                   He said a trend toward less   accountable.  You’re  be-
                                                                                                   transparency  has  rippled   ing  asked  to  accept  on
                                                                                                   through all levels of govern-  authority that this is all that
                                                                                                   ment, and the approach is    you need to know.” q
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