P. 8

                   Thursday 20 July 2017
            ‘I’m your boss’: French military chief quits in Macron spat

                                                                                                   deepened warnings about  spokesman called him well-
                                                                                                   Macron’s      authoritarian  suited for Macrons’ reform-
                                                                                                   tendencies.  It  could  also  focused strategy. Macron’s
                                                                                                   foreshadow  similar  chal-   office sought to play down
                                                                                                   lenges  for  Macron  as  he  tensions over de Villiers de-
                                                                                                   tries  to  reduce  the  deficit  parture,  even  as  French
                                                                                                   and government spending  defense         commentators
                                                                                                   and shake up the stagnant  described     their   dispute
                                                                                                   economy.                     as  a  serious  crisis.  While
                                                                                                   Gen.  Pierre  De  Villiers  sub-  Macron  has  promised  to
                                                                                                   mitted  his  resignation  to  boost defense spending to
                                                                                                   Macron at a security coun-   2  percent  of  gross  domes-
                                                                                                   cil  meeting  Wednesday,  tic product by 2025 as part
                                                                                                   saying  in  a  letter  that  he  of  France’s  commitments
                                                                                                   could no longer guarantee  to NATO, his budget minis-
                                                                                                   enough  resources  to  en-   ter  last  week  announced
                                                                                                   sure that French forces can  a  reduction  of  870  million
                                                                                                   meet growing threats.        euros  in  military  spend-
                                                                                                   Macron replaced him with  ing  this  year  as  part  of  an
                                                                                                   Gen.  Francois  Lecointre,  a  overall  expense  squeeze.
                                                                                                   career  military  officer,  as  De Villiers lashed out at the
            In this July 14, 2017 photo, French Army Chief of Staff, General Pierre de Villiers, and French   the new chief of staff of the  spending  curbs  during  a
            President Emmanuel Macron stand in the command car during the annual Bastille Day military   armed  forces,  replacing  closed-door  parliamentary
            parade on the Champs Elysees avenue in Paris. France’s military chief has quit over a dispute   Gen. Pierre de Villiers.  commission  meeting,  ac-
            with Macron over defense spending, in a new challenge to Macron’s administration and his   Lecointre  served  in  Sara-  cording to leaked reports.
            economic reforms.                                                                      jevo  during  the  Yugosla-  Without  naming  him  di-
                                                                  (Etienne Laurent/Pool Photo via AP)  via  wars  in  the  1990s,  in  rectly,  Macron  upbraided
            By ANGELA CHARLTON           cron made it clear that he  over  budget  cuts  —  and  Rwanda  in  the  1990s  and  de Villiers, saying to military
            Associated Press             will brook little dissent from  was quickly replaced by a  recently led the EU military  officials:  “It  is  not  dignified
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Let there be  subordinates  in  a  standoff  general seen as more “Ma-  training  mission  in  Mali  to  to  air  certain  debates  in
            no doubt who is in charge  that  climaxed  Wednes-        cron-friendly.”              help  fight  Islamic  extrem-  the  public  sphere.  I  made
            of France.                   day  when  the  disgruntled  The  unusual  upheaval  rat-  ists,  according  to  the  gov-  commitments  (to  budget
            President  Emmanuel  Ma-     French  military  chief  quit  tled the French military and  ernment.  The  government  cuts). I am your boss.”q

                EU closer to sanctions on Poland over changes in judiciary

            By MONIKA SCISLOWSKA                                                                                                dom,  equality,  democra-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    cy!”
            WARSAW,      Poland    (AP)                                                                                         They  urged  President  An-
            —  The  European  Union  is                                                                                         drzej Duda to veto the draft
            coming  closer  to  imposing                                                                                        legislation.
            sanctions on Poland for the                                                                                         It was the latest in a string of
            government’s controversial                                                                                          conflicts  that  has  exposed
            attempt to take control of                                                                                          the deepening political di-
            the judiciary, a senior EU of-                                                                                      vide  in  Poland  since  Law
            ficial  warned  Wednesday,                                                                                          and  Justice  won  power  in
            as new street protests and                                                                                          2015. The proposed bill calls
            heated debate erupted in                                                                                            for the immediate dismissal
            the Polish parliament.                                                                                              of  the  current  Supreme
            The ruling conservative and                                                                                         Court judges, except those
            populist  Law  and  Justice                                                                                         chosen by the justice minis-
            Party  had  been  rushing  to                                                                                       ter. It would give the justice
            get  parliament’s  approval                                                                                         minister  the  power  to  ap-
            for a contentious draft law                                                                                         point the key court’s judg-
            that  would  reorganize  the                                                                                        es.  In  a  proposed  amend-
            nation’s highest court.                                                                                             ment, the Law and Justice
            But it has had to slow down                                                                                         has switched those powers
            after  vehement  objection                                                                                          to the president.
            from the opposition, alarm                                                                                          The  ruling  party,  led  by
            from  the  EU  and  mass                                                                                            Jaroslaw  Kaczynski,  insists
            peaceful  protests  against   Thousands  of  anti-government  protesters  hold  lit  candles  in  front  of  the  Supreme  Court  in  a   that  its  reforms  will  intro-
                                         continuation  of  protest  in  Warsaw,  Poland.  The  European  Union  is  coming  closer  to  imposing
            the measure.                 sanctions on Poland for the government’s controversial attempt to take control of the judiciary, a   duce  “good  change”  ex-
            After  a  tense  debate  in   senior EU official warned Wednesday.                                                  pected by the people who
            parliament,  lawmakers  on                                                             (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)  voted them in.
            Wednesday  voted  over-                                                                                             It  also  argues  that  the  ju-
            whelmingly  to  send  the  Opposition legislators have  dence  and  destroys  the  protests  in  Warsaw  and  diciary  still  works  along
            draft  bill  on  the  Supreme  proposed    1,300  amend-  democratic principle of the  other  cities  in  defense  of  communist-era   principles
            Court  for  more  work  by  ments  to  the  draft,  which  separation  of  the  judiciary  democracy and judicial in-  and  needs  radical  reforms
            a  special  parliamentary  they say violates the consti-  from the executive branch.   dependence, chanting         and  new  people  to  be
            commission.                  tution, kills judicial indepen-  Crowds  have  held  street  “Free  courts!”  and  “Free-  efficient.q
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