P. 2

                   Thursday 20 July 2017
                 US-China trade talks close without breakthrough                                                                 Iran’s president

                                                                                                                                says country will
            By PAUL WISEMAN              said  the  world’s  two  big-  economy.”                  Chair  Janet  Yellen,  Com-   ‘stand up to’ US
            JOSH BOAK                    gest  economies  need  to  After  taking  office,  the  merce  Secretary  Wilbur
            AP Economics Writers         cooperate  and  warned  Trump             administration  Ross,  U.S.  Trade  Rep.  Rob-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  that “confrontation will im-   reached  an  agreement  ert Lighthizer and President      By NASSER KARIMI
            and  Chinese  officials  on  mediately damage the in-     with China to continue the  Donald Trump’s son-in-law,    Associated Press
            Wednesday  wrapped  up  terests of both.”                 high-level  meetings  that  Jared  Kushner,  a  White     TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s
            high-level   talks   without  Treasury  Secretary  Steven  were begun in the George  House adviser.                 president said Wednesday
            announcing  any  break-      Mnuchin  called  for  Beijing  W. Bush administration and  In  a  statement  after  the   that  it  will  stand  up  to  the
            throughs  on  the  conten-   to provide more access to  continued  in  the  Obama  meeting, Mnuchin said the        United  States  and  recipro-
            tious  economic  issues  that  U.S.  firms  and  to  help  re-  administration.        two  countries  agreed  to   cate for any new sanctions
            divide them.                 duce America’s trade defi-   A  one-day  session  on  se-  “work cooperatively” to re-  that  Washington  imposes
            The  daylong  talks  at  the  cit with China.             curity   issues   was   held  duce  the  American  trade   on the Islamic republic.
            Treasury  Department  be-    He  blamed  the  trade  gap  last  month.  The  session  deficit. Earlier, the two sides   Hassan  Rouhani’s  remarks
            gan with prickly comments  — $347 billion in goods last  Wednesday  covered  eco-      had  canceled  planned       came  a  day  after  the
            from  both  sides.  Chinese  year  —  on  “Chinese  gov-  nomic issues and included  news  conferences  without     Trump  administration  an-
            Vice  Premier  Wang  Yang  ernment  intervention  in  its  Mnuchin,  Federal  Reserve  saying why.q
                                                                                                                                nounced  new,  non-nucle-
                                                                                                                                ar  sanctions  while  at  the
            Trump’s embrace of Russia making top advisers wary                                                                  same time warning Tehran
                                                                                                                                that  it  would  face  con-
            By VIVIAN SALAMA                                                                                                    sequences  for  breaching
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “the  spirit”  of  the  nuclear
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            deal with world powers.
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  per-                                                                                         The  new  sanctions,  per-
                                                                                                                                ceived  as  the  latest  at-
            sistent  overtures  toward
            Russia  are  placing  him                                                                                           tempt  to  clamp  down  on
                                                                                                                                Iran’s  military  financing,
            increasingly  at  odds  with
            his  national  security  and                                                                                        target  18  Iranian  individu-
                                                                                                                                als and groups,
            foreign   policy   advisers,
            who  have  long  urged  a                                                                                           ranging from an Iran-based
                                                                                                                                company accused of aid-
            more  cautious  approach
            to dealing with the foreign                                                                                         ing  the  country’s  drone
                                                                                                                                program to a Turkey-based
            The  uneasy  dynamic  be-                                                                                           provider  of  naval  equip-
                                                                                                                                ment  and  a  China-based
            tween  the  president  and
            top aides has been exac-                                                                                            network  that  helped  se-
                                                                                                                                cure electronics for Tehran.
            erbated  by  the  revelation
            this  week  of  an  extended                                                                                        If  Washington,  under  any
                                                                                                                                pretext, imposes new sanc-
            dinner  conversation  be-
            tween  Trump  and  Russian                                                                                          tions  against  Iran,  “we  will
                                                                                                                                stand  up  to  the  United
            President  Vladimir  Putin  at
            the  recent  summit  in  Ger-                                                                                       States,” Rouhani said, add-
                                                                                                                                ing  that  the  “great  nation
            many.  The  previously  un-  In this July 7, 2017 photo, President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at
            disclosed    conversation,   the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. Trump’s persistent overtures toward Russia are placing him   of Iran will have an appro-
                                                                                                                                priate  answer”  and  that
            which  occurred  a  few      increasingly at odds with his national security and foreign policy advisers.
            hours after their official bi-                                                               (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  the  Iranian  parliament  will
                                                                                                                                also act.
            lateral meeting, raised red
            flags with advisers already   his favor and has dismissed  sia,  highlighting  a  lack  of  McMaster  and  other  na-  He  did  not  elaborate.  His
                                                                                                                                speech, at a weekly Cabi-
            concerned  by  the  presi-   investigations into the pos-  a clear policy. U.S. officials  tional  security  aides  also
            dent’s  tendency  to  shun   sibility of collusion between  echoed  that  sentiment,  advised     the   president   net  meeting,  was  broad-
                                                                                                                                cast on state TV.
            protocol and press ahead     his campaign and Moscow  with  one  saying  diplomats  against  holding  an  official
            with outreach toward Rus-    as a “witch hunt.”           and  intelligence  officials  bilateral  meeting  with  Pu-  Rouhani, a 68-year-old cler-
                                                                                                                                ic  and  political  moderate
            sia,  according  to  two  U.S.   Meanwhile, he has pushed  were  “dumbfounded”  by  tin.
            officials and three top for-  for  cooperation  between  the  president’s  approach,  In  a  highly  unusual  move,   who secured a resounding
                                                                                                                                re-election over a hard-line
            eign officials.              Moscow  and  Washington  particularly  given  the  evi-   McMaster  did  not  attend
            The officials spoke only on   on  various  matters  includ-  dence  of  Russia’s  election  the  bilateral  meeting  with   opponent in May,
                                                                                                                                has been increasingly out-
            condition  of  anonymity  to   ing  the  raging  conflict  in  meddling.               Putin.  Only  Trump,  Secre-
            discuss  private  conversa-  Syria.  But  some  top  aides,  McMaster  expressed  his  tary  of  State  Rex  Tillerson   spoken  against  the  U.S.,
                                                                                                                                calling relations with Wash-
            tions.                       including  National  Security  disapproval   of   Trump’s  and  a  translator  made  up
            Deep divisions are increas-  Adviser  Gen.  H.R.  McMas-  course  to  foreign  officials  the U.S. side.            ington “a curvy road” even
                                                                                                                                as he touts the 2015 nucle-
            ingly  apparent  within  the   ter,  have  been  warning  during  the  lead-up  to  his  Meetings  with  such  critical
            administration  on  the  best   that Putin is not to be trust-  trip  to  Germany.  The  gen-  national  security  implica-  ar accord.
                                                                                                                                The  Trump  administration
            way to approach Moscow       ed. An intelligence officer-  eral  specifically  said  he’d  tions  typically  include  a
            in the midst  of U.S. investi-  turned-politician,  McMas-  disagreed with Trump’s de-  broader  team,  including   on Monday confirmed that
                                                                                                                                Iran had met its obligations
            gations  into  Russian  med-  ter  is  known  for  steering  cision  to  hold  an  Oval  Of-  the national security advis-
            dling in the American presi-  discussions in his own favor.  fice  meeting  in  May  with  er and a regional specialist   under the nuclear deal but
                                                                                                                                warned it would face con-
            dential election. Trump has   The  three  foreign  officials  top  Russian  diplomats  and  from  the  National  Security
            repeatedly  cast  doubt  on   who have spoken with top  with the president’s gener-    Council — in this case, the   sequences  for  breaching
                                                                                                                                “the spirit” of the accord —
            the  conclusion  of  U.S.  in-  Trump  advisers  described  al reluctance to speak out  head  of  the  Russia  direc-
            telligence  agencies  that   a  disconnect,  or  “mixed  against  Russian  aggression  torate,  a  position  recently   a  reference  to  Iran’s  con-
                                                                                                                                tinued pursued of a ballistic
            the  Russian  government     signals,”  between  Trump  in Europe, according to the  filled by Russia expert Fiona
            sought to tip the election in   and  his  team  over  Rus-  three foreign officials.   Hill. q                      missile program. q
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