P. 10
Thursday 20 July 2017
Clashes erupt between rebels, al-Qaida in northwest Syria
By PHILIP ISSA switch to heavier weap- seized the next town over, over mainstream support down displays of the green,
Associated Press onry such as tanks, artillery, al-Dana, according to in opposition-held parts of white, and black tricolor in
BEIRUT (AP) — Fierce clash- and suicide bombings. the extremists’ own Abaa’ Syria. It was “another nod favor of its own black flag.
es between Syrian rebels Local media activist Ah- News Agency, mean- toward moderation,” said It also abides by a harsh ju-
and al-Qaida-linked mili- mad Abazeid said a pow- ing they could still control Syria analyst Sam Heller, dicial code.
tants spread through north- erful and conservative the movement of goods after the group pledged to The jihadis fired on demon-
west Syria on Wednesday, rebel faction called Ahrar through Idlib, the opposi- adopt an internationalized strators waving the tricolor
as the two sides jostled for al-Sham had consolidated tion-held province in north- judicial code for its courts. flag in province’s capital,
control over an important control over Sarmada after western Syria that is home Factions in rebel Syria often also called Idlib, on Tues-
border town. seizing the offices of the al- to close to a million Syrians compete with one another day, sparking the clashes,
At least 11 people, among Qaida-linked Levant Liber- displaced by fighting.The to run the courts in their re- said the Observatory.
them 3 civilians, were killed, ation Committee. Sarmada infighting comes days af- spective zones of influence. The Observatory also re-
according to the Britain- controls trade through the ter Ahrar al-Sham adopted But the shift has alienated ported fighting around
based Syrian Observatory vital Bab al-Hawa cross- the tricolor Syrian rebel flag the al-Qaida-linked group, Saraqib, Salqin and oth-
for Human Rights. The toll ing with Turkey. But the Le- beside its own white jihadist which dominates Idlib er towns dotting Idlib
could climb as the rivals vant Liberation Committee flag as it endeavors to win province and often pulls province.q
Iraqi PM: Rights violations in Mosul were ‘individual acts’
By SINAN SALAHEDDIN fame us and the security
Associated Press forces.” The prime minister
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi did not cite or detail any
forces committed human single incident. Daesh is
rights violations during the the Arabic acronym for IS.
battle to retake the city of “Any violation against the
Mosul from the Islamic State law or any violation against
group, the country’s prime a person’s dignity is not
minister acknowledged, acceptable and we will
but insisted that these were chase them (perpetrators)
“individual acts” for which down,” he added. “These
the perpetrators would be are individual acts and not
punished. The remarks by widespread and we will
Haider al-Abadi, at a late not tolerate such acts.”
night press conference Iraqi security forces are also
on Tuesday, came after accused by Human Rights
shocking videos emerged Watch of forcibly moving
on social media following dozens of women and chil-
the victory in Mosul and dren with alleged links to IS
showing troops throwing to a tent camp near Mosul
captured IS suspects off that authorities describe as
a high wall, then shooting a “rehabilitation camp.”
their bodies below. Samaher Saddam cleans the entrance of her damaged house in the west side of Mosul, Iraq. The The New York-based
The U.S.-backed nearly 9-month fight to defeat the Islamic State group in Mosul ended in a crescendo of devastation. watchdog said the camp
nine-month-old campaign (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) in Bartella, around 20 kilo-
for Mosul is mired in viola- meters (12 miles) east of
tions committed by gov- killings for IS suspects to Abadi last week declared Al-Abadi speculated that Mosul, had been opened
ernment forces and para- forced displacement and “total victory” in Mosul. soldiers who committed recently, following a gov-
militaries that international detention to civilians. Another video showed a such violations were either ernment directive to have
human rights groups have The most recent evi- soldier gunning down an “ignorant” of the conse- IS family members undergo
decried as war crimes, dence are the videos that unarmed man kneeling in quences or had struck a “psychological and ideo-
ranging from extrajudicial emerged even after al- front of a car. deal with Daesh “to de- logical rehabilitation.”q
Saudis release woman in viral miniskirt video without charge
By AYA BATRAWY its prosecution system un- tion brought to the case and showing her hair. told investigators that the
Associated Press der a new, young heir to may have helped lead to Saudi rules require all wom- video posted on social me-
DUBAI, United Arab Emir- the throne who has taken her quick release. Some en living in the kingdom, in- dia was published without
ates (AP) — Saudi Arabia steps to try and modernize women fleeing allegedly cluding foreigners, to wear her knowledge.
announced Wednesday the country and its pub- abusive families have lan- long, loose robes known “She was released without
that a woman who was de- lic image. The viral video guished in prison without as abayas in public. Most charge and the case has
tained after wearing a mini- and the reaction to it in charge, and others in the Saudi women also wear been closed by the prose-
skirt in a video that went vi- Saudi Arabia prompted past have been imprisoned a headscarf and veil that cutor,” the statement said.
ral has been released with- police to bring the woman for defying Saudi Arabia’s covers the face. It is common in Saudi Ara-
out charge. in for questioning for wear- ban on women driving. A statement released by bia to see heavily blurred or
The decision not to press ing “immodest clothes” in The young woman drew at- the Center for International pixelated images of wom-
charges was a rare win violation of the kingdom’s tention over the weekend Communication said po- en’s faces on billboards
for supporters of women’s conservative Islamic dress when the video appeared lice released the woman, and storefronts — in stark
rights in Saudi Arabia, who code.Her release from de- online showing her walking who was not named. It says contrast to the many tow-
criticized the public outcry tention without charge in a historic village north of she was released Tuesday ering images of senior male
against her. It also comes suggests that the subse- the capital, Riyadh, wear- evening after a few hours royals displayed across the
as Saudi Arabia overhauls quent international atten- ing a miniskirt and crop top, of questioning and that she country.q