P. 2
Wednesday 21 June 2017
UN chief: US will be replaced if it disengages from world
By EDITH M. LEDRER Washington and Moscow
Associated Press over the U.S. downing of a
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Syrian jet.
Secretary-General Antonio This is very important, he
Guterres warned the Trump said, “because these kind
administration on Tuesday of incidents can be very
that if the United States dangerous in a conflict situ-
disengages from many is- ation in which there are so
sues confronting the inter- many actors, and in which
national community it will the situation is so complex
be replaced — and that on the ground.”
won’t be good for Ameri- “So, indeed, I am con-
ca or for the world. cerned, and I hope that
Guterres made clear to this will not lead to any es-
reporters at his first press calation of the conflict that
conference here since is already as dramatic as it
taking the reins of the is,” Guterres said.
United Nations on Jan. 1 The U.N. chief said he has
that proposed cuts in U.S. been actively involved in
funding for the U.N. would trying to promote “effec-
be disastrous and cre- tive mediation” in a large
ate “an unsolvable prob- number of global conflicts
lem to the management Secretary-General António Guterres, center, accompanied by U.N. spokesman Stéphane Dujar- including South Sudan,
of the U.N.”But the U.N. ric, left, and Director of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Ninette Kelley, right, speaks dur- Congo, Central African
chief stressed that he is ing his first press conference with U.N. correspondents, on World Refugee Day, Tuesday, June 20, Republic, Syria, Libya and
2017 at U.N. headquarters.
not afraid to stand up to (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews) more recently Afghanistan
and Cyprus.
President Donald Trump, “That doesn’t mean that
citing his vocal opposition problems are easy to be
to the U.S. leader’s with- solved,” he said. “In a
drawal from the Paris Cli- world where power re-
mate Agreement. He said lations are unclear and
the mobilization of U.S. where impunity and unpre-
business and civil society in dictability tend to prevail,
support or the climate deal what we see is that the ca-
is “a signal of hope that we pacity of prevention and
very much encourage.” conflict resolution of the
Looking at the array of international community
global crises, Guterres ex- as a whole, but also of the
pressed concern that there U.N. in particular, are today
could be a direct confron- severely limited.
tation between the United Nonetheless, Guterres said:
States and Russia over Syria “I intend to go on very ac-
and urged a de-escalation tively engaged in these
of the dispute between kind of contacts.”q
US weighs travel ban on North
Korea after Warmbier’s death
By JOSH LEDERMAN official said. No ban is im-
Associated Press minent, but deliberations
WASHINGTON (AP) — The gained new urgency after
Trump administration is Warmbier’s death, said the
considering banning travel official, who requested an-
by U.S. citizens to North Ko- onymity to discuss internal
rea, officials said Tuesday, diplomatic discussions.
as outrage grew over the Even as Warmbier’s fam-
death of American student ily prepared to mourn him
Otto Warmbier and Presi- at a public funeral service
dent Donald Trump de- Thursday in Ohio, the cir-
clared it a “total disgrace.” cumstances behind his
Secretary of State Rex Til- death remained unclear.
lerson, who has the author- The coroner’s office in
ity to cut off travel to North Hamilton County, Ohio,
Korea with the stroke of
the pen, has been weigh- said it had accepted
ing such a move since Warmbier’s case but had
late April, when American only performed an external
teacher Tony Kim was de- examination on his body
tained in Pyongyang, a because the family had
senior State Department objected to an autopsy. q