P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Wednesday 21 June 2017

               Google promises YouTube crackdown on online extremism

            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                edge  that  more  needs  to  tent  faster.  Google  also  is
            Google  is  promising  to  be                                                          be done. Now.”               taking a tougher stance on
            more  vigilant  about  pre-                                                            Anti-hate  groups  like  the  videos that don’t clearly vi-
            venting   terrorist   propa-                                                           Southern Poverty Law Cen-    olate its policies but still of-
            ganda and other extremist                                                              ter have skewered Google  fend broad swaths of soci-
            videos  from  appearing  on                                                            and  Facebook  for  doing  ety, like those that contain
            its YouTube site amid inten-                                                           too  little  to  muzzle  hate  inflammatory  religious  or
            sifying  criticism  about  the                                                         groups online.               supremacist  content.  You-
            internet’s  role  in  mass  vio-                                                       Google,  along  with  other  Tube  won’t  remove  those
            lence.                                                                                 companies  such  as  Face-   videos, but viewers will first
            Its  crackdown  will  involve                                                          book, Microsoft and Twitter,  have  to  click  through  an
            both  computer  programs                                                               recently  agreed  to  create  “interstitial”  warning  in  or-
            and  an  expanded  group                                                               an  international  forum  to  der to see them.
            of  people  dedicated  to                                                              share  and  develop  tech-   Google also won’t sell ads
            identifying  videos  promot-                                                           nology,   support   smaller  alongside  this  category  of
            ing  terrorism  so  they  can   This Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013, file photo shows Google’s headquar-  businesses  and  speed  up  objectionable  video  to  re-
            be  blocked  from  appear-   ters in Mountain View, Calif.                             their joint efforts against on-  duce  the  moneymaking
            ing  on  YouTube  or  quickly                                         Associated Press  line terrorism.             opportunities  for  their  cre-
            removed.                                                                               To  step  up  its  policing  ef-  ators. These initiatives could
            Google is making the com-    ish  Prime  Minister  Theresa  use more advanced tech-    forts,  Google  will  nearly  help  Google  woo  back
            mitment in the wake of vio-  May  called  on  govern-     nology and more than 150     double the number of inde-   major  advertisers  who  be-
            lent attacks in the U.S. and   ments to form international  human  reviewers  to  find   pendent  experts  it  uses  to  gan pulling back from You-
            elsewhere.  A  van  struck  a   agreements to prevent the  and  remove  terrorist  con-  flag  problematic  content  Tube  earlier  this  year  after
            crowd  of  people  outside   spread of extremism online.  tent  before  people  see  it   and  expand  its  work  with  learning  that  their  brands
            a  London  mosque  Sun-      Some  proposed  measures  on its social networking site.  counter-extremist groups to  sometimes  appeared  next
            day,  the  second  time  an   would  hold  companies  le-  Although  Google  said  in   help  identify  content  that  to unsavory videos.
            automobile  was  used  as    gally  accountable  for  the  a  blog  post  that  it  is  been   may  be  used  to  radicalize  YouTube  also  won’t  rec-
            a  weapon  in  that  city  this   material  posted  on  their  trying  to  block  extremist   and recruit terrorists.  ommend  these  videos  to
            month,  and  less  than  a   sites, a liability that Google  content  for  years,  its  gen-  The  Mountain  View,  Cali-  its users, and it won’t allow
            week  after  a  gunman  at-  and other internet compa-    eral  counsel  Kent  Walker   fornia,  company  will  also  YouTube  users  to  endorse
            tacked GOP lawmakers on      nies are trying to avert.    wrote  that  “the  uncom-    train more people to iden-   them  or  leave  comments
            a baseball field.            Toward  that  end,  Face-    fortable truth is that we, as   tify  and  remove  extremist  — all efforts aimed at limit-
            And earlier this month, Brit-  book last week pledged to  an industry, must acknowl-   and  terrorism-related  con-  ing their popularity.q

                  Apple seeks to void patent claims, fees in Qualcomm dispute

            BY ANICK JESDANUN                                                                      no  immediate  comment  makes similar chips.
            AP TECHNOLOGY WRITER                                                                   on the latest filing.        The  U.S.  Federal  Trade
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  --  Apple                                                             Apple  is  also  seeking  to  Commission  has  also  ac-
            is  seeking  to  void  some  of                                                        narrow  the  list  of  Qual-  cused  Qualcomm  of  im-
            Qualcomm’s patent claims                                                               comm patents covered by  posing       unfair   licensing
            and  licensing  agreements,                                                            its  products.  In  addition,  it  terms  on  manufacturers.
            intensifying  its  legal  battle                                                       argues  that  licensing  fees  Regulators  in  other  coun-
            with  the  chip  maker  over                                                           based  on  a  percentage  tries also have been inves-
            the  technology  in  iPhones                                                           of  iPhone  and  iPad  prices  tigating, and South Korea’s
            and iPads.                                                                             are  unfair  because  Qual-  antitrust  regulators  have
            In  a  federal  court  filing                                                          comm’s technologies cov-     issued  an  $865  million  fine
            Tuesday,  Apple  cited  a                                                              er  a  small  portion  of  what  against Qualcomm.
            Supreme  Court  ruling  last                                                           goes into those devices.     If   Apple   prevails   and
            month  that  a  printer-car-                                                           One  argument  working  in  doesn’t  have  to  pay  as
            tridge maker’s patent rights                                                           Qualcomm’s favor, howev-     much  in  licensing  fees,  it’s
            end  with  the  initial  sale  of    In this Friday, Sept. 16, 2016, file photo, a customer sets up his   er:  Apple  and  its  contrac-  not  likely  that  those  sav-
            the  cartridges.  Apple  says   new  iPhone  7  Plus,  right,  as  he  switches  from  the  iPhone  6  at   tors  signed  agreements  to  ings  will  be  passed  on  di-
            that  ruling  strengthens  its   the Apple Store on Michigan Avenue during the release of the   pay licensing fees this way.  rectly  to  its  customers,  as
            argument  that  Qualcomm     Apple iPhone 7 and the latest Apple Watches, in Chicago.   Apple says it was coerced  Apple  tends  to  keep  retail
            cannot  continue  to  de-                                                              to  do  so  because  Qual-   prices consistent from year
            mand royalties for the pat-  expand on a $1 billion law-  puted Apple’s claims that it   comm chips were essential  to  year.  But  it  could  allow
            ents after selling its cellular   suit  Apple  filed  in  January  is overcharging for patent-  to Apple’s products. Apple  Apple  to  squeeze  in  more
            chips.                       in  U.S.  District  Court  in  San  related  license  fees.  The   is  now  less  dependent  on  features  while  maintaining
            The  new  court  documents   Diego. Qualcomm has dis-     San Diego chip maker had     Qualcomm  because  Intel  the same profit.q
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