P. 32

                   Thursday 20 July 2017
               Cool Down With These Cocktails Recipes Using Brazil’s Cachaça

            The Associated Press
            Since there is a global heat
            wave, we thought it would
            be  nice  to  recommend  a
            few  ways  to  cool  down.
            Here is a selection of cock-
            tail recipes for cachaca, a
            sweet, clear liquor that is a
            signature flavor of Brazil.

            -A caipirinha at Bulla Gas-
            trobar,  a  Spanish  restau-
            rant and bar in Coral Ga-
            bles, Florida:
            1.5 ounces of cachaca
            Half a lime cut into cubes
            2 bar spoons of white sugar
            In  a  rocks  glass,  muddle
            the  lime  and  sugar  un-
            til  well  combined.  Add
            cachaca, then pour into a
            shaker, add ice and shake
            vigorously. Pour everything
            back  into  original  glass  so
            that the contents mix with
            sugar that was left over in
            the  muddle  glass.  Once
            combined,  pour  into  a
            fresh rocks glass and serve
            with a lime wedge.

            -Bulla’s   mixologist,   Joel
            Mesa,  has  created  a  dai-  Bartender Rafaella Demelo shakes all the contents as she prepares a caipirinha at Bulla, a bar in Coral Gables, Fla.
            quiri  alternative  that  re-                                                                                               (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
            places  rum  with  cachaca
            and adds mango to infuse
            the  cocktail  with  more
            flavor.  “The  balance  be-
            tween  the  sweetness  and
            acidity  is  just  gorgeous,
            much  like  this  very  popu-
            lar part of Ipanema Beach
            that this is named after —
            the closest you can get to
            there without being there,”
            Mesa said in an email.
            Mesa’s Daiquiri Posto Nove
            A  thick  slice  of  mango,
            1/2 oz. lemon juice
            1 oz. simple syrup
            1/2 oz. blackberry brandy
            1/2  oz.  St.  Germain  elder-
            flower liqueur
            1 1/2 oz. cachaca
            Add  the  ingredients  to  a
            shaker  and  shake  well.
            Pour through a strainer into
            a  cocktail  glass  and  gar-
            nish with a lime wheel.

            -Leblon  ‘s  cachaca  cock-
            tail database includes the   Bartender Rafaella Demelo adds a lime wedge for the final touch as a caipirinha is ready to be served at Bulla, a bar in Coral
            Amazon Acai Sangria:         Gables, Fla. It’s tempting to call cachaca a Brazilian rum and think of the caipirinha as another muddled tropical cocktail.
            1 oz. Leblon Cachaca                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
            4 oz. white Zinfandel wine
            2 oz. white cranberry juice  with  ice.  Pour  into  a  high-  -Leblon’s Amazonia      1/4 oz. fresh lime juice     Champagne,  in  a  shaker.
            1 oz. açai syrup             ball  glass,  then  top  with  2 oz. Leblon Cachaca       4 basil leaves               Shake  vigorously  with  ice
            Combine  all  the  ingredi-  lemon-lime  soda  and  gar-  2 oz. white cranberry juice  Champagne, to top            and  strain  over  ice  into  a
            ents in a mixing glass, then   nish  with  blueberries  and  1/2  oz.  St.  Germain  elder-  Combine  all  of  the  in-  highball  glass.  Splash  with
            shake  them  all  together   lemon.                       flower liqueur               gredients,  except  for  the  Champagne and serve.q
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