P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 20 July 2017

            On hot mic, Israeli PM raps ‘crazy’ EU, admits Syria strikes

            By PABLO GORONDI                                                                                                    he  added.  EU-Israel  rela-
            ILAN BEN ZION                                                                                                       tions  have  been  tense  for
            Associated Press                                                                                                    years,  with  Jerusalem  feel-
            BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) —                                                                                            ing  that  Brussels  is  target-
            Israeli Prime Minister Benja-                                                                                       ing its policies far too much
            min Netanyahu was caught                                                                                            while being too soft on the
            Wednesday by a live micro-                                                                                          Palestinians.  While  the  EU
            phone  railing  against  the                                                                                        is the main trading partner
            European  Union’s  “crazy”                                                                                          for Israel, frictions have per-
            insistence  on  resolving  the                                                                                      sisted. Relations took a dive
            Israeli-Palestinian   conflict                                                                                      in  November  2015  after  Is-
            as a precondition for closer                                                                                        rael derided a decision by
            ties.                                                                                                               the  bloc  to  label  products
            Netanyahu  was  meeting                                                                                             made in Jewish settlements
            with leaders of Poland, Hun-                                                                                        in the West Bank.
            gary,  the  Czech  Republic                                                                                         The  EU  doesn’t  recognize
            and Slovakia at a regional                                                                                          Israeli sovereignty over ter-
            summit.  Netanyahu  was                                                                                             ritories  it  captured  in  the
            discussing Iran, Syria, the Is-                                                                                     1967  Mideast  war,  includ-
            lamic State group, and EU-                                                                                          ing the West Bank and east
            Israel  relations  when  some                                                                                       Jerusalem,  where  the  Pal-
            of  his  comments  —  and                                                                                           estinians  hope  to  establish
            those  of  other  leaders  at                                                                                       a state. It has been a vocal
            the  meeting  closed  to  the   Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,   critic  of  Israel’s  settlement
            media — were accidental-     Polish  Prime  Minister  Beata  Szydlo,  Slovakian  Prime  Minister  Robert  Fico  and  Hungarian  Prime   construction  and  has  ad-
            ly broadcast to journalists in   Minister Viktor Orban, left to right, shake hands during the meeting of Netanyahu and the Visegrad   opted  measures  mandat-
            another room.                Group’s (V4) Prime Ministers in the Pesti Vigado building in Budapest, Hungary, Wednesday, July   ing  the  labeling  of  goods
            Netanyahu     also   made    19, 2017. Netanyahu is staying on a four-day official visit in Hungary.                produced  in  West  Bank
            a  rare  public  admission                                                                 (Balazs Mohai/MTI via AP)  settlements.  “The  Europe-
            that  Israel  has  struck  Ira-  “it’s crazy. I think it’s actual-  Europe  is  undermining  its  ate  conditions  (for  peace  an  Union  is  the  only  asso-
            nian  arms  convoys  in  Syria  ly crazy” that the 28-nation  security  by  undermining  Is-  with the Palestinians),” said  ciation  of  countries  in  the
            bound  for  Hezbollah  “doz-  bloc  maintains  that  resolv-  rael. Europe is undermining  Netanyahu.  European  ties  world  that  conditions  the
            ens and dozens of times.”    ing  the  Israeli-Palestinian  its  progress  by  undermin-  with Israel would determine  relations  with  Israel  —  that
            The  Israeli  premier  was  conflict must come before  ing  the  connection  with  whether  the  28-member  produces  technology  in
            overheard blasting the EU’s  closer trade ties.           Israeli  innovation  because  union would “live and thrive  every  area  —  on  political
            approach  to  Israel,  saying  “There  is  no  logic  here.  of a crazy attempt to cre-  or  shrivel  and  disappear,”  conditions. The only ones.q

            Qatar official faults ‘disorganized’ conduct by Arab rivals

            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  including  shuttering  the  dangerous  and  disorga-      safe  havens  for  radical  tions  for  damages  alleg-
            ates  (AP)  —  A  govern-    Arabic  news  network  Al-   nized manner in which the  groups, and suspending all  edly caused by its policies.
            ment  official  in  Qatar  said  Jazeera,  which  Qatar  dis-  illegal  blockade  has  been  acts  of  provocation  and  The  four  countries  accuse
            Wednesday  that  the  four  missed  as  an  infringement  conducted,” he said in an  speeches inciting hatred or  Qatar of supporting groups
            Arab countries isolating the  on its sovereignty.         emailed response to ques-    violence.                    like  the  Muslim  Brother-
            tiny Gulf nation have acted  Sheikh  Saif  Al  Thani,  direc-  tions  from  The  Associated  Qatar  denies  it  has  ever  hood,  and  say  Qatar  has
            dangerously and in a “dis-   tor  of  Qatar’s  government  Press.  “At  first  there  were  sponsored  or  supported  given citizenship to wanted
            organized  manner”  after  communications         office,  no demands, but following  terror  groups  and  says  the  Brotherhood members and
            apparently  changing  their  said the four countries have  pressure  from  mediating  accusations  are  politically  other Islamists.
            demands.  Saudi  Arabia,  “regularly issued conflicting  countries,  the  blockaders  motivated.                    The small Gulf country’s for-
            the  United  Arab  Emirates,  statements.”                leaked  a  list  of  demands  Not on this list are the more  eign policy stances have at
            Egypt  and  Bahrain  said  He  said  there  has  been  that  was  quickly  deemed  specific demands from the  times  sharply  contradicted
            Tuesday that Qatar should  no  official  communication  neither reasonable nor ac-     original  13  points  that  Qa-  Saudi and Emirati policy in
            commit  to  six  principles  made  to  Qatar  directly  or  tionable,” he added.       tar close down Al-Jazeera,  the Middle East. Qatar has
            on  combatting  terrorism  via the United States or Ku-   The  apparently  new  list  of  curb ties with Iran, kick out  backed  Islamist  opposition
            and  negotiate  a  plan  to  wait,  which  have  tried  to  six demands includes com-  troops from NATO member  groups  across  the  region,
            implement  them.  The  four  mediate the crisis.          mitments  to  combatting  Turkey,  which  has  a  base  which  Saudi  Arabia,  the
            countries had initially made  “These  latest  comments  extremism  and  terrorism,  in  Qatar,  expel  wanted  UAE  and  Egypt  deem  a
            13  sweeping  demands,  are another example of the  preventing  financing  and  Islamists  and  pay  repara-        threat.q
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