P. 1

NFL’s been cagey on

                                                                                            June 21, 2017
                                                                                            T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                              Page 17



            Heat waves ripple across the tarmac at Sky Harbor International Airport as downtown Phoenix stands in the background as an airplane lands, Tuesday, June 20, 2017
            in Phoenix. Phoenix hit a high of 118 on Monday with an excessive heat warning in place until Saturday.
                                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Matt York)

                Cheering 1st Day of Summer? Not in Phoenix with 120 Expected

            PHOENIX  (AP)  —  The  first  reached  120  degrees  in  say deadly heat waves like  Palm Springs, California, hit  huddled under an excava-
            day  of  summer  brought  some desert cities.             this one are going to grow  120, still two degrees lower  tor to find a sliver of a shade
            some of the worst heat the  Arizona  is  seeing  some  of  more frequent.              than a June four years ago.  during a break. At another
            Southwest  U.S.  has  seen  the  most  dramatic  tem-     The  forecast  called  for  a  The operator of California’s  building  site,  men  in  hard
            in  years,  forcing  flights  to  peratures Tuesday, but the  high  of  120  degrees  (49  power grid called on peo-  hats  and  yellow  vests  la-
            be canceled, straining the  heat  wave  is  being  felt  degrees  Celsius)  in  Phoe-  ple  to  conserve  electricity  bored and sweated in the
            power grid and making life  across  Nevada  and  Cali-    nix, which it hasn’t seen in  during peak hours.          heat and downed water to
            miserable  for  workers  toil-  fornia, too.              more  than  two  decades,  Workers  at  a  construction  stay hydrated.
            ing  in  temperatures  that  It  comes  as  researchers  and  126  in  Death  Valley.  site  in  a  Phoenix  suburb      Continued on page 3
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