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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 20 July 2017

            NJ Transit weighs disciplinary actions over canceled trains

             By MICHAEL CATALINI                                                                                                NJ  Transit.  He  said  he  re-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   ceived  1,200  pages  in  re-
             TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New                                                                                           sponse to a request, which
             Jersey  Transit  is  weighing                                                                                      he called “unacceptable.”
             whether it can pursue disci-                                                                                       Santoro said after the hear-
             plinary action against train                                                                                       ing  the  agency  has  been
             engineers after a manpow-                                                                                          busy  with  train  operations
             er shortage forced dozens                                                                                          but  would  comply  with
             of  ride  cancellations  this                                                                                      McKeon’s request.
             week  amid  summerlong                                                                                             The  hearing,  which  also
             track  work  at  New  York’s                                                                                       included  testimony  from
             Penn  Station,  an  agency                                                                                         officials  at  Amtrak,  PATH
             official   told   lawmakers                                                                                        commuter  trains  and  the
             Wednesday.                                                                                                         New York Waterway, came
             NJ  Transit  Executive  Direc-                                                                                     amid  the  second  week  of
             tor  Steve  Santoro  said  at                                                                                      extensive repairs at the na-
             a  joint  Assembly-Senate                                                                                          tion’s busiest rail station.
             oversight  committee  that                                                                                         Lawmakers and an Amtrak
             there were 40 total cancel-                                                                                        official said the first week of
             lations  Sunday  and  Mon-                                                                                         work  went  better  than  ex-
             day and that he will meet                                                                                          pected.
             later  this  week  with  union                                                                                     “The summer from hell has
             leaders.                                                                                                           not been quite as hot as ex-
             The  union  contract  spells                                                                                       pected,” Democratic state
             out  the  process  for  disci-  Noah Efron, left, checks his watch while waiting for a New Jersey Transit train, Tuesday, July 18,   Sen.  Bob  Gordon  said,  re-
                                         2017, in Princeton Junction, N.J. Efron said he waited an hour for a train that didn’t come. Some
             pline, Santoro said after the   New Jersey Transit trains have been canceled this week during the summerlong repair work at   ferring to Democratic New
             Democrat-led  hearing.  “If   Penn Station in New York because engineers are exercising contract rights that allow them to take   York  Gov.  Andrew  Cuo-
             it’s  appropriate,  disciplin-  two days to report for work when schedule changes are made.                        mo’s  comment  earlier  this
             ary  action  will  occur  con-                                                             (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)  year  anticipating  a  “sum-
             sistent  with  the  contract,”   got  heated  when  discuss-  were  “screwing”  NJ  Transit  man John McKeon said he  mer of hell.”
             he said.                    ing the canceled trains. Re-  customers  by  not  working  would issue the panel’s first  Aside  from  the  NJ  Transit’s
             It’s  unclear  how  many  of   publican state Sen. Joe Ky-  earlier this week.        subpoena  later  this  week  staffing  issues,  there  was
             the cancellations stemmed   rillos fumed about workers,  “That  is  the  end  product,”  for  correspondence  be-  general  agreement  that
             from  engineers  exercising   at one point asking Santoro  Santoro said.              tween  Republican  Gov.  the  first  week  of  the  track
             a  contract  provision  that   whether  it  was  true  they  Democratic   Assembly-   Chris  Christie’s  office  and  work went well. q
             allows  them  to  take  two
             days  to  report  for  work
             are  made.  But  vacations  Surging wildfire rages near Yosemite park
             when  schedule  changes

             and the summer track work
             also may have been a fac-   By SCOTT SMITH               night from about 40 square  its  busy  summer  season,  California  fire  spokesman
             tor, Santoro said.          Associated Press             miles  (100  kilometers)  to  and rangers warned visitors  Jordan Motta said. The fire
             The head of the union said   MARIPOSA,  Calif.  (AP)  —  more than 70 square miles  with  respiratory  problems  has forced more than 4,000
             NJ  Transit  portrayed  its   A  surging  wildfire  raced  (180 square kilometers), the  to be mindful of the haze,  people from homes in and
             workers negatively, “imply-  through  California  moun-  California  Department  of  Gediman      said.   Among  around  a  half-dozen  small
             ing  that  engineers  simply   tains  and  foothills  west  of  Forestry and Fire Protection  park  visitors  Gediman  talk-  communities, officials said.
             do  not  want  to  come  to   Yosemite  National  Park  on  said. At its closest, the blaze  ed to, “people understand  Heavy  smoke  hung  in  the
             work.”                      Wednesday,  forcing  thou-   was still about 35 miles from  fire is a naturally occurring  air  over  Mariposa,  a  town
             “In  fact,  the  opposite  is  sands  to  flee  tiny,  Gold  the  boundary  of  Yosem-  thing,”  he  said.  “Nobody  of  2,000  with  century-old
             true,”  said  James  Brown,  Rush-era towns and wafting  ite,  where  campgrounds  was  upset  about  it.”  Yo-    wooden     buildings,   in-
             chairman  of  the  Brother-  smoky haze over the park’s  are open, park spokesman  semite  does  not  appear  cluding  what’s  touted  as
             hood  of  Locomotive  Engi-  landmark  Half  Dome  rock  Scott  Gediman  said.  The  at  risk  from  the  fire,  which  the  oldest  active  court-
             neers and Trainmen.         face.  The  4-day-old  blaze  fire  closed  one  of  several  was moving south Wednes-  house  west  of  the  Rocky
             One lawmaker in particular   nearly doubled in size over-  roads  into  the  park  during  day,  away  from  the  park,  Mountains.q
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