P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 20 July 2017
Discovery Channel asks Shark Week viewers to be donors, too
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Dis- somebody feels compelled
covery Channel wants to donate” and it’s made it
Shark Week viewers to be easy for them, Pledgeling
donors as well. CEO James Citron said.
The channel’s annual cel- The company also is work-
ebration of all things shark ing with Discovery on Proj-
will include requests to ect CAT, an initiative to
support Oceana, an ad- support the World Wildlife
vocacy group focused on Fund’s effort to increase
ocean conservation. the tiger population in the
Viewers can use their wild by conserving protect-
smartphones to donate ed land.
and also to receive Shark Shark Week’s opening
Week program informa- lineup Sunday includes
tion, said technology com- “Phelps vs. Shark: Great
pany Pledgeling, which is Gold vs. Great White” (8
working with Discovery on p.m. EDT), in which Olym-
the Oceana fundraising. pian Michael Phelps tests
By texting the word “SHARK” his speed against that of a
to 707070, participants will great white shark.
get a return message that The week includes “Return
includes a Pledgeling link to the Isle of Jaws” on Mon-
for Oceana donations that day and back-to-back epi-
can be made by Apple sodes Tuesday of “Sharks This image released by Universal Pictures shows Daniel Kaluuya in a scene from the film, “Get
Pay or by credit card. and the City,” one set off Out.”
“We’ve streamlined the en- the coast of Los Ange- Associated Press
tire experience to capture les and the other off New
that moment in time when York.q
In this Oct. 9, 2014 file photo, John McVie, from left, Christine
McVie, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham and Mick Fleetwood
from the band Fleetwood Mac appear on NBC’s “Today” show
in New York.
Associated Press
Fleetwood Mac
to earn MusiCares
Person of the Year
NEW YORK (AP) — Fleet- nificant creative accom-
wood Mac will be named plishments and their long-
the 2018 MusiCares Per- time support of a number
son of the Year, becoming of charitable causes.”
the first group to receive Mick Fleetwood, who
the honor. The Record- called the award “tremen-
ing Academy announced dous” in a statement, will
Wednesday that the 28th receive the honor along
annual benefit gala will with Stevie Nicks, Lindsey
take place at Radio City Buckingham, Christine
Music Hall in New York on McVie and John McVie.
Jan. 26, 2018, two days Past honorees include Bob
before the 2018 Grammy Dylan, Aretha Franklin,
Awards. The organization Quincy Jones, Stevie Won-
said they are honoring the der and Barbra Streisand.
iconic group for “their sig- q