P. 3
U.S. NEWS Wednesday 21 June 2017
Cheering 1st day of summer? Not in Phoenix with 120 expected
dalupe said. cold water and sit down tory. The record high was
With the cooling and hy- and cool off, but there are 122 degrees on June 26,
dration stations in full swing few places you can lay 1990.
across the region, hun- down and get something The weather comes as new
dreds flocked to Grace Lu- to eat.” research found that nearly
theran Church in Phoenix The church houses about one in three people now
for water, meals, snacks, 180 people every day dur- experience 20 days a year
and refuge. ing the summer and typi- when the heat reaches
“We have homeless peo- cally goes through about deadly levels. The study of
ple come from a long way 25 cases of water and 50 nearly 2,000 deadly heat
to sit here,” longtime vol- pounds of ice a day, Elder waves worldwide since
unteer Moses Elder said. said. 1980 was published Mon-
“There are other spots Phoenix has hit 120 only day in the journal Nature
where you can go get three times in recorded his- Climate Change.q
A crew from Juarez Construction sits under their excavator dur-
ing a break to avoid the heat, Tuesday, June 20, 2017 in Tempe,
Ariz. Phoenix hit a high of 118 on Monday with an excessive heat
warning in place until Saturday.
(AP Photo/Matt York)
Continued from front Backstreet Boys in concert.
Walking on the Las Vegas
Project superintendent Strip in 112 degrees was
Tommy Russell says his too much to handle, even
company has held weekly for people accustomed to
safety meetings to prepare high temperatures.
for the heat, and he will “This is like the oven door
send all his workers home if is open,” Lavonda Williams
it hits 120. said as the sisters walked
Las Vegas also was baking. from a pedestrian bridge
Out-of-town visitors tried to into The Palazzo casino-
stay inside air-conditioned resort.
casinos as much as pos- “It’s too hot to even drink
sible, and some tourists alcohol,” Tonya Williams
lugged packs of bottled added.
water around the Strip. Landscaper Juan Guadal-
Others went to a bar where upe scaled a spindly palm
the temperature is set at 23 tree more than 50 feet tall
degrees, and glasses, walls in Phoenix, using a chain
and seats are sculpted saw to hack the branches.
from ice. He didn’t mind being teth-
Tonya and Lavonda Wil- ered to a tall tree because
liams traveled to Sin City he occasionally catches a
from Orlando, Florida, to cool breeze.
get out of town and see the “Down here, it’s hot,” Gua-