P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 20 July 2017
                     Rory McIlroy hoping to catch his wave at British Open

            By DOUG FERGUSON             forced him to sit out nearly
            AP Golf Writer               two  months,  and  then  he
            SOUTHPORT,  England  (AP)  played  only  once  in  two
            —  Just  three  years  ago,  months  between  the  Mas-
            Rory  McIlroy  was  the  best  ters  and  the  U.S.  Open  in
            player in the world without  part because it was acting
            a  trace  of  argument.  He  up. It all led to what McIlroy
            won the final two majors of  describes  as  a  start-and-
            the year, with a World Golf  stop  year,  one  that  to  this
            Championship  title  in  be-  point doesn’t include a tro-
            tween.  He  had  reason  to  phy.  “But  I’m  in  good spir-
            believe his reign would last  its,” McIlroy said. “I feel like
            as long as he wanted it to.  it’s all coming together. I’m
            Now  he’s  simply  trying  to  just waiting for that round or
            get  back  into  the  conver-  that moment or that week
            sation.                      where  it  sort  of  clicks  and
            The starkest reminder of the  I’ll be off and running. I’ve
            state  of  his  game  was  not  had  little  periods  like  this
            so much missing three cuts  before  in  my  career,  and
            in his last four tournaments.  I’ve  been  able  to  bounce
            It was being told on the eve  back  from  them.  I’d  say  I
            of the British Open that the  was in worse positions than
            bookies listed him at 20-1 to  this. I feel like my game ...   Northern Ireland’s Rory McIlroy plays a shot from the 5th tee during a practice round ahead of
                                                                      the British Open Golf Championship, at Royal Birkdale, Southport, England Tuesday, July 18, 2017.
            win at Royal Birkdale.       the pieces are all there, it’s                                                                     Associated Press
            “Good  time  to  back  me,”  just about trying to fit them
            McIlroy said. “I mean, look,  together.”                  fields  of  the  year  at  the  to  get  everything  back  to  all there. It’s just a matter of
            if  I  was  a  betting  com-  As for his odds?            time,  and  then  he  slipped  feeling where it was,” John-  putting it all together.”
            pany  and  I  saw  my  form  That  speaks  to  a  broader   down the stairs on the eve  son said. “I’m trying to get  He  has  slipped  so  far  from
            over  the  past  few  weeks,  picture  of  the  146th  edi-  of  the  Masters,  wrenched  back to that point. It’s defi-  the dominant force in golf
            yeah, that’s probably a fair  tion  of  the  British  Open,   his back and didn’t swing a  nitely a lot harder.”    —  McIlroy  hasn’t  been  at
            enough  price.  But  again,  which  starts  Thursday  at   club for a month.           When  he  won  the  British  No.  1  since  September
            all  it  takes  is  one  week  for  Royal Birkdale. Dustin John-  Jason Day ended last year  Open  down  the  coast  at  2015  —  that  he  could  win
            those odds to go back.”      son, the No. 1 player in the   at  No.  1  in  the  world,  and  Royal  Liverpool  in  2014,  the next two majors and still
            He has been through these  world,  and  Jordan  Spieth    then  found  himself  emo-   McIlroy  mentioned  an  ad-  probably  not  reach  John-
            mini-slumps   more    than  have taken turns as the fa-   tionally  wrapped  up  in  age he first heard from Tom  son at the top of the rank-
            once in the 10 years since  vorite by the bookies. Right   tending to his mother, who  Weiskopf. When a player is  ing.
            he  first  played  the  British  behind  them  is  Jon  Rahm,   was  diagnosed  with  lung  going well, he can’t imag-  His  odds  would  certainly
            Open  at  Carnoustie.  McIl-  the  dynamic  22-year-old   cancer.                      ine what it was like to play  get  better,  just  like  when
            roy missed four of five cuts  from  Spain  who  already   McIlroy wouldn’t have seen  poorly.  And  when  he’s  he  was  the  favorite  at  just
            in  2012,  including  his  title  has  won  twice  this  year.   this  coming  at  the  end  of  playing  badly,  he  can’t  about  every  major.  He  still
            defense  in  the  U.S.  Open,  Masters  champion  Sergio   last year when he won the  imagine what it was like to  remembers those days.
            and ended the summer by  Garcia is right up there.        FedEx Cup.                   play great.                  “When  you  ride  on  the
            winning  the  PGA  Champi-   There is no clear favorite.  “But  these  things  sort  of  So where is he now?        crest of a wave, it’s easy to
            onship to return to No. 1 in  There is no clear plot that is   crop  up  out  of  nowhere  “I feel like I can hit the ball  get  caught  up  with  those
            the world.                   any different from the pre-  and they challenge us,” he  in  the  fairway,  and  from  expectations and you start
            This one has been the most  vious  few  majors,  except   said.                        there  I  can  hit  the  ball  on  believing  them,”  he  said.
            aggravating because it in-   for the U.S. Open held on a   Maybe  it’s  one  shot,  one  the  green,”  McIlroy  said.  “When  I  won  those  three
            volves injury.               new course in Wisconsin.     round,  one  week  to  get  “And if I get my line, I can  tournaments  in  ‘14  and
            The  hairline  rib  fracture  he  Johnson was close to being   that  spark.  That’s  what  put the ball in the hole from  I  was  where  I  was  in  the
            suffered  in  January  during  a dominant figure when he   Johnson is looking for since  there.  So  it’s  not  bad.  It’s  game, of course I thought,
            the  South  African  Open  is  won  three  straight  tourna-  his return from back injury.  not as if I can’t see myself  ‘OK,  I  really  can  keep  this
            no  longer  an  issue,  but  it  ments against the strongest   “It’s taken me a long time  shooting a good score. It’s  going.’q

            Pliskova,  Murray  lead  direct-entry

            fields for U.S. Open

            WHITE  PLAINS,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  Muguruza,  Petra  Kvitova,  Sloane  Stephens,  Anna-
            New  WTA  No.  1  Karolina  Francesca  Schiavone,  Vic-   Lena  Friedsam,  Alja  Toml-
            Pliskova  and  top-ranked  toria Azarenka and Jelena  janovic  and  Sabine  Lisicki
            man  Andy  Murray  head-     Ostapenko.  There  are  13  used  a  special  ranking  to
            line the direct entry lists for  Americans  among  the  99  get into the main draw.
            the U.S. Open. Pliskova, the  women  receiving  direct  Murray,  who  won  his  first
            2016  runner-up  at  Flushing  entry, more than any other  major title at the U.S. Open
            Meadows, is joined by four  country. Six-time U.S. Open  in  2012,  is  joined  by  these
            past U.S. Open champions:  champion  Serena  Williams  other  past  champs  in  the
            Angelique  Kerber,  Venus  (pregnant)  and  Bethanie  field:  Roger  Federer,  Ra-
            Williams,  Sam  Stosur  and  Mattek-Sands  (knee  sur-    fael  Nadal,  Novak  Djokov-  In this Tuesday, July 4, 2017 file photo Czech Republic’s Karolina
            Svetlana Kuznetsova. Other  gery) are among the wom-      ic,  Stan  Wawrinka,  Marin  Pliskova celebrates after beating Russia’s Evgeniya Rodina dur-
            past  Grand  Slam  cham-     en who will not be compet-   Cilic  and  Juan  Martin  del  ing their Women’s Singles Match on day two at the Wimbledon
            pions  in  the  field:  Garbine  ing in New York. Azarenka,  Potro.q                   Tennis Championships in London.
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