P. 25

BUSINESS                 Thursday 20 July 2017

            Technology and health care lift stocks to record highs

                                                                                                   0.5  percent,  to  2,473.83.  hard-to-treat  forms  of  cys-
                                                                                                   Despite a sharp drop from  tic  fibrosis.  Vertex  soared
                                                                                                   IBM,  the  Dow  Jones  indus-  $27.53,  or  20.8  percent,  to
                                                                                                   trial  average  added  66.02  $159.69.  That  followed  a
                                                                                                   points,  or  0.3  percent,  to  2.3  percent  gain  Tuesday
                                                                                                   21,640.75.   The   Nasdaq  after  regulators  approved
                                                                                                   composite  gained  40.74  a breast cancer treatment
                                                                                                   points,  or  0.6  percent,  to  the  company  developed.
                                                                                                   6,385.04.  The  Russell  2000  Vertex’s  stock  has  more
                                                                                                   index  of  smaller-company  than doubled this year and
                                                                                                   stocks jumped 14.16 points,  it is trading at all-time highs.
                                                                                                   or 1 percent, to 1,441.77. All  Other  health  care  com-
                                                                                                   four  indexes  closed  at  re-  panies  also  traded  higher,
                                                                                                   cord highs.                  including  health  insurers.
                                                                                                   The  S&P  500  technology  Cigna  picked  up  $2.21,  or
                                                                                                   index   finally   surpassed  1.3 percent, to $174.31 and
                                                                                                   its  peak  from  late  March  UnitedHealth added $2.34,
                                                                                                   2000,  at  the  height  of  the  or  1.3  percent,  to  $189.19.
                                                                                                   dot-com boom. That index  Those  companies  mostly
                                                                                                   came  close  to  an  all-time  fell  Tuesday  after  the  Re-
                                                                                                   high  in  early  June,  but  af-  publican-backed   health
                                                                                                   ter  that  technology  com-  care  bill  failed  in  the  Sen-
                                                                                                   panies  went  into  a  swoon  ate. Oil prices rose after the
            Trader Joseph Lawler, left, and specialist Philip Finale work on the floor of the New York Stock   that lasted about a month.  U.S.  government  said  fuel
            Exchange. U.S. stocks continued to climb Wednesday, led by technology, health care and energy   Their recovery over the last  stockpiles shrank last week.
            companies. Media companies also rose as stock indexes set record highs.
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  two weeks has helped the  Benchmark U.S. crude rose
                                                                                                   Nasdaq composite pull off  72 cents, or 1.6 percent, to
            By MARLEY JAY                Energy  companies  rose      corporate profits.           a rally as well.             $47.12 a barrel in New York.
            AP Markets Writer            with the price of oil as U.S.   “Earnings  are  coming  in   Apple  picked  up  94  cents  Brent  crude,  the  standard
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.  energy  stockpiles  contin-     better  than  expected  so   to  $151.02  and  Facebook  for  international  oil  prices,
            stocks  continued  to  climb  ued  to  shrink.  Cable  net-  far,”  said  Jon  Adams,  se-  advanced $1.28 to $164.14  gained 86 cents, or 1.7 per-
            Wednesday,  led  by  tech-   work  companies  Scripps     nior  investment  strategist   while  Cisco  Systems  rose  cent,  to  $49.70  per  barrel
            nology,  health  care  and  Networks  and  Discovery      for BMO Global Asset Man-    39  cents,  or  1.2  percent,  in  London.  Oil  prices  have
            energy  companies.  Media  Communications  jumped         agement.  “Technology  in    to  $31.90.  Vertex  Pharma-  mostly stayed between $40
            companies  also  rose  as  after  the  Wall  Street  Jour-  particular has come in very   ceuticals  climbed  after  it  and $55 a barrel since mid-
            stock  indexes  set  record  nal reported that they are   strong.”                     reported strong results from  February of 2016 after they
            highs.                       in talks to combine.         The Standard & Poor’s 500    studies  of  drug  regimens  plunged  from  more  than
            The technology part of the  Stocks  have  been  setting   index  rose  13.22  points,  or   that  are  intended  to  help  $100 a barrel in mid-2014.q
            Standard  &  Poor’s  500  in-  records  for  most  of  this
            dex finally broke the record  year, and over the last few
            it set in March 2000, before  months  they’ve  gotten  a
            the dot-com bubble burst.  boost  from  a  recovery  in

            T-Mobile beats Wall Street views
            in Q2 as it gains new customers

            BELLEVUE,  Wash.  (AP)  —  786,000 cellphone custom-
            T-Mobile,   the   country’s  ers  that  pay  a  bill  every
            No.  3  wireless  carrier,  on  month,  the  more  lucrative
            Wednesday  said  it  contin-  kind  of  customer,  up  from
            ued to add new customers  the 646,000 it gained in the
            during the second quarter  second  quarter  of  2016.
            in  a  competitive  wireless  Prepaid  customers  shrank
            market.                      to  94,000  from  476,000,
            The  company  won  new  however.
            customers  even  as  rivals  A  metric  that  tracks  how
            AT&T and Verizon are now  many  customers  drop  T-
            also  selling  unlimited  data  Mobile  for  another  carrier
            plans,  which  many  con-    fell.
            sumers prefer to plans that  The  carrier  raised  its  2017
            cap  how  much  they  can  outlook  for  several  finan-
            use.  Sprint  also  offered  a  cial  metrics  and  reported
            big  promotion  —  a  year’s  that second-quarter net in-
            worth  of  free  service  for  come more than doubled,
            switching.                   to $581 million, or 67 cents
            Most  Americans  already  per share.
            have  a  smartphone,  so  The average estimate of 17
            carriers  are  competing  for  analysts surveyed by Zacks
            them  with  discounts  and  Investment  Research  was
            promotions.                  for earnings of 36 cents per
            T-Mobile  said  it  added  share.q
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