P. 24

Thursday 20 July 2017 BUSINESS

            United Airlines shares tumble on disappointing 3Q outlook

            By DAVID KOENIG              through  June.  Rival  Delta  other  largest  U.S.  airlines  from  April  in  which  a  pas-  test  technology  that  lets
            AP Airlines Writer           Air Lines gave a much more  dropped  by  1  percent  or  senger was dragged off an  the  airline  offer  custom-
            DALLAS  (AP)  —  Shares  of  bullish prediction last week.  less.  The  revenue  forecast,  overbooked flight. The pub-  ers  on  full  flights  a  travel
            United Airlines’ parent tum-  On  a  conference  call  combined  with  plans  for  licity  led  United  to  make  voucher  to  give  up  their
            bled  Wednesday  on  the  Wednesday, United execu-        more  growth  in  the  third  changes,  including  raising  seat,  which  United  would
            company’s  weak  forecast  tives  blamed  other  factors  quarter,  put  a  damper  on  the  amounts  that  employ-  try  to  resell  at  a  higher
            about  revenue  trends  for  including  rising  competi-  United’s  report  after  the  ees can offer passengers to  price. In the test, United will
            the rest of the summer.      tion in key markets such as  market   closed   Tuesday  give up their seats.           send out offers several days
            United said that a revenue  China.                        that  second-quarter  profit  CEO Oscar Munoz said the  before the flight rather than
            measure  that  often  mirrors  United  Continental  Hold-  rose to $818 million, beating  changes  have  reduced  waiting until passengers are
            average  fares  would  be  ings  Inc.  shares  fell  $4.66,  Wall Street expectations.  bumping passengers by 85  at the gate or even — as in
            flat in the third quarter after  or  5.9  percent,  to  close  at  It  was  United’s  first  report  percent.       the April incident — seated
            rising 2.1 percent from April  $74.24.  Shares  of  the  four  since the widely seen video  Executives  said  United  will  on the plane.q

            American Express 2Q profit falls 33 percent, due to Costco

            By KEN SWEET                                                                                                        U.S. and globally. The aver-
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  age  amount  spent  on  an
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Credit                                                                                          AmEx card grew, and more
            card  company  American                                                                                             customers were keeping a
            Express  said  its  second-                                                                                         revolving  balance  on  their
            quarter  profit  fell  33  per-                                                                                     cards. AmEx makes most of
            cent,  largely  due  to  the                                                                                        its money by taking a small
            fact that it had a significant                                                                                      percentage of each trans-
            one-time  gain  last  year                                                                                          action that runs on its net-
            tied  to  the  winding  down                                                                                        work,  so  the  more  money
            of  its  business  relationship                                                                                     that  is  spent  on  its  cards,
            with Costco. The New York-                                                                                          the  more  revenue  AmEx
            based  company  earned                                                                                              earns.   Historically,   most
            $1.31 billion in three-month                                                                                        AmEx  cards  have  needed
            period  ending  June  30,  or                                                                                       to  paid  in  full  at  the  end
            $1.47  a  share,  compared                                                                                          of  each  billing  cycle,  but
            with a profit of $1.98 billion,                                                                                     the company recently has
            or $2.10 a share, a year ear-                                                                                       been  encouraging  cus-
            lier. The results beat the ex-                                                                                      tomers to keep a balance,
            pectations of analysts who                                                                                          even  among  its  traditional
            according to FactSet were                                                                                           green,  Gold  and  Platinum
            looking  for  AmEx  to  earn                                                                                        Card  members.  This  allows
            $1.43 a share. American Ex-  This photo shows a sign for American Express outside a New York business. American Express Co.   AmEx  to  earn  interest  on
            press’ results for the quarter   reported financial results, Wednesday, July 19, 2017.                              those balances; along with
            were  distorted  by  the  fact                                                             (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)  the  fees  it  collects  from
            that  in  the  second  quar-  year  ago,  due  to  the  tax  of the Costco portfolio.  transfer of the Costco port-  merchants  to  accept  the
            ter  of  2016,  the  company  treatment  and  restructur-  Looking  past  the  effect  of  folio. “We’ve been focused  cards. “It gives us a unique
            ended  its  relationship  with  ing  charges  AmEx  had  to  the  end  of  the  Costco  re-  on emerging from the tran-  opportunity  —  people  we
            Costco. The results last year  book  when  the  Citi  deal  lationship, AmEx is showing  sition with a stronger, more  know  really  well,  our  exist-
            include a one-time gain of  closed.                       signs of recovering from los-  diversified  mix  of  business-  ing customers — and try to
            $1.1  billion  from  AmEx  sell-  AmEx’s U.S. consumer card  ing  a  significant  part  of  its  es,”  AmEx  Chairman  and  get more of their borrowing
            ing the Costco credit card  business  reported  a  profit  business. This is also the last  CEO  Kenneth  Chenault  behavior,”  Jeffrey  Camp-
            portfolio  to  Citigroup.  The  of  $440  million,  down  59  quarter that will contain all  said in a statement.   bell,  the  company’s  chief
            company’s  expenses  rose  percent  from  a  year  ago,  the  adjustments  AmEx  has  The number of cards AmEx  financial officer, said during
            sharply  compared  to  a  again because of the sale  had  to  do  following  the  has issued grew both in the  a call with analysts.q

            CSX execs defend early progress in restructuring railroad

            By JOSH FUNK                 improvement so far.          the model a railroad uses is  The railroad will also consol-  track to achieve a forecast
            AP Business Writer           “I  thought  we  had  a  hell  difficult because everyone  idate  all  of  its  dispatching  25  percent  improvement
            OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — CSX’s  of a quarter,” Harrison said  who works there is used to  into  one  central  location  in  earnings  per  share  this
            new chief executive is de-   Wednesday.                   operating  a  certain  way.  instead of the current nine  year.  Analysts  surveyed  by
            fending  the  restructuring  The  Jacksonville,  Florida-  Harrison  said  the  level  of  early next year.         FactSet had been predict-
            progress  made  in  the  first  based  railroad  has  taken  resistance is about what he  But  Wall  Street  appeared  ing  adjusted  annual  earn-
            four  months  since  he  was  nearly   900   locomotives  expected.  CSX  is  working  disappointed  with  CSX’s  ings  per  share  this  year  of
            hired to lead a turnaround  and  60,000  freight  cars  to  eliminate  infrastructure  guidance  for  the  rest  of  $2.29.  The  72-year-old  Har-
            of the railroad.             out  of  service  and  laid  off  it  doesn’t  need  and  con-  the year, and the railroad’s  rison  was  hired  by  CSX  in
            CEO Hunter Harrison, who’s  2,300 people this year. Har-  solidate operations. That in-  shares  fell  5.1  percent,  or  March  after  pressure  from
            previously  led  turnarounds  rison  said  those  changes  cludes shutting down most  $2.77,  to  close  at  $51.87  the  Mantle  Ridge  hedge
            at  three  other  railroads,  haven’t all paid off yet.   of the railroad’s 12 railyards  Wednesday.                fund  that  owns  5  percent
            says  he’s  pleased  with  the  Changing  the  operating  to eliminate redundancy.     CSX  reiterated  that  it’s  on  of the railroad. q
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