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U.S. NEWS Thursday 20 July 2017
Trump campaign inner circle called before Senate committees
The lawyer, Natalia Vesel- share everything I want- attended.
nitskaya, also said Wednes- ed to tell Mr. Trump,” she Warner said “it’s still be-
day she was ready to testify added. That appeared to ing worked out” whether
before the U.S. Senate and be a reference to Vesel- some of his committee’s
“clarify the situation.” nitskaya’s previous state- more high-profile wit-
The meeting raised new ment that the meeting with nesses, including Trump
questions about the Trump Trump Jr. focused on U.S.- Jr. and Manafort, should
campaign’s possible ties to Russian adoption policies testify publicly or privately.
Moscow, which are being and a U.S. sanctions law. The Senate and House in-
scrutinized by federal and Veselnitskaya has denied telligence panels conduct
congressional investigators. working for the Russian most of their interviews in
These questions have only government. She has not private, but occasionally
intensified as the identities responded to repeated at- hold open hearings.
of other Russia-connected tempts by The Associated Warner said Trump Jr. has
participants have become Press to reach her for com- “no security clearances
known. ment. Congressional inves- that I am aware of, so he
In this July 17, 2016 photo, Trump Campaign Chairman Paul “I am ready to clarify the tigators in both parties have should be able to testify in
Manafort talks to reporters on the floor of the Republican Na- situation behind the mass said they want to hear from public.”
tional Convention at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. Donald hysteria, but only through those involved in the meet- The GOP chairman of Sen-
Trump Jr. is scheduled to appear July 26 before the Senate Ju- lawyers or testifying in the ing. The top Democrat on ate Judiciary panel, Iowa
diciary Committee along with former campaign chairman Paul
Manafort, according to a witness list released by the panel. Senate,” Veselnitskaya said the Senate intelligence Sen. Chuck Grassley, told
(AP Photo/Matt Rourke) in an interview broadcast panel, Virginia’s Mark War- Iowa reporters Wednes-
Wednesday on Kremlin- ner, said Wednesday after- day that he’s been talking
Continued from front received the request funded RT television. noon that the panel hasn’t to Trump Jr.’s lawyer and
Wednesday afternoon “If the Senate wishes to yet invited Veselnitskaya to “didn’t get any pushback”
That meeting will appar- and is reading it over. hear the real story, I will be testify, but he wants to hear when suggesting he testify
ently take place behind The three men will almost happy to speak up and from her and others who this week. q
closed doors. certainly be asked about
Alan Futerfas, a lawyer for their attendance at a June
Trump Jr., did not immedi- 2016 meeting with a Rus-
ately respond to a request sian lawyer. That gathering
seeking comment about was arranged via emails
his scheduled testimony. that advertised it would
Manafort spokesman Ja- reveal damaging informa-
son Maloni said Manafort tion about Hillary Clinton.
Trump rages at Sessions in
New York Times interview
WASHINGTON (AP) — Times Wednesday.
President Donald Trump He tells the paper that Ses-
says he never would have sions’ decision to recuse
appointed Jeff Sessions himself from all matters re-
as attorney general had lated to Russia was “very
he known Sessions would unfair to the president.”
recuse himself from over- Trump also addresses the
seeing the Russia investi- conversation he had with
gation.Trump makes the Russian President Vladimir
extraordinary statement Putin during a dinner for
about Sessions in an in- world leaders at a summit
terview with the New York in Germany.q
Sen. McCain has brain tumor
WASHINGTON (AP) — Doc- therapy and radiation.
tors say Arizona Sen. John The senator has been re-
McCain has a brain tumor covering at his Arizona
associated with a blood home after doctors at the
clot that was removed last Mayo Clinic removed a
week. blood clot above his left
In a statement late eye.
Wednesday, doctors re- The doctors say McCain is
veal that McCain has been recovering from his surgery
diagnosed with glioblas- amazingly well and his un-
toma, an aggressive can- derlying health is excellent,
cer. The statement says the according to the state-
80-year-old senator and his ment.
family are reviewing fur- McCain was the GOP’s
ther treatment, including presidential nominee in
a combination of chemo- 2008. q