P. 15
LOCAL Thursday 20 July 2017
Aruba Announces Caribbean’s Largest Vow Renewal
EAGLE BEACH - The roman-
tic island of Aruba invites
lovebirds to “Renew their
I Do’s” this summer on the
world’s No. 3 beach. As
Aruba’s sun sets on Eagle
Beach, Tuesday, Aug. 8,
couples from around the
globe will celebrate their
love during the Caribbe-
an’s largest vow renewal
The event’s chic ambiance
and décor will be inspired
by real destination wed-
dings in Aruba, and couples
are encouraged to em-
brace their inner bride and
groom – donning white at-
tire with pops of Caribbean
color. Participants will enjoy
a complimentary ceremo-
ny with champagne, hors
d’oeuvres and local music.
“From the Empire State
Building to Times Square,
Aruba has brought its
world-famous love and
happiness to some of the Aruba Tourism Authority. one of the most beloved tiative, several hoteliers are this August.
most iconic U.S. locations in “This year, Aruba is pleased spots on our “One happy offering vacation specials For more information, visit
recent years,” said Ronella to share romance and island.” to those who choose to
Tjin Asjoe-Croes, CEO of the warmth at Eagle Beach, A true destination-wide ini- Renew Their I Do’s in Aruba